Religious Reality
By A.E.J. Rawlinson
Author’s Preface
This book has grown out of the writer’s experience in preparing men and officers in military hospitals for Confirmation. It represents, in a considerably expanded but–as it is hoped–still simple form, the kind of things which he would have wished to say to them, and to others with whom he was brought into contact, if he had had more time and opportunity than was usually afforded him. It seemed necessary to write the book, because there did not appear to be in existence any reasonably short book on similar lines which covered the ground of Christian faith and practice as a whole, and which approached the subject from the point of view which seems to the writer to be the most real.
The writer is consciously indebted in the first chapter to the discussion of our Lord’s teaching and character in Dr. T. B. Glover’s fascinating book, The Jesus of History. It is possible that there are other and unconscious obligations which have been overlooked. Here and there acknowledgment is made in footnotes, and an occasional phrase, “lifted” from some other writer, has been placed in inverted commas.
In Chapter VIII. of Part I. the author has echoed the thought, and to a certain extent the wording, of parts of his own essay on “The Principle of Authority” in Foundations.
For help in the correction of the proofs, and for criticisms and suggestions which have led to numerous modifications and improvements in matters of detail, the thanks of the writer are due to various friends, and more particularly to his brother, Lieutenant A. C. Rawlinson, of the Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars; to the Rev. Austin Thompson, Vicar of S. Peter’s, Eaton Square; and to the Rev. Leonard Hodgson, Vice-Principal of S. Edmund Hall, Oxford.
November, 1917.