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Other peculiarities are the following: -

a. Delphínus, -í (M.), has also the form delphín, -ínis; Salamís, -is (F.), has acc. Salamína.

b. Most stems in id- (nom. -is) often have also the forms of i-stems: as, tigris, gen. -idis (-idos) or -is; acc. -idem (-ida) or -im (-in); abl. -ide or . But many, including most feminine proper names, have acc. -idem (-ida), abl. -ide, - not -im or . (These stems are irregular also in Greek.)

c. Stems in on- sometimes retain -n in the nominative: as, Agamemnón (or Agamemnó), genitive -onis, accusative -ona.

d. Stems in ont- form the nominative in -ón: as, horizón, Xenophón but a few are occasionally Latinized into ón- (nom. ): as, Dracó, -ónis Antiphó, -ónis.

e. Like Simoís are declined stems in ant-, ent-, and a few in únt- (nominative in -ás, -ís, -ús): as, Atlás, -antis; Trapezús, -úntis.

f. Some words fluctuate between different declensions: as Orpheus between the second and the third.

g. -ón is found in the genitive plural in a few Greek titles of books: as Metamorphóseón, of the Metamorphoses (Ovid's well-known poem); Geórgicón of the Georgics (a poem of Virgil).