Catherine Shanahan Sun, 19 Dec 2021 12:54:12 +0000 es hourly 1 Catherine Shanahan 32 32 Pautas alimentarias Sun, 19 Dec 2021 12:53:55 +0000

Una guía médica para comer de forma saludable

Pautas alimentarias
ISBN: 8491115439
Páginas: 216

El libro empieza enseñando lo que es la hinchazón causada por desequilibrios en la dieta, un inconveniente que puede afectarnos sin darnos cuenta.


La buena salud no tiene por qué ser complicada. La mejor dieta para los deportistas profesionales es también la mejor dieta para perder peso, para la salud cardíaca, la prevención del cáncer y prácticamente para todo.

Siguiendo la estela de aquellos chefs, periodistas y críticos gastronómicos que han colocado en el punto de mira la importancia de comer bien, conocer los orígenes de los alimentos y respetar las tradiciones, la doctora Shanahan añade a esta creciente revolución alimentaria la voz de una médica y científica experimentada.

Con consejos claros y fáciles de recordar, Pautas alimentarias aporta información clave que incluso los pacientes de la doctora Shanahan que más se preocupaban por su salud habían pasado por alto y que podría también ayudarte a cuidar de la tuya.

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Deep Nutrition Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food Sun, 19 Dec 2021 12:39:51 +0000
Deep Nutrition Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food
Ediciones:eBook (English)
ISBN: 1250113822
Páginas: 512

Deep Nutrition cuts through today's culture of conflicting food ideologies and teaches us how the habits of our ancestors have the potential to help us lead longer, healthier and more vital lives.


Physician and biochemist Catherine Shanahan, M.D. examined diets around the world known to help people live longer, healthier lives—diets like the Mediterranean, Okinawa, and “Blue Zone”—and identified the four common nutritional habits, developed over millennia, that unfailingly produce strong, healthy, intelligent children, and active, vital elders, generation after generation. These four nutritional strategies—fresh food, fermented and sprouted foods, meat cooked on the bone, and organ meats—form the basis of what Dr. Cate calls “The Human Diet.”


Rooted in her experience as an elite athlete who used traditional foods to cure her own debilitating injuries, and combining her research with the latest discoveries in the field of epigenetics, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.

Deep Nutrition offers a prescriptive plan for how anyone can begin eating The Human Diet to:

*Improve mood
*Eliminate cravings and the need to snack
*Boost fertility and have healthier children
*Sharpen cognition and memory
*Eliminate allergies and disease
*Build stronger bones and joints
*Get younger, smoother skin

Reviews:Sports Illustrated :

One of the Best Health and Wellness Books of 2017

--Dallas Hartwig, author of The Whole 30 :

If you want to understand the big picture of how optimal health starts with food, start with Dr. Cate. Her bookDeep Nutrition leaves you with a deep appreciation of the profound relationship between our genes and the planet, inspiring us to be good shepherds of both."

--Dave Asprey, author of the Bulletproof Diet :

"I have based to my work on the idea that getting the right kinds of healthy fats into your body and avoiding the worst fats is essential to optimal health. I've interviewed dozens of the world's top experts about this, and I know of no one who speaks more eloquently on this topic than Dr Cate. If she's talking fats, pull up a chair. Take notes.

--Kobe Bryant, NBA player with the L.A. Lakers :

"[Deep Nutrition is] a different philosophy, It's something that we all had to adjust to, but we trust Dr. Cate implicitly. I've seen great results from it from when I started doing it--it's worked well for me."

--Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint :

Dr. Cate has emerged as one of the most important voices in the Primal/Paleo movement. She gives you the big picture and the nitty gritty bedrock science of why this way of eating works.

--Wellness Mama :

"Deep Nutrition explains in a very detailed and easy-to-understand way how our diets affect us on a cellular level. Dr. Cate Shanahan provides the best explanation I've found for how many modern foods are not simply causing us to gain weight, but are literally creating disease within our cells. She shows the connection between diet and gene health, and details how poor diet choices can literally affect future generations!"

--Dwight Howard, NBA player with the Houston Rockets :

"Deep Nutrition really helped me with endurance. I started to feel better as a player. I was able to run more, I was able to be more active because of my diet change, and I just decided to keep going with it to this day."

--Vani Hari, author of the New York Times bestseller, The Food Babe Way :

Dr. Cate Shanahan beautifully presents the scientific evidence why traditional foods enjoyed by our ancestors thousands of years ago can keep us lean and disease-free today. Deep Nutrition is an eye-opening, engaging book that is sure to change your life and the life of your family.

-- Bookpage :

With a wealth of detail, Shanahan shows how changing what you eat can improve everything from bone strength to memory.

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Nutrición Profunda Tue, 06 Apr 2021 10:27:03 +0000
Nutrición Profunda
ISBN: 9788491115373
Páginas: 648

Deep Nutrition o en castellano Nutrición Profunda nos enseña como mantenernos más sanos por medio de comprender los peligros de las dietas recientes y como nos hacen daño. Por Dra. Catherine Shanahan


Atleta de élite con numerosas lesiones debilitantes, la doctora y bioquímica Cate Shanahan decidió curar sus propios problemas de salud. Para ello, investigó las dietas de todo el mundo que han demostrado ayudar a la gente a tener vidas más longevas y saludables e identificó cuatro tipos de alimento comunes, que constituyen la base de lo que Dra. Shanahan ha llamado la 'Dieta Humana': alimentos frescos, fermentados y germinados, carne cocinada con su hueso y carne de órganos.


Siguiendo la Dieta Humana, la doctora Shanahan solucionó sus problemas de salud y desde entonces ha ayudado a innumerables pacientes y lectores a conseguir una salud óptima. Siguiendo los consejos dietéticos que te ofrece en Nutrición profunda podrías lograr calmar tus alergias, mejorar tu estado de ánimo, eliminar la ansiedad por comer, mejorar la fertilidad o la memoria 'Nutrición profunda contiene una filosofía muy distinta. He visto grandes resultados gracias a la dieta propuesta en el libro: me ha funcionado muy bien'. obe Bryant, exjugador de la NBA.

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