1. Cardinal Numbers, answering the question how many ? as, únus, one duo, two, etc.
2. Ordinal Numbers,[1][The Ordinals (except secundus, tertius, octávus, nónus) are formed by means of s[QUERY] fixes related to
those used in the superlative and in part identical with them. Th[QUERY]
decimus (compare the form ínfimus) may be regarded as the last of
a series of ten; [QUERY] mus is a
superlative of a stem akin to pró; the forms in -tus (quártus, quíntus, sextus)
[QUERY] be compared with the corresponding Greek forms in - 3. Distributive Numerals, answering the question how many at a
time as, singulí, one
a time; bíní, two
by two, etc.
II. NUMERAL ADVERBS, answering the
question how often ? as, seme[QUERY] once; bis, twice, etc.