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Theodorus <Gaza> (1398-1478)

On the CAMENA Section ITALI


Theodorus <Gaza> (c. 1400 - 1475):
[ Grammatica institutio ] Theodori Gazae Thessalonicensis Grammaticae institutionis liber primus / … translatus per Erasmum Roterodamum, ac titulis & annotatiunculis explanatus, … Idem Graece ... Colloquiorum Familiarium incerto autore libellus Graece & Latine, ... nunquam antehac typis excusus (!). – Basileae : Apud Ioannem Frobenium, Mense Novembri, 1516. - [72] lvs. ; 4o. – Copy with manuscript notes. - Type area 16,8 x 12,4 cm - Call number: Wk 0626

We include Theodoros Gazes, native of Thessalonica, Greece, in the ITALI section, because he lived in Italy from 1440. His Greek Grammar was probably written between 1446 and 1450, when he was studying medicine and teaching Greek at the university of Ferrara. The text was disseminated in manuscript form, until Aldus Manutius, in December 1495, published the entire work comprising four books. Erasmus, who considered Gaza to be the best of the Greek grammarians, edited the first two books with his own Latin version: Book 1 was first published in Leuven in the middle of 1516; the present Froben edition followed in November of the same year. In 1518, Froben printed books 1 and 2 in one edition. In book 1 Gaza, after giving a short account of the letters of the Greek alphabet, extensively treats inflection. He also lists the parts of speech and classes of nouns and skirts the formation of words, exhibiting some examples of derivation.
Erasmus in his preface, apparently written for the Leuven edition - it is signed Antwerp, June 23, 1516, and addressed to Johannes Caesarius Juliacensis (ca. 1468-1550) who was then teaching Greek and medicine at Cologne -, recommends Greek studies, regretting that most scholars of Cologne are slow to recognize their value. He says he restored Gaza's text, which in the course of time had suffered some inappropriate additions, and added headings and some notes in order to facilitate access and comprehension.
The Froben edition was attended to by Beatus Rhenanus (1485-1547), the Alsatian humanist and friend of Erasmus. In his preface signed 'Basileae. Nonis Novembribus, Anno a Christo nato M.D.XVI.' (November 5, 1516), he reports that he had already translated book 1 of Gaza's Grammar and was correcting it for publication, when a friend informed him that Erasmus had just carried out the same project. Rhenanus praises the version of Erasmus, telling us that he dropped his own one and decided to add to Froben's reprint of the Leuven edition the Colloquiorum Familiarium incerto autore libellus Graece & Latine. He recommends that the addressee (Lucas Edenberger from Augsburg) and his fellow students of Greek use the Colloquia in order to practise elementary Greek conversation - not without caution, however, as the text does not always conform to pure Attic usage.
These Colloquia are not literary dialogues, but brief exchanges exhibiting words to be learned. Not only the Greek text, but also the Latin one are far from elegant. It seems that the author transformed topical wordlists into paragraphs containing but very simple sentences. From the preface of Rhenanus (page 62a, top) we learn that the first part of the unknown author's tripartite manual is modeled on Pollucis Onomasticon, a thesaurus of terms. The beginning of the Colloquia (page 64a) is plain enumeration.
Right from the beginning of the Greek section (p. 34a) through page 46b our copy exhibits hand-written Latin equivalents accompanying the Greek words of Gaza's grammar. When the book was bound anew some fifty years ago, front- and end-papers were removed and page margins reduced. The title page shows a notice "Donum praestantiss. Dan. Hoffmanni a. 1727" and a mutilated owner's signature apparently dated 1717. The unidentified humanist hand that added Latin equivalents, also wrote three extensive notes in the Latin section (on leaves 3v, 4r and 33v).
Our transliteration of Greek script is enclosed in braces (curly brackets): { ... }. It follows the scheme outlined on our page 'Polytonic Transliteration of Ancient Greek'.

Selective list of Greek grammatical terms occurring in Book 1:

The terms are listed according to the topical division of book 1 and accompanied by their Latin equivalents.

{ tò grámma } = littera _ { tà pho:né:enta [sc. grámmata] } = vocales [sc. litterae] _ { tà súmpho:na [sc. grámmata] } = consonantes [sc. litterae] _ { tà he:mípho:na [sc. grámmata] } = semivocales [sc. litterae].

{ tà mére: toû lógou } = partes orationis _ { tò ónoma } = nomen _{ tò rhê:ma } = verbum _ { he: metoché: } = participium _ { tò árthron } = articulus _ { he: anto:nymía } = pronomen _ { he: próthesis } = praepositio _ { tò epírrhe:ma } = adverbium _ { ho sundesmós } = coniunctio.

{ he: proso:jdía } = accentus _ { oxeîa [sc. proso:jdía } = [sc. accentus] acutus _ { bareîa [sc. proso:jdía } = [sc. accentus] gravis _ { perispo:méne: [sc. proso:jdía } = [sc. accentus] circumflexus.

{ arsenikón } = masculinum _ the:lukón } = femininum _ { oudéteron } = neutrum.

{ tà hepómena } = accidentia _ { ho arithmós } = numerus _ { henikós } = singularis _ { du'ikós } = dualis _ { ple:thuntikós } = pluralis.

{ he: ptô:sis } = casus _ { he: eutheîa [sc ptô:sis] } = [sc. casus] rectus _ { he: geniké: [sc ptô:sis] ] = [sc. casus] genitivus _ { he: dotiké: [sc ptô:sis] } = [sc. casus] dativus _ { he: aitiatiké: [sc ptô:sis] } = [sc. casus] accusativus _ { he: kle:tiké: [sc ptô:sis] } = [sc. casus] vocativus.

{ ónoma kúrion } = nomen proprium _ { ónoma prose:gorikón } = nomen appellativum _ { ónoma anaphorikón } = nomen relativum _ { ónoma ero:te:matikón } = nomen interrogativum _ { ónoma arithme:tikón } = nomen numerale.

{ he: klísis } = declinatio _ { tà parepómena } = accidentia _ { génos } = genus _ { eîdos } = species _ { schêma } = figura _ { arithmós } = numerus _ { ptô:sis } = casus _ { próso:pon } = persona.

{ hai parago:gaì tô:n onomáto:n } = derivationes nominum _ { patronumikón } = patronymicum _ { sugkritikón } = comparativum _ { huperthetikón } = superlativum _ { hupokoristikón } = diminutivum _ { kte:tikón } = possessivum _ { paró:numon } = denominativum _ { rhe:matikón } = verbale.

{ rhê:ma energe:tikón } = verbum activum _ { rhê:ma pathe:tikón } = verbum passivum _ { rhê:ma méson } = verbum medium.

{ chrónoi toû rhé:matos } = tempora verbi _ { ho enestó:s [sc.chrónos] } = Praesens _ { ho paratatikós [sc.chrónos] } = Praeteritum imperfectum _ { ho méllo:n [sc.chrónos] } = Futurum _ { ho aóristos [sc.chrónos] } = Indefinitum _ { ho parakeímenos [sc.chrónos] } = Praeteritum perfectum _ { ho hupersuntelikós [sc.chrónos] } = Praeteritum plusquamperfectum _ { met' olígon méllo:n } = Mox Futurum.

{ tò horistikón } = Indicativum _ { tò prostaktikón } = Imperativum _ { tò euktikón } = Optativum _ { tò hupotaktikón } = subiunctivum _ { tò aparémphaton } = Infinitum. [NB: Normally, these adjectives are linked to the noun { he: énklisis } and therefore exhibit the feminine form.]

{ tò rhê:ma huparktikón } = verbum substantivum [= { eimí }].

{ he: anto:numía } = pronomen _ { kte:tiké: } = possessivum _ { deiktiké: } = demonstrativum _ { anaphoriké: } = relativum _ { súnthetos } = compositum.

Table of Contents:

(Title page, with ornamental frame) fol. 1a
Erasmus Roterodamus Ioanni Caesario Iuliacensi, Utriusque Litteraturae Vindici S. D. (Preface; this page with ornamental frame) fol. 1b
Grammaticae Institutionis Theodori Gazae Liber Primus Latinus Factus, Ac Distinctus Per Desiderium Erasmum Roterodamum. – Summa Divisio Litterarum. fol. 3a
Partes Orationis. – De Articulo. fol. 3b
Declinatio Praepositivi. fol. 4a
Declinatio Postpositivi. fol. 4b
De Nomine. – Divisio Declinationum. fol. 5a
Prima Nominum Declinatio. – Secunda Nominum Declinatio. fol. 5b
Tertia Nominum Declinatio. fol. 6a
Quarta Nominum Declinatio Attica. fol. 6b
De Quinta Nominum Declinatione. fol. 7a
De Nominibus Contractis. fol. 7b
Divisio Nominis Iuxta Accidentia. fol. 9b
Verborum Genera. fol. 10a
Coniugationes Quot. – Prima coniugatio. fol. 11a
Secunda Coniugatio. fol. 11b
Tertia Coniugatio. fol. 12a
Quarta Coniugatio. fol. 12b
Quinta Verborum Coniugatio. fol. 13a
Coniugatio Totius Verbi. fol. 14b
Coniugatio Verborum in { mi }. fol. 21b
Exemplum Verbi Ab { ao: }. fol. 24b
Exemplum Ab { oo: }. fol. 25b
Exemplum Ab { uo: }. fol. 26b
De Verbis Contractis. fol. 27a
Coniugatio Verbi Substantivi. fol. 28a
De Participio. fol. 29a
De Pronomine. fol. 30a
De Praepositione. – De Adverbio. fol. 31a
De Coniunctione. fol. 32b
Beatus Rhenanus Ioanni Frobenio Compatri Suo S. D. (Errata) fol. 33a

{ THEODO:ROU GRAMMATIKE:S EISAGO:GE:S TO:N EIS TESSARA TO PRO:TON }. - { TO:N tessáro:n kaì eíkosi grammáto:n [k.t.l.] } fol. 34a
{ PERI PROSO:JDIO:N } - { Perì árthrou } fol. 34b
{ PERI ONOMATOS } fol. 35a
{ PERI KLISEO:S } - { PRO:TE: [k.t.l.] } fol. 35b
{ DEUTERA k.t.l. } - { TRITE: [k.t.l.] } fol. 36a
{ TETARTE: klísis } - { PEMPTE: klísis } fol. 36b
{ Tô:n d' arithme:tikô:n onomáto:n [k.t.l.] } fol. 38a
{ Tô:n oûn parepoméno:n tô: onómati parago:gôn [k.t.l.] } fol. 38b
{ PERI RHE:MATOS } fol. 39a
{ KLISIS chronikè: } - { MESA } fol. 39b
{ PATHE:TIKA } - { DEITERA [[ DEUTERA ] } - { ENERGE:TIKA } fol. 40a
{ MESA } - { PATHE:TIKA } - { TRITE: } fol. 40b
{ MESA } - { PATHE:TIKA } fol. 41a
{ TETARTE: } - { ENERGE:TIKA } - { MESA } fol. 41b
{ PATHE:TIKA } - { PEMPTE: } fol. 42a
{ ENERGE:TIKA } - { MESA } - { PATHE:TIKA } - { ENERGE:TIKA } - { MESA } fol. 42b
{ PATHE:TIKA } - { ENERGE:TIKA } - { MESA } - { PATHE:TIKA } - { ENERGE:TIKA } fol. 43a
{ MESA kaì pathe:tikà } - { ENERGE:TIKA } fol. 43b
{ PARATATIKOS } - { MELLO:N } fol. 44a
{ AORISTOS. á. } fol. 44b
{ AORISTOS. b. } fol. 45b
{ MELLO:N } - { MESA } - { PARATATIKOS } fol. 46a
{ MELLO:N. á. } - { AORISTOS. á. } fol. 46b
{ PARAKEIMENOS } fol. 47a
{ HUPERSUNTELIKOS } - { AORISTOS. b. } fol. 47b
{ MELLO:N. b. } fol. 48a
{ PATHE:TIKA } - { PARATATIKOS } fol. 48b
{ MELLO:N. á. } - { AORISTOS. b. } fol. 49b
{ MELLO:N. b. } - { METOLIGON MELLO:N } - { ENERGE:TIKA } - { PARATATIKOS } fol. 50a
{ AORISTOS. b. } - { MESA } - { PARATATIKOS } fol. 50b
{ HUPERSUNTELIKOS } - { AORISTOS. á. } fol. 51b
{ MELLO:N. á. } - { ENERGE:TIKA } - { PARATATIKOS } - { AORISTOS. b. } - { MESA kaì pathe:tikà } - { PARATATIKOS } fol. 52a
{ HUPERSUNTELIKOS } - { AORISTOS. á. } - { MELLO:N } - { AORISTOS. b. } - { ENERGE:TIKA } fol. 53b
{ PARATATIKOS } - { MESA kaì pathe:tikà} - { PARATATIKOS } - { PARATATIKOS } fol. 54a
{ Páthe: tô:n a } - { Páthe: tô:n e } - { Páthe: tô:n o } fol. 54b
{ ENERGE:TIKA } - { PARATATIKOS } fol. 55b
{ MELLO:N } - { PERI METOCHE:S } - { ENERGE:TIKA } (etc.) fol. 56a
{ PATHE:TIKA } (etc.) fol. 57a
{ PERI anto:numías } fol. 57b
{ HENIKA } fol. 58a
{ DEIKTIKAI } - { ANAPHORIKAI } fol. 58b
{ PERI SUNDESMOU } fol. 60a

Beatus Rhenanus Selestadiensis, Lucae Edenbergerio Augustano S. D. (Preface; this page with ornamental frame) fol. 61a
{ KATHE:MERINE:S HOMILIAS BIBLION }. ( Preface. Note in margin: Apparet hunc prologum, operis fronti quod tribus constabat libellis, quibus de [!] Rhenanus in proxima praefatiuncula commeminit, non huic postremo modo, fuisse ab autore praefixum.) fol. 62b
COTTIDIANI COLLOQUII LIBELLUS. (Preface. Parallel Latin Text. Note in margin: Respondet versus versui, dictioni dictio.) fol. 63a
(Note in margin: Hoc videtur huius libelli prooemiolum, a superiori praefatione, quae tribus libris communis est, seiungendum.) fol. 63b
Beginning of the main text: Ante lucem evigilavi de somno, surrexi de lecto. sedi. accepi socculos, caligas, calciavi me. [etc.]) fol. 64a
( Printer’s emblem ) fol. 72b

On the CAMENA Section ITALI

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