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Adjectives requiring an object of reference govern the Objective Genitive.

a. Adjectives denoting desire, knowledge, memory, fulness, power, sharing, etc., and their opposites govern the genitive:

b. Participles in -ns govern the genitive when they are used as adjectives, i.e. when they denote a constant disposition and not a particular act:

NOTE 1: Participles in -ns, when used as participles, take the case regularly governed by the verb to which they belong: as, Sp. Maelium regnum appetentem interemit (Cat. M. 56), he put to death Spurius Maelius, who was aspiring to royal power.

NOTE 2: Occasionally participial forms in -ns are treated as participles (see note 1) even when they express a disposition or character: as, virtus quam alil ipsam temperantiam dlcunt esse, alil obtemperantem temperantiae praecephs et eam subsequentem (Tusc. iv. 30), observant of the teachings of temperance and obedient to her.

c. Verbals in -áx251) govern the genitive in poetry and later Latin:

d. The poets and later writers use the genitive with almost any adjective, to denote that with reference to which the quality exists (Genitive of Specification): -

NOTE: The genitive of Specification is only an extension of the construction with adjectives requiring an object of reference (§349). Thus callidus denotes knowledge; pauper, want; púrus, innocence; and so these words in a manner belong to the classes under a.

For the Ablative of Specification, the prose construction, see § 418. For Adjectives of likeness etc. with the Genitive, apparently Objective, see § 386. c. For Adjectives with animí (locative in origin), see § 358.