Comments on: Reda report: the 10 worst and the 5 best amendments Website of the COMMUNIA Association for the Public Domain Wed, 26 Jan 2022 11:09:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pourquoi je soutiens le rapport REDA (et que vous aussi, vous devriez) | L'Antre du Greg Thu, 23 Apr 2015 10:46:40 +0000 […] et non pour les petits auteurs et les utilisateurs. Je vous invite à lire ce billet : Reda report: the 10 worst and the 5 best amendments (en […]

By: Visto nel Web – 179 | Ok, panico Sun, 19 Apr 2015 06:02:02 +0000 […] Reda report: the 10 worst and the 5 best amendments ::: Communia […]

By: Idee Wed, 15 Apr 2015 20:54:54 +0000 556 amendments…just imagine the workload and Julia’s schedule to talk to the different parties. It is like a hack attack: For the attack you only need to know one weakness and all others can join. For the defense you have to know all the weaknesses and you are almost alone. I wish all her followers spend some time doing some little “basics” so Julia can focus on the shadow talks.
And no she hasn’t the time to work on one amendment each day and get closed 556 days or 1 1/2 years later.
The draft should be finished in Autumn 2015 when Commissioner Oettinger expected to present the specific copyright reform proposal.

By: George Wed, 15 Apr 2015 15:11:10 +0000 Oh my god!

So these people actually get to determine the fate of the so many other people like them.

These almost incompetent MEPs that work against the public interest and manifest a grotesque ignorance towards what should be a better society with improved laws FOR THE PEOPLE actually put their powerful weight and elbows to hinder freedoms and culture sharing of the people they are supposed to help and serve.

The absurdity that these people get to decide on these matters bewilders me beyond reason.

How on Earth were they elected to represent our interests? How did they manage to hold such important roles and make this crucial decisions against us?

I’m not even angry at this situation. I’m utterly sad that our education systems create such disinterested citizens that don’t even understand who they vote and what are their own best interests.

By: EU-Urheberrecht: Communia präsentiert 10 schlimmsten und 5 besten Änderungsanträge zum Reda-Report | Wed, 15 Apr 2015 11:17:27 +0000 […] Inzwischen haben sich auch noch andere durch die Vielzahl an Änderungsanträgen gewühlt. Beispielsweise hat die Communia Association, eine internationale Vereinigung zur Förderung der Public Domain, ebenfalls Listen vorgelegt. Communia präsentiert allerdings nicht nur zehn besonders problematische sondern auch fünf durchaus begrüßenswerte Änderungsvorschläge. […]
