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The Latin Numerals may be classified as follows: -


1. Cardinal Numbers, answering the question how many ? as, únus, one duo, two, etc.

2. Ordinal Numbers,[1][The Ordinals (except secundus, tertius, octávus, nónus) are formed by means of s[QUERY] fixes related to those used in the superlative and in part identical with them. Th[QUERY] decimus (compare the form ínfimus) may be regarded as the last of a series of ten; [QUERY] mus is a superlative of a stem akin to pró; the forms in -tus (quártus, quíntus, sextus) [QUERY] be compared with the corresponding Greek forms in -o , and with superlatives --o-, while the others have the superlative ending -timus (changed to -simus). Oft[QUERY] exceptions, secundus is a participle of sequor; alter is a comparative form (compa[QUERY] -o in Greek), and nónus is contracted from novenos. The cardinal multiples of t[QUERY] are compounds of -gint- `ten' (a fragment of a derivative from decem).] adjectives derived (in most cases) from the Cardinals, and answering the question which in order ? as, prímus, first; secur[QUERY] dus, second, etc.

3. Distributive Numerals, answering the question how many at a time as, singulí, one at a time; bíní, two by two, etc.

II. NUMERAL ADVERBS, answering the question how often ? as, seme[QUERY] once; bis, twice, etc.