-bulum, -culum, -brum, -orum, -trum | pá-bulum, fodder; |
sta-bulum, stall; | stáre, to stand. |
vehi-culum, wagon; | vehere, to carry. |
candélá-brum, candlestick; | candéla, candle (a secondary formation). |
sepul-crum, tomb; | sepelíre, to bury. |
claus-trum (claud-trum), bar; | claudere, to shut. |
ará-trum, plough; | aráre, to plough. |
NOTE: -trum (stem tro-) was an old formation from tor- (§ 234. II. 15), with the stem suffix o-, and -clum (stem clo- for tlo-) appears to be related; -culum is the same as -clum; -bulum contains lo- (§ 234. II. 9, 10) and -brum is closely related.
a. A few masculines and feminines of the same formation occur as nouns and adjectives: -
fá-bula, tale; | fárí, to speak. |
rídi-culus, laughable; | rídére, to laugh. |
fa-ber, smith; | facere, to make. |
late-bra, hiding-place; | latére, to hide. |
tere-bra, auger; | terere, to bore. |
mulc-tra, milk-pail; | mulgére, to milk. |