a. The Nominative is the case of the Subject of a sentence.
b. The Genitive may generally be translated by the English Possessive, or by the Objective with the preposition of.
c. The Dative is the case of the Indirect Object (§274). It may usually be translated by the Objective with the preposition to or for.
d. The Accusative is the case of the Direct Object of a verb. (§274). It is also used with many of the prepositions.
e. The Ablative may usually be translated by the Objective with from, by, with, in, or at. It is often used with prepositions.
f. The Vocative is the case of Direct Address.
g. All the cases, except the nominative and vocative, are used as object-cases; and are cometimes called Oblique Cases (cásús oblíquí).
h. In names of towns and a few other words appear traces of another case (the Locative), denoting the place where: as, Rómae, at Rome; rúrí, in the country.
NOTE: Still another case, the Instrumental, appears in a few adverbs (§215.4).