English First Paragraphs
A curse or a blessing!
A Dancer's Tale The Story of Phyllis Spira
A Fish and a Gift
A house for Mouse
A Tiny Seed The Story of Wangari Maathai
Adun, the beautiful
Amazing Daisy
Anansi and Wisdom
Animals of Uganda
Baby who cried
Byantaka and the dead pot
Chicken and Millipede (Level 3)
Crushed louse
Danger of abandoning a mother
Disagreement among occupations
Donkey Child
Elephant and Chameleon
Father and son
First man and first woman
Fox and Rooster
Friends become enemies
Goat and the hyena’s knife
Goat, the false king
Greedy Kiundu
Guilty conscience
Hare tricks Elephant again
Hen and Eagle
Holidays with grandmother
How tortoise’s nose became crooked
Hungry jackal and the sour grapes
Hyena and Tortoise
Kalabushe the talkative
Keeper and his special nursery
Ketty the naughty girl
King of the birds
Letter to mum
Little Ant’s big plan
Lory Dory
Maguru gives out legs
Mulongo and the hyenas
Mwari and the ogre
My first pair of shoes
My friend Coco
One hot Saturday afternoon
Otukolia fights Lingiri
Pontshibobo's tree (Colour-in)
Pontshibobo’s tree
Rain for Nomvula
Rooster and Hare
Rooster and Leopard
Singing the Truth The Story of Miriam Makeba
The baboons that went this way and that
The girl who got rich
The girl who played.
The girl with one breast
The Jungle School
The sick hyena
Vayu, the wind
We made a decision