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Dative of the Agent.
The Dative of the Agent is used with the
Gerundive to denote the person on whom the necessity rests: -
- haec vóbís
próvincia est défendenda (Manil. 14), this
province is for you to defend (to be defended by you).
- mihi est púgnandum, I have to fight
(i.e. the need of fighting is to me: cf. mihi est liber, I have a book, § 373. N.).
a. This is the regular way of expressing
the agent with the Second or Passive Periphrastic Conjugation
(§ 196).
NOTE 1: The Ablative of the Agent with ab (§ 405)
is sometimes used with the Second Periphrastic Cobjugation when the Dative
would be ambiguous or when a stronger expression is desired: -
- quibus est á
vóbís cónsulendam (Manil. 6), for whom
you must consult. [Here two datives, quibus and vóbís, would have been
- rem ab omnibus vóbís
próvidendam (Rabir. 4), that the matter must be attended
to by all of you. [The dative might mean for all of you.]
NOTE 2: The Dative of the Agent is either a special case of
the Dative of Possession or a development of the Dative of Reference
(§ 376).