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Select Bibliography of Bibliographies and Guides in Medieval Irish Studies

compiled by Donnchadh Ó Corráin
November 2003

  1. T. K. Abbott, Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College Dublin (Dublin, 1900; repr. Hildesheim, 1980).
  2. T. K. Abbott & E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of the Irish manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College Dublin (Dublin, 1921).
  3.  J. J. G. Alexander, Insular manuscripts, 6th to 9th centuries, Survey of manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles, 1 (London, 1978).
  4. Rolf Baumgarten, Bibliography of Irish linguistics and literature, 1942–71 (Dublin, 1986).
  5. R. I. Best, Bibliography of Irish philology and of printed Irish literature, 2 vols. (Dublin, 1913–42; repr. Dublin, 1969–92).
  6. R. I. Best: National University School of Library Training, “Bibliography of the publications of Richard Irvine Best”, Celtica, 5 (1960), pp. v–x. Edel Bhreathnach, Tara: a select bibliography, Discovery Programme Report 3 (Dublin 1995).
  7. Ludwig Bieler, “Recent research in Irish hagiography”, Studies (Dublin), 35 (1946), 230–08, 536–44.
  8. Ludwig Bieler, “Latin manuscripts: facsimiles, editions, studies, published in Great Britain, Ireland, Canada and the United States since July 1939”, Scriptorium, 1 (1946–7), 181–9, 329–54.
  9. Ludwig Bieler, “Patrician studies in the “Irish Ecclesiastical Record”, Ir Ecclesiast Rec 102 (1964), 359–66.
  10. Ludwig Bieler, “Die lateinische Kultur Irlands im Mittelalter in der Forschung des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts”, Hist Z, Sonderheft, 2 (1965), 260–76.
  11. Ludwig Bieler: “Bibliography of Ludwig Bieler, J. J. O'Meara & Bernd Naumann (eds.), Latin script and letters AD 400900: Festschrift presented to Ludwig Bieler on the occasion of his 70th birthday (Leiden, 1976), 1–18.
  12. D. A. Binchy: Rolf Baumgarten, “Professor D. A. Binchy: a bibliography”, Peritia, 5 (1986), 468–77.
  13. Bernhard Bischoff, “Wendepunkte in der Geschichte der lateinischen Exegese im Frühmittelalter”, Sacris Erudiri, 6 (1964), 189–279, repr. in Bernhard Bischoff, Mittelalterliche Studien: ausgewählte Aufsätze zur Schriftkunde und zur Literaturgeschichte, 3 vols. (Stuttgart, 1966–81), i 206–73; Colm O'Grady (trans.), “Turning-points in the history of Latin exegesis in the early middle age”, in Martin McNamara (ed.), Biblical studies: the medieval Irish contribution, Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Assoc 1 (Dublin, 1976), 74–160.
  14. Bernhard Bischoff: “Bibliography, 1981–93”, by Michael Gorman in Bernhard Bischoff, Manuscripts and libraries in the age of Charlemagne, trans. Michael Gorman, (Cambridge, 1994), 161–4.
  15. Bernhard Bischoff: Sigrid Krämer, Bibliographie Bernhard Bischoff und Verzeichnis aller von ihm herangezogenen Handschriften, Fuldaer Hochschulschriften, 27 (Frankfurt am Main, 1998).
  16. Bollandists, Bibliotheca hagiographica latina, 3rd ed. (Brussels, 1959).
  17. Wilfrid Bonser, An Anglo-Saxon and Celtic bibliography (450–1097), 2 vols. (Oxford, 1957).
  18. Leonard Boyle, Medieval Latin palaeography: a bibliographical introduction (Toronto, 1984).
  19. Mary Brennan, “A bibliography of publications in the field of Eriugenian studies, 1800– 1975”, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 18 (1977) 401–47. Mary Brennan, “Materials for a bibliography of Johannes Scottus Eriugena”, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 27 (1986), 413–60.
  20. Mary Brennan, Guide des études ériugèniennes: bibliographie commentée des publications, 1930–1987/ A guide to Eriugenian studies: a survey of publications, 1930–1987 (Fribourg & Paris, 1989).
    Michelle P. Brown, A guide to western historical scripts from antiquity to 1600 (Toronto, 1990).
  21. Michelle P. Brown, Understanding illuminated manuscripts: a guide to technical terms (Los Angeles CA & London, 1994).
  22. T. Julian Brown, “Latin palaeography since Traube”, in Trans Cambridge Bibliogr Soc 3 (1959–63), 361–81; repr. in Codicologica, 1 (1976), 58–84; repr. in Janet Bately, Michelle Brown & Jane Roberts (eds.), A palaeographer's view: selected writings of Julian Brown (London, 1993), 17–37.
  23. T. Julian Brown: Bibliography of the writings of T. J. Brown, in T. Julian Brown, A palaeographer's view, ed. Janet Bately, Michelle Brown & Jane Roberts (London, 1993), 293–5.
  24. G. S. Burgess & C. Strijbosch, The legend of St Brendan—a critical bibliography (Dublin, 2000).
  25. Francis John Byrne, “Seventh-century documents”, Ir Ecclesiast Rec, 5th ser., 108 (1967), 164–82.
  26. Francis John Byrne, “Ireland before the Norman invasion”, Ir Hist Stud 16 (1968), 1–14 [Thirty years” work in Irish history, 2].
  27. Francis John Byrne: “Writings”, in Alfred P. Smyth (ed), Seanchas: studies in early and medieval Irish archaeology, history and literature in honour of Francis J. Byrne (Dublin, 2000), pp. xv–xviii.
  28. James Carney: Rolf Baumgarten, “James Carney: a bibliography”, in Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Liam Breatnach & Kim McCone (eds.), Sages, saints and storytellers: Celtic Studies in honour of Professor James Carney (Maynooth, 1989), 463–72.
  29. Carlo Cipolla, Codici Bobbiesi della Biblioteca nazionale universitaria de Torino, 2 vols. (Milan, 1907).
  30. Edmondo Coccia, “La cultura irlandese precarolina: miracolo o mito?”, Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 8 (1967), 257–420.
  31. Marvin Colker, Trinity College Library Dublin: descriptive catalogue of mediaeval and renaissance Latin manuscripts, 2 vols. (Dublin & Aldershot, 1991).
  32. Eligius Dekkers & Aemilius Gaar, Clavis patrum latinorum, 3rd ed. (Steenbrugge 1995).
  33. Hippolyte Delehaye: “Bibliography of the scientific works of Hippolyte Delehaye”, in Hippolyte Delehaye, The legends of the saints, trans. Donald Attwater (Dublin, 1999), 229–44.
  34. Georges Dottin, “Éxposé d'ensemble des littératures celtiques”, Revue de synthèse historique 3/7, (1901) 60–97 [“La littérature gaelique de l'Irlande”]; 6 (1903), 317–62; 8 (1904), 78–104 [“La littérature gaelique de l'Écosse, cornique, bretonne”].
  35. Edmund Curtis: T. W. Moody, “The writings of Edmund Curtis”, Ir Hist Stud 3 (1943), 396–400.
  36. H. M. d'Arbois de Jubainville, Essai d'un catalogue de la littérature épique de l'Irlande (Paris 1883); supplement by Georges Dottin in Revue Celtique, 33 (1912), 1–40.
  37. H. M. d'Arbois de Jubainville: P. d'Arbois de Jubainville, “Bibliographie des oeuvres de H. M. d'Arbois de Jubainville”, Revue Celtique, 32 (1911), 456–74.
  38. H. M. d'Arbois de Jubainville: A. Morel-Fatio, “Notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. H. d'Arbois de Jubainville”, Bibl de l'École de Chartes, 74 (1913), 473–506.
  39. Pádraig de Brún, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in King's Inns Library, Dublin (Dublin, 1972).
  40. Pádraig de Brún, Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge: treoirliosta (Dublin, 1988).
  41. Pádraig de Brún & Máire Herbert, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in Cambridge libraries (Cambridge, 1986).
  42. Myles Dillon, Canice Mooney & Pádraig de Brún, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the Franciscan Library, Killiney (Dublin, 1969) [collection now in Dublin, University College L, OFM].
  43. Myles Dillon: Rolf Baumgarten, “Myles Dillon (1900–1972): a bibliography”, Celtica, 11 (1976), 1–14.
  44. Georges Dottin, “Notes bibliographiques sur l'ancienne littérature chrétienne d'Irlande”, Revue d'histoire et de la littérature religieuses, 5 (1900), 162–7.
  45. Maartje Draak: Marc Schneiders & Kees Velenturf, “Lijst van de geschriften van prof. dr. A. Maartje E. Draak”, in D. R. Edel, W. P. Gerritsen & K. Veelenturf (eds.), Monniken, ridders en zeevaarders: opstellen aangeboden aan Maartje Draak (Amsterdam, 1988), 169–84.
  46. R. Dougan, A descriptive guide to twenty Irish manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College Dublin with an appendix of five early manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy, 2nd ed. (Dublin, 1955).
  47. Alan R. Eager (ed.), A guide to Irish bibliographical material, being a bibliography of Irish bibliographies and some sources of information (London, 1964).
  48. Mario Esposito, “A bibliography of the Latin writers of mediaeval Ireland”, Studies (Dublin), 2 (1913), 495–521; repr. in Mario Esposito, Latin learning in mediaeval Ireland, ed. M. Lapidge (London, 1988), cap. 3.
  49. Mario Esposito: Hubert Silvestre, “Mario Esposito: brève évocation de sa vie et de son oeuvre”, Studi Medievali, 30 (1989), 1–13.
  50. Mario Esposito: Michael Gorman, “Mario Esposito (1887–1975) and the study of the Latin literature of medieval Ireland”, Filologia mediolatina, 5 (1998), 299–322 [bibliography of Esposito].
  51. Robin Flower: Obituary and bibliography by H. I. Bell, Proc Br Acad 32 (1946), 353–79.
  52. Klaus Gamber, Codices liturgici latini antiquiores, 2 vols., 2nd ed. (Fribourg, 1968).
  53. Louis Gougaud, “Inventaire des règles monastiques irlandaises”, Revue Bénédictine, 25 (1908) 167–84; 28 (1911), 86–89; and separatum as Inventaire des règles monastiques irlandaises (Maredsous, 1908).
  54. Louis Gougaud, “Répertoire des fac-similés des manuscrits irlandais”, Revue Celtique, 34 (1913), 14–37; 35 (1914), 415–30; 38 (1920), 1–14. Louis Gougaud, Modern research with special reference to early Irish ecclesiastical history (Dublin, 1929).
  55. Louis Gougaud, “The remains of Irish monastic libraries”, in John Ryan (ed.), Féil-sgríbhinn Eóin Mhic Néill: essays and studies … Eoin MacNeill (Dublin,1940), 319–34.
  56. Louis Gougaud: John Hennig, “The historical works of Louis Gougaud”, Ir Hist Stud 3 (1942–3) 180–6.
  57. Paul Grosjean, “Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum latinorum bibliothecarum Dublinensium”, Analecta Bollandiana, 46 (1928), 81–148. Paul Grosjean: Obituary and bibliography by Maurice Coens, Analecta Bollandiana, 82 (1964), 289–318.
  58. Aubrey Gwynn, “Bibliographical note on medieval Anglo-Irish history”, in T. D. Williams (ed.), Historical studies, 1 (London 1958), 93–9. Aubrey Gwynn: F. X. Martin, “The historical writings of Reverend Professor Aubrey Gwynn, SJ”, in J. A.Watt, J. B. Morall & F. X. Martin (eds.), Medieval studies presented to Aubrey Gwynn SJ (Dublin, 1961), 502–9; Clara Cullen, “Historical writings of Aubrey Gwynn”, in A. Gwynn, The Irish church in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, ed. Gerard O'Brien (Dublin, 1992), pp. xiii–xiv.
  59. E. J. Gwynn: R. I. Best, “Edward John Gwynn”, in Royal Irish Academy, Minutes of proceedings, 1941, pp. 5–10 [with bibliography].
  60. Eric P. Hamp: “Bibliography of Eric P. Hamp”, in A. T. E. Matonis & Daniel F. Melia (eds.), Celtic language, Celtic literature: a Festschrift for Eric P. Hamp (Van Nuys CA, 1990), 345–415.
  61. Richard J. Hayes (ed.), Manuscript sources for the history of Irish civilisation, 11 vols with supplement in 3 vols (Boston MA 1965–79).
  62. John Hennig: bibliography by Emmanuel von Severus in Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 13 (1971), 141–71; 19 (1978), 95–105; and (by Angelus A. Häussling) 28 (1986), 235–46; repr. in John Hennig, Goethes Europakunde: Goethes Kenntnisse des nichtdeutschsprachigen Europas—ausgewählte Aufsätze, Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur, ed. Cola Minis & Arend Quak, 73 (Amsterdam, 1987), 351–99.
  63. Françoise Henry: Hilary Richardson, “Bibliography of Dr. Françoise Henry”, in Studies (Dublin), 64 (1975), 313–25. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, Sectional list 24, rev. ed. (London, 1973) [listing of all official British Record Office publications, incl. Rerum Britannicarum Medii Ævi Scriptores=Rolls Series].
  64. Louis Holtz: “Bibliographie de Louis Holtz”, in Pierre Lardet (ed.), La tradition vive: mélanges d'histoire des textes en l'honneur de Louis Holtz, Bibliologia: Elementa ad librorum studia pertinentia 20 (Paris & Turnhout, 2003), xxi–xxviii.
  65. Kathleen Hughes: David Dumville, “Bibliography of the publications of Kathleen Hughes”, in Dorothy Whitelock, Rosamond McKitterick & David Dumville (eds.), Ireland in early medieval Europe: studies in memory of Kathleen Hughes (Cambridge, 1982), 13–8.
  66. Fergus Kelly, A guide to early Irish law, Early Irish Law Series, 3 (Dublin, 1988).
  67. J. F. T. Kelly, “The study of early medieval Ireland”, Old English Newsletter, 16 (1983), 21–6.
  68. J. F. T. Kelly, “A catalogue of early medieval Hiberno-Latin biblical commentaries”, Traditio, 44 (1988), 537–71; 45 (1990), 393–434.
  69. James F. Kenney, Sources for the early history of Ireland: ecclesiastical (Columbia NY, 1929).
  70. M. L. W. Laistner: “Bibliography of the publications of M. L. W. Laistner”, in M. L. W. Laistner, The intellectual heritage of the early middle ages, ed. Chester G. Starr (Ithaca NY, 1957; repr. New York, 1966), 275–85.
  71. Michael Lapidge & Richard Sharpe (ed), Bibliography of Celtic Latin literature, 4001200 (Dublin, 1985).
  72. E. A. Lowe, Codices latini antiquiores, 11 parts & supplement (Oxford, 1934–72).
  73. Patrick McGurk, Latin gospel books from AD 400 to AD 800, Les publications de Scriptorium, 5 (Paris, Brussels, Antwerp & Amsterdam, 1961).
  74.  John Mackechnie, “The Gaelic manuscripts in Scotland”, Studies in Scottish literature, 1 (1963–4), 223–35.
  75. Donald Mackinnon, A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the Advocates' Library Edinburgh and elsewshere in Scotland (Edinburgh, 1912).
  76. Robert E. McNally, The bible in the early middle ages, Woodstock Papers, 4 (Westminster MD, 1959; repr. Atlanta GA, 1987).
  77. Robert E. McNally: Joseph F. Kelly, “A bibliography of the works of Robert E. McNally”, Thought, 54 (1979).
  78. Martin McNamara, The psalms in the early Irish church, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplemental Series, 165 (Sheffield, 2000)
  79. Eoin MacNeill: F. X. Martin, “The published work of Eoin MacNeill”, F. X. Martin & F. J. Byrne (eds.), The scholar revolutionary: Eoin MacNeill, 18671945, and the making of the new Ireland (Shannon, 1973), 325–53
  80. Gearóid Mac Niocaill: Donnchadh Ó Corráin, “Published work of Gearóid Mac Niocaill”, Peritia 16 (2002), pp. xv–xxii. (Online in CELT)
  81. J. P. Mallory & Ruairí Ó hUiginn, “The Ulster cycle: a check list of translations”, in J. P. Mallory & Gerard Stockman (eds.), Ulidia: proceedings of the first international conference on the Ulster cycle of Tales (Belfast, 1995), 291–303.
  82. Kuno Meyer: R. I. Best, “Bibliography of the publications of Kuno Meyer”, Z Celt Philol 15 (1925), 1–65.
  83. Benignus Millett & Anthony Lynch, Dún Mhuire, Killiney, 1945–95: léann agus seanchas (Dublin, 1995).
  84. Canice Mooney, Devotional writings of the Irish Franciscans, 1224–1950 (Dublin, 1952).
  85. Gerard Murphy: Brian Ó Cuív, “Gerard Murphy: Bibliography of the publications of Gerard Murphy”, Éigse 10 (1961–3), 2–10.
  86. National Library of Scotland, Summary catalogue of the Advocates' manuscripts (Edinburgh, 1971).
  87. Nessa Ní Shéaghdha & Pádraig Ó Macháin, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland, 13 fasc. (Dublin, 1967–96) [in progress].
  88. Felim Ó Briain, “The expansion of Irish christianity: an historiographical study”, Ir Hist Stud 3 (1942–3), 241–66; 4 (1944–5), 131–63.
  89. Felim Ó Briain, “Irish hagiography: historiography and method”, in Sylvester O'Brien (ed), Measgra i gcuimhne Mhichíl Uí Chléirigh (Dublin, 1944), 119–31.
  90. Michael O'Brien: Rolf Baumgarten, “Michael O'Brien (1896–1962): a bibliography”, Celtica, 19 (1987), 121–5.
  91. Brian Ó Cuív, Catalogue of Irish language manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford college libraries, 2 vols (Dublin, 2001–3).
  92. Brian Ó Cuív: Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh, “A title index of Brian Ó Cuív's publications”, Celtica, 24 (2003), 270–79.
  93. Eugene O'Curry, Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish history (Dublin, 1861; repr. Dublin, 1878; repr. Dublin, 1995)
  94. John O'Donovan: Sir John T. Gilbert, “Life and labours of John O'Donovan LlD”, Dublin Review, 51 (1862), 359–78, repr. as separatim (London, 1862).
  95. Tomás Ó Fiaich, “Irish peregrini on the continent: recent research in Germany”, Ir Ecclesiast Rec, 5th ser., 103 (1965), 233–40.
  96. Standish H. O'Grady, Robin Flower & Myles Dillon, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the British Museum, 3 vols (London, 1925–53; repr. (volumes i–ii only) as Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the British Library (Dublin, 1992).
  97. J. G. O'Keeffe: F. Mac Coluim & S. Ó Cuív, “The late J. G. O'Keeffe”, Ir Book Lover 26 (1938), 26–9 [bibliography by Colm Ó Lochlainn]. Henri Omont, “Catalogue des MSS. celtiques et basques de la Bibliothèque nationale”, Revue Celtique, 11 (1890), 389–433.
  98. T. F. O'Rahilly, Kathleen Mulchrone, Mary E. Byrne, James H. Delargy, Elizabeth FitzPatrick, Lilian Duncan, Winifred Wulff, Gerard Murphy & Tomás Ó Concheanainn, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy, 28 fascisculi & two volumes of indexes (Dublin, 1926–70) [continuous pagination].
  99. William O'Sullivan: “A select bibliography of William O'Sullivan”, in Toby Barnard, Dáibhí Ó Cróinín & Katharine Simms (eds.), “A miracle of learning”: studies in manuscripts and Irish learning: essays in honour of William O”Sullivan (Aldershot, 1998), 284–85.
  100. Séamus Pender, A guide to Irish genealogical collections=Analecta Hibernica, 7 (Dublin, 1935).
  101. Charles Plummer, “A tentative catalogue of Irish hagiography”, in Charles Plummer, Miscellanea hagiographica hibernica, Subsidia Hagiographica, 15 (Brussels, 1925), 171–286.
  102. Charles Plummer: P. S. Allen, F. M. Stenton & R. I. Best, “Charles Plummer, 1851–1927”, Proc Br Acad 15 (1929), 463–76; with bibliography, 474–6.
  103. Julius Pokorny & V. Pisani, Keltologie, Wissenschaftliche Forschungsberichte, Geisteswissenschaftliche Reihe, 2 (Berne, 1953).
  104. E. C. Quiggin, “Prolegomena to the study of the later Irish bards”, Proc Br Acad 5 (1911–23), 89–143.
  105. William Reeves: Mary C. Ferguson, The life of the Right Reverend William Stokes D. D. (Dublin, 1893) [with bibliography].
  106. Liam Ronayne, “Seandlithe na nGael: an annotated bibliography of the ancient laws of Ireland”, Ir Jurist, 17 (1982), 131–44.
  107. Gustav Scherer, Verzeichnis der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen herausgegeben auf Veranstaltung und mit Unterstützung des Kath. Administrationsrathes des Kantons St. Gallen (Halle, 1875).
  108. Carl Selmer, “The vernacular translations of the Navigatio sancti Brendani: a bibliographical study”, Medieval Studies, 18 (1956), 145–57.
  109. Richard Sharpe, A handlist of the Latin writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540 (Turnhout, 1997; repr. with additions and corrections, 2001).
  110. I. P. Sheldon-Williams, “A bibliography of the works of Johannes Scotus Eriugena”, J Ecclesiast Hist 10 (1959), 198–224.
  111. Friedrich Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum medii aevi, 11 vols. (Madrid, 1950–80).
  112. Rudolf Thurneysen, Die irische Helden- und Königsage bis zum siebzehnten Jahrhundert (Halle a. S., 1921).
  113. Rudolf Thurneysen: A. Heiermeier, Bibliographie der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen Rudolf Thurneysens, Schriftenreihe der deutschen Gesellschaft für keltische Studien, 10 (Halle a. S. 1942); revised and re-ordered in Rudolf Thurneysen, Gesammelte Schriften, i–iii, ed. Patrizia de Bernardo Stempel & Rolf Ködderitzsch, i (Tübingen, 1991), pp. xxv–xliv.
  114. Anton Gerard van Hamel: Obituary and bibliography by Maartje Draak, in Jaarboek van de maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde te Leiden, 1944–6, 70–80.
  115. Paul Walsh, Pádraig Ó Fiannachta & P. Ó Maoileachlainn, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in Maynooth College Library (Clár lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge Choláiste Phádraig Má Nuadh) i–viii (Maynooth, 1943–73).
  116. Paul Walsh: “The writings of Paul Walsh”, by John Brady, Ir Hist Stud 3 (1942–3), 193–208.
  117. Paul Walsh: Nollaig Ó Muraíle, “The writings of Paul Walsh” in Paul Walsh, Irish leaders and learning through the ages, ed. Nollaig Ó Muraíle (Dublin 2003),573–82
  118. Whitley Stokes: R. I. Best, “Bibliography of the publications of Whitley Stokes”, Z Celt Philol 8 (1912), 351–406.
  119. Martin Werner, Insular art: an annotated bibliography (Boston MA, 1984).
  120. Ernst Windisch: Ernst Kuhn, “Übersicht der Schriften von E. W.”, in Festschrift Ernst Windisch (Leipzig, 1914) 366–80.
  121. Charles Wright, “Hiberno-Latin and Irish-influenced biblical commentaries, florilegia, and homily collections”, in F. M. Biggs, T. D. Hill, & P. E. Szarmach (eds.), Sources of Anglo-Saxon literary culture: a trial version, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 74 (Binghamton NY, 1990), 87–123.
  122. Heinrich Zimmer: Timothy Lewis, A bibliography of the published works of Heinrich Zimmer (1851–1910) (Aberystwyth, 1911), repr. from J Welsh Bibliographical Soc 1/2 (1911), 48–55;
  123. R. I. Best [Additions to Timothy Lewis, A bibliography of the published works of Heinrich Zimmer (1851–1910)], Z Celt Philol 8 (1912), 593–4.

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