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The Dative is used with adjectives (and a few Adverbs) of fitness, nearness, likeness, service, inclination, and their opposites:[1][Adjectives of this kind are accommodátis, aptus; amícus, inimícus, ínfestus, invísus, molestus; idóneus, opportúnus, proprius; útilis, inútilis; affínis, fínitimus, propinquus, vícínus; pár, dispár, similis, dissimilis; iúcundus, grátus; nótus, ígnótus, and others.]

NOTE 1: So, also, in poetic and colloquial use, with ídem: as, - invítum quí servat idem facit occídentí (Hor. A. P. 467), he who saves a man against his will does the same as one who kills him.

NOTE 2: Adjectives of likeness are often followed by atque (ac), as. So also the adverbs aequé, pariter, similiter, etc. The pronoun ídem has regularly atque or a relative: -