Nicola Griffith Tue, 13 Jul 2021 09:03:44 +0000 es hourly 1 Nicola Griffith 32 32 Río lento Tue, 13 Jul 2021 09:03:19 +0000
Río lento
ISBN: 9788440681973
Páginas: 368

Tras huír de un extenso y vejatorio secuestro, Lore van de Oest, está sola y desprovista de su chip de identificación en una localidad rara. Una pirata informática que ejerce la prostitución es quien la ayuda y la introduce en el submundo del robo de datos y la prostitución.


Ya no es nadie y tampoco desea volver con su rica familia que, aparentemente, se ha negado a pagar el rescate exigido por los secuestradores.

En esa innominada y desesperante ciudad europea del futuro, donde transcurre la acción, Spanner una pirata informática que ejerce la prostitución, será quien la recoja y ayude, introduciéndola en el submundo del robo de datos y en la prostitución, al tiempo que se convierte en su amante.

Lore, no obstante, decide tomar en sus manos las riendas de su propia vida. Abandona a Spanner y, adoptando la identidad de una persona muerta, encuentra trabajo en una de las grandes plantas de reciclado de aguas residuales.

Un duro trabajo que, precisamente, depende de las bacterias que fabrica y vende la rica familia Van de Oest a la que Lore ha pertenecido.

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Ammonite Tue, 13 Jul 2021 08:54:24 +0000
ISBN: 9780345452382
Páginas: 416

Ammonite is an unforgettable novel that questions the very meanings of gender and the human race. While those who read distribute Marghe's journey through a strange world, they also embark on a parallel journey of breathtaking self-exploration.


Change or die. These are the only options available on the planet Jeep.

Centuries earlier, a deadly virus shattered the original colony, killing the men and forever altering the few surviving women. Now, generations after the colony has lost touch with the rest of humanity, a company arrives to exploit Jeep–and its forces find themselves fighting for their lives.

Terrified of spreading the virus, the company abandons its employees, leaving them afraid and isolated from the natives. In the face of this crisis, anthropologist Marghe Taishan arrives to test a new vaccine.

As she risks death to uncover the women’s biological secret, she finds that she, too, is changing–and realizes that not only has she found a home on Jeep, but that she alone carries the seeds of its destruction. . . .

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Slow River Thu, 04 Mar 2021 10:12:33 +0000
Slow River
Ediciones:eBook (English)
ISBN: 0345395379
Páginas: 352

Slow River comes from the intersection of two different experiences, both of which have changed my view of myself and my place in the world. The first experience was when I was eighteen years old, and the second was ten years later.


She awoke in an alley to the splash of rain. She was naked, a foot-long gash in her back was still bleeding, and her identity implant was gone. Lore Van Oesterling had been the daughter of one of the world's most powerful families...and now she was nobody, and she had to hide.

Then out of the rain walked Spanner, predator and thief, who took her in, cared for her wound, and taught her how to reinvent herself again and again. No one could find Lore now: not the police, not her family, and not the kidnappers who had left her in that alley to die. She had escaped...but the cost of her newfound freedom was crime and deception, and she paid it over and over again, until she had become someone she loathed.


Lore had a choice: She could stay in the shadows, stay with Spanner...and risk losing herself forever. Or she could leave Spanner and find herself again by becoming someone else: stealing the identity implant of a dead woman, taking over her life, and creating a new future.

But to start again, Lore required Spanner's talents--Spanner, who needed her and hated her, and who always had a price. And even as Lore agreed to play Spanner's game one final time, she found that there was still the price of being a Van Oesterling to be paid. Only by confronting her family, her past, and her own demons could Lore meld together who she had once been, who she had become, and the person she intended to be...

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