All moderators get a certain amount of wildly off-topic submissions, and it helps to have a form letter that you can send to clueless folks, without having to take the time to figure out why they might have been posting to your group, or where they should have sent their post, or whether it was their brain or their software that erred.
Here are a few types of canned responses that you may want to have handy to save you time and effort:
Dear postmaster/usenet administrator:
I am the moderator of <insert your group here>. I receive emailed submissions for the group. As I get a lot of submissions, it can sometimes be rather time consuming to get incoming articles ready for posting. You appear to be running C News, which has the annoying habit of inserting duplicate sets of headers when the transport software sends the posting from your user to me. While a single posting like this isn't a problem by itself, after the 100th or 1000th time it gets rather tiresome, and it's *very* simple to fix.
Explanation: in C News, the newsbin/relay/injnews script is used by inews to do site-specific header bashing. When it discovers that the newsgroup is moderated, it invokes mail to send off the article to the moderator (via mailpaths). Unlike B News and INN, where time has been spent to configure how to use the mail transport directly (to merge the news headers in with the mail headers), C News blindly punts the article into "mail" which is a user agent, which often refuses to accept "header-like" stuff at the beginning of a message as part of the RFC 822 header block. In essence, mail will often implicitly put a blank line at the beginning of the message, so the headers carefully crafted by injnews end up as part of the body instead of the mail headers.
The solution is simple - change injnews to call the mailer (usually the transport) in such a way that injnews' headers are included in the mail headers. In relaynews/injnews, there is the following line:
mail "$moderator" <$censart
Change it to call the mail transport directly. If you're using sendmail or smail, simply change "mail" to be the full path. Eg:/usr/lib/sendmail "$moderator" <$censart
Most other transports, such as MMDF or PP should be just as simple. Please note that injnews is intended to be modified for local site policy, so you won't be voiding your warranty ;-)If you're not using sendmail or smail, or simply wish to test this, try typing:
<your mail transport program <your address> Subject: it worked
It should appear in your mailbox with Subject: properly recognized. If the subject isn't recognized, then it didn't work, and "Subject: it worked" will appear in the body.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time,
Thank you for your comments on the <FAQ title here> FAQ. I'm updating the FAQ now, and am including your corrections or additions as appropriate. Expect to see them in the next posting.
<moderator's-fullname> <moderator's-email-address>
(Begin form letter.)
The message below was submitted by you to the moderator of <newsgroup>
either by posting a message to the group, or by sending E-mail to the
group's submission address, or by sending mail to the group's
administrative address.
Your message is not appropriate for posting to <newsgroup>.
<insert reason here>
<Description of your newsgroup here>
(End form letter.)
<moderator's-fullname>, Moderator of <newsgroup>
(Begin form letter.)
The message below was submitted by you to the moderator of <newsgroup>
either by posting a message to the group, or by sending E-mail to the
group's submission address, or by sending mail to the group's
administrative address.
Your message is not appropriate for posting to <newsgroup>.
<Description of your newsgroup here>
Unfortunately, I do not have the time to make specific suggestions
as to where your question or post should go but some ideas are included
If you are new to Usenet, you should probably read the posts in
news.announce.newusers (n.a.n.) -- if they are not available in your
newsreader, they also available by anonymous FTP in*
A few that are most likely to be immediately helpful are:
To find what groups are relevant for your question, you might scan
through your local list of newsgroups (your .newsrc file on most Unix
systems), to see which group names seem related. Then subscribe to
those groups, and look at some of the recent traffic, to make sure
that your question is suitable for the group. (For example, questions
about Microsoft Windows belong in*, not*)
On some systems, you will be able to look at a file containing a
one-line description of the purpose of each newsgroup (the
'newsgroups' file), or at a longer description of the purpose and
contents of each newsgroup (the newsgroup charters.) Ask your local
news administrator if these resources are available on your system.
For widely-distributed newsgroups, you can also find the one-line
descriptions in the following n.a.n postings:
If these sources of information do not suggest some newsgroups which
might be appropriate for your questions, you may wish to post on the
newsgroup news.groups.questions, whose charter includes helping users
find newsgroups appropriate for their questions. Please consult the
above-listed sources before posting on news.groups.questions, however.
Very few sites carry all available newsgroups. Your local newsadmin
can help you access newsgroups that are not currently available, or
explain why certain groups are not available at your site. If your
site does not carry the newsgroup(s) where your post belongs, do NOT
post it in other, inappropriate groups.
Think very carefully before cross-posting to more than one, or perhaps
two, newsgroups. It is considered highly inappropriate to broadcast
your message to a wide selection of newsgroups merely to have more
people read it. Follow the general rules of Netiquette (Usenet
etiquette) described in the news.announce.newusers postings above.
Once you decide what newsgroup(s) are relevant to your question, make
sure that you're not asking questions that are frequently asked and
answered. In addition to looking at recent traffic in the group,
check whether your question is included in an FAQ (Frequently
Asked/Answered Questions) list. Most FAQs are archived at, in directory /pub/usenet/, if they're
not available in your newsreader in the specific group or in
*.answers. Many groups also have a periodic introductory post that
describes the content and purpose of the newsgroup - if one exists,
you should read it before posting.
A listing of many of the periodical postings on Usenet can be found
in n.a.n. or its archives, as
List of Periodic Informational Postings, Part [1-20]
(End form letter.)
<moderator's-fullname>, Moderator of <newsgroup>
The 'List' posts describe newsgroups in the comp, misc, news, rec,
soc, sci, and talk hierarchies. The 'Alt' posts describe newsgroups
in the alt, bionet, bit, biz, clarinet, gnu, hepnet, ieee, inet, info,
k12, relcom, u3b, and vmsnet hierarchies. They will not describe
groups that are available only in your region or institution.
(Begin form letter.)
The message below was submitted by you to the moderator of <newsgroup>
either by posting a message to the group, or by sending E-mail to the
group's submission address, or by sending mail to the group's
administrative address.
The <newsgroup> is not an appropriate place to send test messages.
If you wish to post a test message, there are newsgroups for that
purpose, such as alt.test, misc.test, and news.test. Messages sent
to the *.test newsgroups are automatically acknowledged by daemons
running at many sites. If you want to test your site set up for
posting to a moderated group, post your test message to the group
(End form letter.)
<moderator's-fullname>, Moderator of <newsgroup>
© Copyright The Landfield Group, 1996-2001