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Feminine are nouns in -ó, -ás, -és, -is, -ús, -x, and in -s preceded by a consonant: as, legió, cívitás, núbés, avis, virtús, arx, urbs. The nouns in are mostly those in -dó and -gó, and abstract and collective nouns in -ió.

Exceptions are the following: -

a. Masculine are leó, leónis; ligó, ónis; sermó, -ónis; also cardó, harpagó margó, órdó, turbó; and concrete nouns in -ió: as, pugió, únió, papilió;[1][Many nouns in (gen. -ónis) are masculine by signification: as, geró, carrier; restió, ropemaker; and family names (originally nicknames): as, Ciceró, Násó. §§ 236. c, 255.]

acínacés, ariés, celés, lebés, pariés, pés;

Nouns in -nis and -guis: as, ígnis, sanguis; also axis, caulis, collis, cucumis, énsis, fascis, follis, fústis, lapis, ménsis, orbis, piscis, postis, pulvis, vómis;

NOTE: Some nouns in -is and -ns which are masculine were originally adjectives or participles agreeing with a masculine noun: as, Aprílis (sc. ménsis), M., April; oriéns (sc. sól), M., the east; annális (sc. liber), M., the year-book.

b. Neuter are vás (vásis); crús, iús, pús, rús, tús.