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Cardona, Lázaro

On the CAMENA Section ITALI


Cardona, Lázaro (1533-?):
Commentaria In Tres Libros De Virginis Partu A Sannazaro Editos / Don Lazari Cardonae .... - Venetiis: Apud Franciscum de Franciscis Senensem, 1584. - [8], 167 lvs.: ill. ; 8o. - Type area 12,6 x 7,8 cm - Call number: Sch 090/154

This commentary quotes chunks of the original text ranging from less than ten to more than forty verses before commenting on them. We render the first verse of each chunk as copied from the 'Poeti d'Italia in lingua latina' project (Book 1) and the 'Latin Library' website (Books 2 and 3), without eliminating orthographical and textual differences between the 1584 edition and its modern counterparts. Obviously, the Cardona text of 'De Virginis Partu' is not authoritative; while some variants are just typos, others are endorsed by the commentary (see e.g. 2,175 Tum laus [ latus ] Epiri).
An earlier edition of 'De Virginis Partu' is part of this ITALI section; please see: Sannazaro, Jacopo: De partu Virginis. - Venezia, 1533.
Lázaro Cardona (born in Modica, Sicilia, in 1533) in his preface (dated Palermo 1583) states that he wrote this commentary a decade ago, before embarking on legal studies. He adduces parallels from scripture, from the classics, the fathers and liturgy in order to expose the foundations of the poet's words. His commentary is impregnated by piety; it seems to have the measure of common erudition.

Table of contents:

(Title page) fol. 1a
D. Carolo Aragonio … Don Lazarus Cardona Presbyter Siculus V. I. D. [ Utriusque Iuris Doctor ] (Author's dedication) fol. 2a
Lectori Salutem. (Author's Preface) fol. 5a
Ad Divum Lazarum (Carmen). fol. 6b
Michaelis Calvi, Artium et Med. Doctoris, Carmina. - Vincentii Fornarii, Artium et Medic. Docto. Distichon. fol. 7a
Ad Christum Distichon. - Ad Virginem Distichon. (Illustration.) fol. 8b

In Sannazarii De Virginis Partu Librum Primum Don Lazari Cardonae V. I. D. Siculi Modicani Commentaria. - V. 1 Virginei partus, magnoque aequaeva Parenti / … fol. 1a
V. 8 Nec minus, o Musae, vatum decus, hic ego vestros / … fol. 3b
V. 19 Tuque adeo, spes fida hominum, spes fida Deorum / … fol. 5b
V. 33 Viderat aetherea superum Regnator ab arce, / … fol. 10a
V.. 82 Dixerat. Ille altum Zephyris per inane vocatis / … fol. 18b
V. 124 incipies!" Stupuit confestim exterrita Virgo, / … fol. 23a
V. 139 "Exue, Dia, metus animo, paritura verendum / … fol. 24b
V. 155 Dixerat. Illa animum sedato pectore firmans, / … fol. 27a
V. 177 His dictis, Regina oculos ad sidera tollens / … fol. 29b
V. 211 "Magne ales, celsi decus aetheris, invia rerum / … fol. 34a
V. 245 "Nascere, magne Puer, nostros quem solvere nexus, / … fol. 38a
V. 304 Tu vero quid in arma ruis, scelerata juventus? / … fol. 46b
V. 332 At Mater, non jam mater sed flentis et orbae / … fol. 51a
V. 367 Quod scelus Eois ut primum cernet ab undis / … fol. 54a
V. 379 emittet simulacra. Quid, o, quid abire paratis, / … fol. 55a
V. 399 At nos virginea praecincti tempora lauru, / … fol. 57b
V. 409 Primus enim valido subnixus eburnea collo / … fol. 58b
V. 430 Ultimus humana sociat cervice laborem / … fol. 64b
V. 438 Tali sidereas curru subvectus in auras / … fol. 65b
V. 451 Haec ubi dicta, Patres plausu excepere frequentes / … fol. 66b

Carmen Meum Don Lazari Cardonae, ad Gregorium XIII. Pontificem Maximum. - Don Pauli Mansi, Theologi Neritini, Carmen. fol. 68a
Michaelis Calvi, Art. et Med. Doct. Carmen. - Vincentii Fornarii, Art. et Med. Doct. Distichon. fol. 68b
(In) Sannazarii De Virginis Partu Librum Secundum Don Lazari Cardonae V. I. D. Siculi Modicani Commentaria. - V. 1 Regina ut subitos imo sub pectore motus / … fol. 69a
V. 34 "O decus, o laudis, mulier, dux praevia nostrae, / … fol. 72b
V. 49 Illa sub haec: "Miranda alti quis facta Tonantis, / … fol. 74b
V. 75 Haec virgo. At senior, nullus cui vocis ademptae / … fol. 76b
V. 97 Et jam Luna cavum ter luce repleverat orbem, / … fol. 78b
V. 115 Interea terra parta jam pace, marique, / … fol. 80a
V. 156 His et Bithynae classes, et Pontica late / … fol. 83b
V. 175 Tum latus Epiri, qua formidabile nautis / … fol. 85b
V. 206 Scribitur et vacuis ut quisque inventus arenis, / … fol. 88a
V. 234 Nec minus et casta senior cum Virgine custos / ... fol. 90b
V. 251 "Bethlemiae turres, et non obscura meorum / ... fol. 92a
V. 265 Et jam prona dies fluctus urgebat Iberos, / ... fol. 94a
V. 283 Est specus haud ingens parvae sub moenibus urbis;/ ... fol. 95a
V. 300 Nunc age, Castaliis quae nunquam audita sub antris, / ... fol. 96b
V. 308 Tempus erat, quo nox, tardis invecta quadrigis, / ... fol. 97b
V. 325 "Omnipotens Genitor, magno qui sidera nutu, / ... fol. 98b
V. 338 Sic memorat, fruiturque Deo: comitumque micanti / ... fol. 99a
V. 376 Tunc Puerum tepido Genitrix involvit amictu, / ... fol. 102b
V. 396 Quis tibi tunc animus, quae sancto in corde voluptas, / ... fol. 104a
V. 407 Vocibus interea sensim puerilibus heros / ... fol. 105a
V. 442 "Sancte Puer, non te Phariis operosa columnis / ... fol. 107a

V. Michaelis Calvi, artium et Med. Doctoris, Carmen. - Vincentii Fornarii, artium et Med. Doctoris, Distichon. fol. 109a
Don Carolo Aragonio, … Don Lazarus Cardona, V. I. D. Salutem. fol. 109b
Sannazarii De Virginis Partu In Librum Tertium Don Lazari Cardonae V. I. D. Siculi Modicani Commentaria. - V. 1 Auratum interea culmen bipatentis Olympi / ... fol. 110a
V. 34 "Aetherei proceres (neque enim ignoratis et ausus / ... fol. 112b
V. 89 Haec ubi dicta: novum superis inspirat amorem; / ... fol. 116b
V. 135 Tunc ait: "O parvi vigiles gregis, o bona pubes / ... fol. 120a
V. 171 "Dicite, pastores (neque enim sine numine, credo, / ... fol. 123a
V. 196 "Hoc erat, alme Puer, patriis quod noster in antris / ... fol. 124b
V. 236 Hic subito magnum visi per inane volatus / ... fol. 127a
V. 280 Herboso tum forte toro, undisonisque sub antris / ... fol. 129b
V. 330 "O maris, o terrae, divumque, hominumque Repertor, / ... fol. 134a
V. 380 Nec minus et tacta compesci veste cruorem / ... fol. 145a
V. 430 dispersosque mari nautas, nudosque colonos / ... fol. 154b
V. 485 Haec senior quondam felici pectore Proteus / ... fol. 164a
V. 497 Sic fatus, confestim humeris circumdat amictus / ... fol. 165a
V. 504 Hactenus, o Superi, partus tentasse verendos / ... fol. 165b
Finis laus Deo Beataeque Virgini. - Ego Don Lazarus Cardona V. I. D. … me totum Fidei Sanctae, orthodoxae, et Catholicae Ecclesiae subicio … fol. 166b
In Zoilum Detractorem eiusdem Don Lazari Carmen. fol. 167a
In Eundem Carmina. (Acroteleuton) fol. 167b

On the CAMENA Section ITALI

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