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Audiobooks by Valerio Di Stefano: Single Download - Complete Download [TAR] [WIM] [ZIP] [RAR] - Alphabetical Download  [TAR] [WIM] [ZIP] [RAR] - Download Instructions

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Three Lectures on Gaelic Topics <h4>Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition</h4> <h1>Three Lectures on Gaelic Topics</h1> <h2>Author: P&aacute;draic H. Pearse</h2> <hr> <h2>Gaelic Prose Literature <blockquote><p>[Footnote: Read in March, 1897]</p></blockquote></h2> <h2>THE FOLK SONGS OF IRELAND<blockquote><p>[Footnote: Read in January, '98. In its original form this paper was considerably longer, as I quoted in full many of the best examples of living Gaelic folk-songs. As most of these, however, are to be found in Dr. Hyde's <cite>Abhr&aacute;in Ghr&aacute;dha Ch&uacute;ige Connacht</cite>, it is unnecessary to print them here. I would advise anyone whom the somewhat desultory remarks contained in the following paper may succeed in interesting in the subject to fly at once to the pages of Dr. Hyde.]</p></blockquote></h2> <h2>THE INTELLECTUAL FUTURE OF THE GAEL <blockquote><p>[Footnote: Delivered as Inaugural Address of the Session, '97-'98 (October, '97).]</p></blockquote></h2><h3 align="center"><a href="../E900007-015.html">The complete text for non-framing browsers</a></h3>