Miscellaneous Studies: A Series of Essays
by Walter Horatio Pater
Charles L. Shadwell’s Preface
[1] The volume of Greek Studies, issued early in the present year, dealt with Mr. Pater’s contributions to the study of Greek art, mythology, and poetry. The present volume has no such unifying principle. Some of the papers would naturally find their place alongside of those collected in Imaginary Portraits, or in Appreciations, or in the Studies in the Renaissance. And there is no doubt, in the case of several of them, that Mr. Pater, if he had lived, would have subjected them to careful revision before allowing them to reappear in a permanent form. The task, which he left unexecuted, cannot now be taken up by any other hand. But it is hoped that students of his writings will be glad to possess, in a collected shape, what has hitherto only been accessible in the scattered volumes of magazines. It is with some hesitation that the paper on Diaphaneite, the last in this volume, has been added, as the only specimen known to [2] be preserved of those early essays of Mr. Pater’s, by which his literary gifts were first made known to the small circle of his Oxford friends.
Subjoined is a brief chronological list of his published writings. It will be observed how considerable a period, 1880 to 1885, was given up to the composition of Marius the Epicurean, the most highly finished of all his works, and the expression of his deepest thought.
August, 1895.