Comments on: In defense of the everyday creator Website of the COMMUNIA Association for the Public Domain Thu, 14 Sep 2017 10:01:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Silly Luis Sun, 22 Jan 2017 12:12:48 +0000 Just looking at Creative Commons’ “State of the commons” anyone should realize that “creators” in the traditional sense are now a very small minority, never mind those who actually live of their art.

When one takes into account that Creative Commons’ data represents only a fraction not only of CC licensed works, but of *all* works released outside traditional channels, it’s clear that the current copyright regimes are now completely inadequate. The blindness of the EU authorities to this fact is just another example of the huge breach between politicians and the people they are supposed to represent.

Incidentally, I find disheartening to see Communia mimicking the “pirates” rhetoric instead of trying to find more realistic terminology. As has been demonstrated time and again, most “pirates” are just common people sharing, say, their favorite film or the songs that made them sit back and smile (or cry!). Comparing them to bloodthirsty criminals is not the way to go. Heck, how is that saying about stones and houses of glass? Who hasn’t got a tape that a friend (or lover;-) ) recorded from a disk by that band that .. ? (Tapes? Yeah, I’m _that_ old 🙂

Anyway, keep the good work and let’s fight for justice.
