o | servus, M., slave | bellum, N., war | Pompêíus, M., Pompey | ||
o | STEM servo- | STEM bello- | STEM Pompêio- | ||
o GEN. | serví | -í | bellí | -í | Pompêí |
o DAT. | servó | -ó | belló | -ó | Pompêió |
o ACC. | servum (-om) | -um (-óm) | bellum | -um | Pompêium |
o ABL. | servó | -ó | belló | -ó | Pompêió |
o VOC. | serve | -e | bellum | -um | Pompêí (-ei) |
PLURAL NOM. | serví | -í | bella | -a | Pompêí |
o GEN. | servórum | -órum | bellórum | -órum | Pompêiórum |
o DAT. | servís | -ís | bellís | -ís | Pompêís |
o ACC. | servós | -ós | bella | -a | Pompêiós |
o ABL. | servís | -ís | bellís | -ís | Pompêís |
NOTE 1: The earlier forms for nominative and accusative were -os, -om, and these were always retained after u and v up to the end fo the Republic. The terminations s and m are sometimes omitted in inscriptions: as, Cornélio for Cornélios, Cornéliom.
NOTE 2: Stems in quo-, like equo-, change qu to c before u. Thus, - ecus (earlier equos), equí, equó, ecum (earlier equom), eque. Modern editions disregard this principle.