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The distributives quisque (every), uterque (each of two), and únus quisque (every single one)
are used in general assertions: -
- bonus liber melior est quisque
quó mâior (Plin. Ep. i. 20. 4), the larger a good
book is, the better (each good book is better in proportion, etc.).
- ambó exercitús suás
quisque abeunt domós (Liv. ii. 7. 1), both armies
go away, every man to his home.
- uterque utríque erat exercitus in cónspectú
(B. G. vii. 35), each army was in sight of the other (each to each).
- pónite ante oculós
únum quemque régum (Par. i. 11), set before
your eyes each of the kings.
a. Quisque regularly stands in a dependent clause,
if there is one: -
- quó quisque est
sollertior, hóc docet írácundius
(Rosc. Com. 31), the keener-witted a man is, the more impatiently he
NOTE: Quisque is generally
postpositive:[1][That is, it does not stant first in its clause.] as,
suum cuique, to every man his
b. Quisque is idiomatically used with Superlatives
and with ordinal numerals: -
- nóbilissimus quisque, all the noblest (one after the other in the order of their nobility).[2][As, in taking things one by one
off a pile, each thing is uppermost when you take it.]
- prímó quóque
tempore (Rosc. Am. 36), at the very first opportunity.
- antíquissimum quodque
tempus (B. G. i. 45), the most ancient times.
- decimus quisque (id. v. 52), one in ten.
- NOTE 1: Two superlatives with quisque imply a proportion: as, - sapientissimus quisque aequissimó animó
moritur (Cat. M. 83), the wisest men die with the greatest
- NOTE 2: Quotus
quisque has the signification of how many, pray? often
in a disparaging sense (how few): -
- quotus enim quisque
disertus? quotus
quisque iúris perítus
est (Planc. 62), for how few are eloquent! how few are learned
in the law!
- quotus enim istud quisque fécisset (Lig. 26), for how many would
have done this? [i.e. scarcely anybody would have done it].