Camille Paglia Mon, 29 Nov 2021 19:10:34 +0000 es hourly 1 Camille Paglia 32 32 Sex, Art, and American Culture: Essays Mon, 29 Nov 2021 19:09:55 +0000
Sex, Art, and American Culture: Essays
Ediciones:eBook (English)
ISBN: 0679741011
Páginas: 352

A collection of twenty of Paglia's out-spoken essays on contemporary issues in America's ongoing cultural debate such as Anita Hill, Robert Mapplethorpe, the beauty myth, and the decline of education in America.

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Break, Blow, Burn Mon, 29 Nov 2021 19:06:07 +0000

amille Paglia Reads Forty-three of the World's Best Poems

Break, Blow, Burn
ISBN: 0375725393
Páginas: 304

The most provocative American intellectual contributes her dazzling powers of examination to the best-known poems of the Western tradition and unearths some previously obscure verses that deserve a space in our canon.


Combining close reading with a panoramic breadth of learning, Camille Paglia sharpens our understanding of poems we thought we knew, from Shakespeare to Dickinson to Plath, and makes a case for including in the canon works by Paul Blackburn, Wanda Coleman, Chuck Wachtel, Rochelle Kraut—and even Joni Mitchell. Daring, riveting, and beautifully written, Break, Blow, Burn is a modern classic that excites even seasoned poetry lovers—and continues to create generations of new ones.

Reviews:The New York Times Book Review :

She flies as high as you can go. . . . Bold and convincing. . . . Exemplary. . . . A rich book.

James Wolcott :

The chapter on Sylvia Plath’s ‘Daddy’ will take the top of your head off!

Francine du Plessix Gray, The Week :

As entertaining as it is dazzingly erudite, Break, Blow, Burn is capable of re-energizing any reader’s engagement with poetry.

Philip Marchand, Toronto Star :

I hope a lot of people read this book. . . . There wasn’t a commentary where I didn’t learn something about the poem in question, no matter how familiar the poem was.

St. Petersburg Times :

It will have students storming the walls of tomorrow’s English departments, mad for poetry again.

Rocky Mountain News :

Dazzling. . . . Bursts with her ingenuity. . . . Brilliant insights . . . permeate the book. . . . Readers receive a marvelous education.

The Times (London) :

Paglia’s vision is always fresh. . . . She makes a fascinating and challenging reading companion. These essays will inspire anyone to turn back to poetry again.

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Feminismo pasado y presente Mon, 15 Mar 2021 08:44:09 +0000
Feminismo pasado y presente
ISBN: 9788417141523
Páginas: 96

En esta recolección de ensayos está una defensa de las mujeres sureñas, desde Scarlett O’Hara a Ava Gardner.


Un alegato por a favor de la educación sexual diferenciada para niños y niñas, ya que viven su sexualidad de manera diferente. Una charla animando a las mujeres a no vivir como víctimas, sino a asumir que el mundo es peligroso y que deben adaptarse a él. Y, sobre todo, una defensa apasionada de la libertad de la mujer, con todas sus consecuencias. Nadie como Camille Paglia para hacer preguntas incómodas. Pocas veces un libro tan breve como este habrá dado pie a tanta polémica, tantas ideas encontradas y tantos motivos para reflexionar.

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Free Women Free Men Sex Gender Feminism Mon, 15 Mar 2021 08:37:47 +0000
Free Women Free Men Sex Gender Feminism
Ediciones:eBook (English)
ISBN: 0375424776
Páginas: 352

A fiery intellectual provocateur; also one of our bravest advocates for gender equality; this is a wonderful and urgent collection of essays, which not only praises modern feminism, but also challenges us to establish strong women and strong Union of men.


Ever since the release of her seminal first book, Sexual Personae, Camille Paglia has remained one of feminism&;s most outspoken, independent, and searingly intelligent voices. Now, for the first time, her best essays on the subject are gathered together in one concise volume. Whether she&;s calling for equal opportunity for American women (years before the founding of the National Organization for Women), championing a more discerning standard of beauty that goes beyond plastic surgery&;s quest for eternal youth, lauding the liberating force of rock and roll, or demanding free and unfettered speech on university campuses and beyond, Paglia can always be counted on to get to the heart of matters large and small. At once illuminating, witty, and inspiring, these essays are essential reading that affirm the power of men and women and what we can accomplish together.

Reviews:Dwight Garner, The New York Times :

One test of un homme sérieux, ' Christopher Hitchens wrote, 'is that it is possible to learn from him even when one radically disagrees with him.' By this measure, Camille Paglia is une femme sérieuse indeed. . . . If you've forgotten Sexual Personae, or have never read it, Paglia helpfully reprints a few chunks of it in her new essay collection, Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism. These chunks are fiercely erudite, freewheeling and sex-drenched. . . . Her exegeses are prickly and acute, the Helen Vendler-meets-Patti Smith grad seminar you wanted but never quite got. . . . Her prose can be electric. . . . a fearless public intellectual and more necessary than ever.

Helen Smith, The New Criterion :

Paglia is a brilliant thinker on culture and human nature. . . . [She] never fails to provide straightforward and thoughtful dialogue about gender. . . . [Her] new book is inspirational in its tone and its message that freedom belongs to both sexes.

Adrienne Urbanski, BUST :

Topics run the gamut, including an essay praising The Real Housewives; her famous 1990 piece on Madonna in which she deemed her 'the future of feminism;' and an astute essay analyzing the cultural, aesthetic, and historical implications of stilettos. An introductory essay offers a compelling glimpse into Paglia's childhood in the 1950s that led her toward feminism and strong female role models like Amelia Earhart and Katharine Hepburn. . . . Her work is always thought provoking and laid out with an academic's insight. She is most on point when she analyzes pop culture, design, and art--managing to put an intellectual spin on lowbrow entertainment and turn more obtuse academic topics into something relatable and enthralling.

Mitchell Sunderland, VICE :

Polemical, thought-provoking, enraging, funny, and brave. And today [Paglia's essays] sound prescient. . . . Before President Donald Trump thrust the nation into debates about liberals forgetting white working class Americans in the Midwest and South, the failures of contemporary feminism, and free speech on college campus . . . Paglia was discussing all these topics. Whether you agree or disagree with Paglia (and many people have made strong arguments in disagreement), she has always understood the country while other experts did not.

Nick Goldberg, American Conservative :

What this amounts to is a non-stop intellectual barrage. No one with the slightest interest in its issues can afford to overlook Paglia's treatment of them here, which compels the consideration of her shrillest critic and ardent devotee alike. The wider significance of Free Men, Free Women is the promise, implicit in its approach, to help pave a path forward for those now reeling from the unintended consequences of the continuing culture wars.

Jeff Simon, Buffalo News :

Paglia is one of the most fascinating (and individualistic) writers on feminism and gender extant.

Publishers Weekly :

Feminist and culture critic Paglia is at her feisty, full-throated best in this series of short manifestos that spans her career from her breakthrough 1990 study, Sexual Personae, to the present. Paglia's remedy for the ills besetting contemporary women is an infusion of her personal brand of 'Amazonian feminism, ' which combines staunch libertarian principles with 1960s rebellion. She refuses to bow to ideology ('The premier principles of this book are free thought and free speech--open, mobile, and unconstrained by either liberal or conservative ideology') and is uncompromising in her convictions. Paglia's sharp tongue and clear vision veer toward forceful assertions and snappy insults as often as practical perspective and common-sense solutions. . . . Her stances on date rape, abortion, free speech, sex, art, and the importance of historical perspective are admirably consistent, as is her contempt for university coddling, poststructuralism, women's studies programs, cults of victimhood, and anything mainstream. . . . One does not have to agree with her theories about masculinity, femininity, and sex to enjoy Paglia's bracing intellect and scrappy attitude.

Stacy Shaw, Library Journal :

Impressive. . . . Paglia uses new insight to dissect issues relating to feminism. . . . The author eloquently illustrates the dangers of narrowly defining a feminist according to what issues they support. Instead, she argues for feminism to become an umbrella of people with differing political views, sexual orientations, and religions who seek to strengthen women, without the need to demean men. Intriguing and thought provoking for readers interested in different perspectives of feminism.

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Sexual Personae Sat, 06 Mar 2021 09:04:33 +0000
Sexual Personae
ISBN: 9788423431175
Páginas: 864

Sexual Personae es una guerra de guerrillas cargada de erudición contra los sitios recurrentes más complacientes sobre el sexo y su lugar en la civilización, y además una festividad de su poder oscuro.


La sexualidad y el erotismo, dice Camille Paglia en esta apasionante obra, es el lugar en el que se cruzan la naturaleza y la cultura. Lo cual produce de manera inevitable conflictos. Muchas veces, la teoría feminista los ha simplificado, y ha pensado que bastaba con reajustar la sociedad, establecer la igualdad sexual y aclarar las funciones de cada sexo para que reinaran la felicidad y la armonía.


La realidad es mucho más complicada. Y para demostrarlo, Paglia emprende un recorrido por la gran cultura occidental. Por estas páginas pasan los poemas de Lord Byron, las esculturas renacentistas más apolíneas, las obras de teatro de Shakespeare, las decadentes pinturas orientalistas, la crueldad del Marqués de Sade, la Mona Lisa de Leonardo Da Vinci, vídeos (un tanto pornográficos) de Madonna y el carisma sexual de Elvis Presley. Todo ello ilustra, con su belleza y su carácter a veces amenazante, de qué hablamos cuando hablamos de sexo y cuáles son sus máscaras.

Con una mezcla de crítica de arte, talento narrativo, incursiones en las religiones judía y cristiana y el paganismo, y una amplitud de miras que supera a la de cualquier ideología, Paglia reconstruye nuestra civilización con una osadía sin precedentes.

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