Karen Joy Fowler https://epub.gratis Fri, 14 May 2021 08:17:10 +0000 es hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://epub.gratis/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/cropped-epubgratis-icono-32x32.png Karen Joy Fowler https://epub.gratis 32 32 Estem ben trastocats https://epub.gratis/book/estem-ben-trastocats/ https://epub.gratis/book/estem-ben-trastocats/#respond Tue, 11 May 2021 21:50:30 +0000 https://epub.gratis/?post_type=mbdb_book&p=7767
Estem ben trastocats
Ediciones:eBook (Catalan)
ISBN: 9788482647197
Páginas: 368

Karen Joy Fowler, (Bloomington, Indiana, 1950) és l'autora de tres llibres de contes i sis novel·les • les, entre les quals el triomf a tot el món The Jane Austen Book Club. Amb Estem ben trastornats (2013), la seva primera obra traduïda a l'català, va obtenir el premi PEN / Faulkner i va ser finalista de el premi Man Booker. Viu a Santa Cruz, Califòrnia.


Vet aquí una vegada un pare i una mare que tenien dues filles, i els van prometre que se les estimarien totes dues exactament igual.

No sempre és fàcil ser humà.Prou que ho saben les germanes Rosemary i Fern Cooke! Sobretot la Fern; i tant, pobra Fern...Un dels llibres amb l’argument més fascinant i sorprenent amb què heu ensopegat mai.



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Sarah Canary https://epub.gratis/book/sarah-canary/ https://epub.gratis/book/sarah-canary/#respond Thu, 11 Mar 2021 07:51:02 +0000 https://epub.gratis/?post_type=mbdb_book&p=4093
Sarah Canary
Ediciones:eBook (English)
ISBN: 0452286476
Páginas: 290

Two unlikely people form an unforeseen bond in author Karen Joy Fowler's captivating historical novel, a notable New York Times book.


When black cloaked Sarah Canary wanders into a Chinese labor camp in the Washington territories in 1873, Chin Ah Kin is ordered by his uncle to escort &;the ugliest woman he could imagine&; away. Far away. But Chin soon becomes the follower.

In the first of many such instances, they are separated, both resurfacing some days later at an insane asylum. Chin has run afoul of the law and Sarah has been committed for observation. Their escape from the asylum in the company of another inmate sets into motion a series of adventures and misadventures that are at once hilarious, deeply moving, and downright terrifying.

Reviews:The Washington Post Book World :

Powerfully imagined...Drop everything and follow Sarah Canary....Humor and horror, history and myth dance cheek to cheek in this Jack London meets L. Frank Baum world....Here is a work that manages to be at the same time (and often in the same sentence) dark and deep and fun.

Los Angeles Times Book Review :


San Francisco Chronicle :

A playful romp through the Pacific Northwest at the end of the last century, mixing poetry and newspaper reports into a wild yarn.

W.S. Merwin :

Sarah Canary is certainly an enchanted and enchanting narrative, and Karen Fowler has found her way from the details of what we take to be our history, our past, to the legend that is our true present. Her powers of evocation of character and consequence, her storytelling gifts, are exhilarating, and she has given us, at the beginning of her writing life, a work with the suggestive authority--and the evanescent, haunting power--of myth.

New York Newsday :

Remarkable...A larger than life, magical realist Western that is funny, mysterious, and harrowing by turns...Its imaginative virtuosity and stylistic resources announce Karen Joy Fowler as a major writer.

San Diego Tribune :

Part adventure story, part history lesson, part flight of marvelous fancy, Sarah Canary is among the very best novels I have read this year.

Locus :

Powerful...Touching...Hilarious...Fowler interweaves historical fact and fiction, creating almost real world, somewhat along the lines of E. L. Doctorow's Ragtime.

San Antonio Express-News :

quirky, original tale...marvelously framed in the events and scenery of the Northwest frontier.

Kirkus Reviews (starred review) :

Remarkable...A fascinating romp, in which actual events are so cleverly intertwined with the author's fanciful inventions that the reader grows unsure which to disbelieve.

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