Heavy Construction

The Allen and Greenough is still under construction; so some links may not work quite the way you would expect.


Kinds of Sentences.


A Sentence is a form of words which contains a Statement, a Question, an Exclamation, or a Command.

a. A Sentence in the form of a Statement is called a Declarative Sentence: as, - canis currit, the dog runs.

b. A Sentence in the form of a Question is called an Interrogative Sentence: as, - canisne currit? does the dog run?

c. A sentence in the form of an Exclamation is called an Exclamatory Sentence: as, - quam celeriter currit canis! how fast the dog runs!

d. A sentence in the form of a Command, an Exhortation, or an Entreaty is called an Imperative Sentence: as, - í, curre per Alpís, go, run across the Alps; currat canis, let the dog run.