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CELT: Hiberno-Norman French: A Bibliography in Progress
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Hiberno-Norman French: A Bibliography in Progress

  1. M. Bateson, Borough Customs I-II (London: 1904-6).
  2. Henry F. Berry (ed), [Ordinances of Kilkenny], in, Statutes and Ordinances, and Acts of the Parliament of Ireland. King John to Henry V. (Dublin: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1907) 374-397. Text and translation.
  3. Alan Bliss and Joseph Long, Literature in Norman French to 1534 in Art Cosgrove (ed), A New History of Ireland 2: Medieval Ireland 1169-1534 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976) 708-736.
  4. Alan Bliss, Language and Literature in J. Lydon (ed), The English in Medieval Ireland (Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1984) 27-45.
  5. E. Cahill, Norman French and English Languages in Ireland 1170-1540 Irish Ecclesiastical Record 5th ser., 51/2 (1938) 155-173.
  6. Denis J. Conlon, The song of Dermot and Earl Richard Fitzgilbert: Le chansun de Dermot e li quens Ricard fiz Gilbert, Studien und Dokumente zur Geschichte der romanischen Literaturen, herausgegeben von Hans-Joachim Lope, volume 24 (Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang 1992).
  7. Edmund Curtis, The Spoken Languages of Medieval Ireland Studies 8 (1919), 253-254.
  8. E. Curtis, History of Mediaeval Ireland from 1086 to 1513 2nd ed. (London, 1938), 231-236.
  9. E. Curtis and R.B. McDowell, Irish Historical Documents London, 1943).
  10. Michael J. de Courcy Dodd, Correspondence on the historical criticism of the Song of Dermot and the Earl, Irish Historical Studies 1 (1938) 294-96
  11. Terence Dolan, The Literature of Norman Ireland in The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing i (Derry: Field Day Publications, 1991), 141-170.
  12. Marie Therese Flanagan, Mac Dalbaig, a Leinster chieftain, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 111 (1982 [1981]) 5-13.
  13. Marie Therese Flanagan, Irish society, Anglo-Norman settlers, Angevin kingship: interactions in Ireland in the late twelfth century (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989).
  14. J.T. Gilbert, Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland (London: 1870).
  15. Aubrey Gwynn, 'Provincial and diocesan decrees of the diocese of Dublin during the Anglo-Norman period,' Archivium Hibernicum 11 (1944), 31-117.
  16. G.J. Hand, 'The Forgotten Statutes of Kilkenny: A Brief Survey,' Irish Jurist 1/2 (Winter 1966), 299-312.
  17. G.J. Hand, English Law in Ireland (Cambridge, 1967).
  18. James Hardiman, A Statute of the Fortieth Year of King Edward III, enacted in a parliament held in Kilkenny, A. D. 1367, before Lionel Duke of Clarence, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Tracts relating to Ireland ii (Dublin: Irish Archaeological Society, 1843).
  19. Joseph Long, Dermot and the Earl: Who Wrote "The Song"?, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 75 (1975) section C, 263-272.
  20. J. Lydon, 'The Irish Church and Taxation in the Fourteenth Century,' Irish Ecclesiastical Record 103 (1965) 158-165.
  21. Gearóid Mac Niocaill, Na buirgéisí XII-XIV aois i (Dublin: Cló Morainn, 1964), 1-70.
  22. Frederic Madden, 'An ancient Norman-French poem on the erection of the walls of New Ross in Ireland, A.D. 1265'. Archaeologia 22 (1829) 307-22.
  23. Francisque Michel, The conquest of Ireland (London: Pickering, 1837).
  24. Henry J. Monck Mason, Essay on the Antiquity and Constitution of Parliament in Ireland (Dublin 1820).
  25. H. Morley (ed) Sir John Davies, A discovery of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued (1612), in Ireland under Elizabeth and James I (London 1890) 309-11.
  26. Evelyn Mullally, 'Hiberno-Norman literature and its public', in John Bradley (ed.), Settlement and society in medieval Ireland: studies presented to F.X. Martin, OSA (Kilkenny 1988) 327-43.
  27. Evelyn Mullally, The deeds of the Normans in Ireland: La Geste des Engleis en Yrlande (The song of Dermot and the earl) (Dublin 2002).
  28. Donnchadh Ó Corráin, 'Diarmait MacMurrough (1126-1171) and the coming of the Anglo-French', in Ciarán Brady (ed.), Worsted in the game: losers in Irish history (Dublin 1989) 21-34.
  29. John Francis O'Doherty, Laurentius von Dublin und das irische Normannentum (Munich 1933).
  30. John Francis O'Doherty, Rome and the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland, Irish Ecclesiastical Record 42 (1933) 131-45.
  31. John Francis O'Doherty, St Laurence O'Toole and the Anglo-Norman invasion, Irish Ecclesiastical Record 50 (1937) 449-77, 600-25, 51 (1938) 131-46.
  32. John Francis O'Doherty, A historical criticism of the Song of Dermot and the Earl, Irish Historical Studies 1 (1938) 4-20.
  33. Pádraig Ó Néill, The impact of the Norman invasion on Irish literature, Anglo-Norman Studies 20 (1997) 171-85.
  34. G.H. Orpen, The Song of Dermot and the Earl, an old French poem (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892).
  35. J. Otway-Ruthven, Anglo-Irish shire government in the thirteenth century, Irish Historical Studies 5 (1946-7), 1-28.
  36. Annette Jocelyn Otway-Ruthven, The native Irish and English law in medieval Ireland (Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co., 1951). 16pp.
  37. J. Otway-Ruthven, The medieval county of Kildare, Irish Historical Studies 11 (1958-9), 181-99.
  38. A.J. Otway-Ruthven, A History of Medieval Ireland (London: Ernest Benn Ltd, 1968).
  39. England and Ireland in the later Middle Ages: essays in honour of Jocelyn Otway-Ruthven (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1981).
  40. H.G. Richardson and G.O. Sayles, Parliaments and Councils of Mediaeval Ireland, Irish Manuscripts Commission (1947).
  41. H.G. Richardson and G.O. Sayles, The Irish Parliament in the Middle Ages (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1952). Études présentées à la Commission internationale pour l'histoire des assemblées d'États, 10.
  42. H.G. Richardson, Irish Revenue, 1278-1384, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 62 C (1962) 87-100.
  43. Henry Gerald Richardson, The Administration of Ireland, 1172-1377, Irish Manuscripts Commission 1964.
  44. H.G. Richardson, Parliament in Medieval Ireland (Dundalk: Dundalgan Press, 1964). Medieval Irish History series, 1.
  45. William Sayers, 'Anglo-Norman verse on New Ross and its founders'. Irish Historical Studies 28 (1992) 113-23.
  46. St. John Seymour, Anglo-Irish literature 1200-1582 (Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 1929).
  47. Hugh Shields, The Walling of New Ross: A Thirteenth-Century Poem in French, Long Room 12-13 (1975-76), 24-33.
  1. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 405, f.203-231: Waterford Customs
  2. Dublin, City Archives, Chain Book f.64-105: Dublin Customs
  3. London, British Library, Harleian 741, f.9v: Cork Charter
  4. London, British Library, Harleian 741, ff.9v-10v: Cork Customs
  5. London, British Library, Titus B.XI, fol. 129: Statute of Kilkenny
  6. London, Lambeth Palace, MS Carew 596: Song of Dermot and the Earl
  7. London, Lambeth Palace Library, Carew MS 603, fol. 165-172: Statute of Kilkenny
  8. London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 608, fol. 1-8: Statute of Kilkenny
  • A full bibliography is available at The French of England website, Fordham University, maintained by Rebecca Slitt.
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