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A Predicate Noun or Adjective after the copula
sum or a copulative verb is in the
same case as the Subject: -
- pácis semper auctor
fuí (Lig. 28), I have always been an adviser of
- quae pertinácia quibusdam,
eadem aliís cónstantia vidérí potest
(Marc. 31), what may seem obstinacy to some, may seem to others
- êius mortis sedétis
ultórés (Mil. 79), you sit as avengers of
his death.
- habeátur vir égregius
Paulus (Cat. iv. 21), let Paulus be regarded as an extraordinary
- ego patrónus
exstití (Rosc. Am. 5), I have come forward as an
- dícit nón omnís
bonós esse beatós, he says that not all
good men are happy.
a. A predicate noun referring to two or
more singular nouns is in the plural: -
- cónsulés
creantur Caesar et Servílius
(B. C. iii. 1), Caesar and Servilius are elected consuls.
b. Sum
in the sense of exist makes a complete predicate without a
predicate noun or adjective. It is then called the substantive verb: -
- sunt virí fortés, there are (exist)
brave men. [Cf. víxere
fortés ante Agamemnona
(Hor. Od. iv. 9. 25), brave men lived before Agamemnon.]
For Predicate Accusative and Predicate Ablative, see §§ 392, 415. N.