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Declension of Comparatives.


Comparatives are declined as follows: -

melior, better plús, more

NOM. melior melius - - plús
GEN. melióris melióris - - plúris
DAT. meliórí meliórí - - - -
ACC. meliórem melius - - plús
ABL. melióre (-í) melióre (-í) - - plúre

PLURAL NOM. meliórés
GEN. meliórum meliórum plúrium plúrium
DAT. melióribus melióribus plúribus plúribus
ACC. meliórés (-ís) melióra plúrés (-ís) plúra
ABL. melióribus melióribus plúribus plúribus

a. All comparatives except plús are declined like melior.

b. The stem of comparatives properly ended in ós-; but this became or in the nominative masculine and feminine, and ór- in all other cases except the nominative and accusative singular neuter, where s is retained and o is changed to u (cf. honor, -óris; corpus, -oris). Thus comparatives appear to have two terminations.

c. The neuter singular plús is used only as a noun. The genitive (rarely the ablative) is used only as an expression of value (cf. § 417). The dative is not found in classic use. The compound complúrés, several, has sometimes neuter plural complúria.