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Special uses of the Reflexive are the following: -

a. The reflexive in a Subordinate clause sometimes refers to the subject of a suppressed main clause: -

b. The reflexive may refer to any noun or pronoun in its own clause which is so emphasized as to become the subject of discourse: -

NOTE: Occasionally the clause to which the reflexive really belongs is absorbed: as, - studeó sánáre sibi ipsós (Cat. ii. 17), I am anxious to cure these men for their own benefit (i.e. ut sání sibi sint).

c. Suus is used for one's own as emphatically opposed to that of others, in any part of the Sentence and with reference to any word in it: -

d. The reflexive may depend upon a verbal noun or adjective: -

e. The reflexive may refer to the Subject implied in an infinitive or verbal abstract used indefinitely: -

f. Inter sé (nós, vós), among themselves (ourselves, yourselves), is regularly used to express reciprocal action or relation: -