English Longer Paragraphs
'M'e Maneo's pumpkin
An egg for bride wealth
Anansi and Turtle
Anansi and Vulture
Anansi gives people stories
Anansi, the crows, and the crocodiles
Animals dig a well
Day I left home for the city
Demane and Demazane
Forest of snakes
Grandma’s bananas
Grandmother and the Smelly Girl
Hare and Hyena
Hare and Tortoise (Again!)
How night came to Opio’s village
Jackal and the sun
Khayanga and her Gourd
King Kayanja and his daughter
Lazy Anansi
Lion and Warthog
Malasile and Wetsakhulya
Market cows
Mod the Toad
Mulongo and the ogre
Musau saves his father
My first day at the market
Nangila’s courage
Nonkungu and the imbulu
Nozibele and the three hairs
Our wonderful world
Ox and Donkey
Pam-Pam bird
Rabbit under the tree
Searching for the spirit of Spring
Sly jackal tricks the silly donkey
Thandi misses her school bus
The blacksmith's dilemma
The boy who nobody loved
The clever jackal and the foolish crow
The happy revival
The seventh sun A tribal tale from Odisha, India
The Smell Thief
The talking bag
The tree wife
Thoko's FantaPine Seed
Tselane and the giant
What Vusi's sister said
Young Palinyang’