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More than half of all deponents are of the First Conjugation, and all of these are regular. The following deponents are irregular: -

adsentior, -írí, adsénsus, assent. oblívíscor, -í, oblítus, forget.
apíscor, (-ip-), -í, aptus (-eptus), get. opperior, -írí, oppertus, await.
défetíscor, -í, -fessus, faint. órdior, -írí, órsus, begin.
expergíscor, -í, -perréctus, rouse. orior, -írí, ortus (oritúrus), rise (3d
experior, -írí, expertus, try. conjugation in most forms).
fateor, -érí, fassus, confess. pacíscor, -í, pactus, bargain.
fruor, -í, frúctus (fruitus), enjoy. patior (-petior), -í, passus (-pessus),
fungor, -í, fúnctus, fulfil. suffer.
gradior (-gredior), -í, gressus, step. -plector, -í, -plexus, clasp.
íráscor, -í, írátus, be angry. proficíscor, -í, profectus, set out.
lábor, -í, lápsus, fall. queror, -í, questus, complain.
loquor, -í, locútus, speak. reor, rérí, ratus, think.
métior, -írí, ménsus, measure. revertor, -í, reversus, return.
-miníscor, -í, -mentus, think. ringor, -í, rictus, snarl.
morior, -í, (-írí), mortuus (moritúrus), die. sequor, -í, secútus, follow.
nancíscor, -í, nactus (nánctus), find. tueor, -érí, tuitus (tútus), defend.
náscor, -í, nátus, be born. ulcíscor, -í, ultus, avenge.
nítor, -í, nísus (níxus), strive. útor, -í, úsus, use, employ.

NOTE: The deponent comperior, -írí, compertus, is rarely found for comperió, -íre. Revertor, until the time of Augustus, had regularly the active forms in the perfect system, revertí, reverteram, etc.

a. The following deponents have no supine stem: -

dévertor, -tí, turn aside (to lodge). medeor, -érí, heal.
diffiteor, -érí, deny. reminíscor, -í, call to mind.
fatíscor, -í, gape. vescor, -í, feed upon.
líquor, -í, melt (intrans.).

NOTE: Deponents are really passive (or middle) verbs whose active voice has disappeared. There is hardly one that does not show signs of having been used in the active at some period of the language.