COMMUNIA Association - COMMUNIA Salon: Eurovision DSM Contest Afterparty Website of the COMMUNIA Association for the Public Domain Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:16:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 COMMUNIA Association - COMMUNIA Salon: Eurovision DSM Contest Afterparty 32 32 COMMUNIA Salon: Eurovision DSM Contest Afterparty Wed, 15 Nov 2023 09:56:06 +0000 The phone lines are closed. The results are in. Twenty-five member states have implemented the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive. But who won the Eurovision DSM Contest? Who will be crowned as Europe’s new users’ rights champion? Participate in our virtual COMMUNIA salon on 12th of December, from 1500h to 1630 CET, to […]

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The phone lines are closed. The results are in. Twenty-five member states have implemented the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive. But who won the Eurovision DSM Contest? Who will be crowned as Europe’s new users’ rights champion?

Participate in our virtual COMMUNIA salon on 12th of December, from 1500h to 1630 CET, to find out, and discuss the implementation of the DSM Directive in (almost) all EU Member States with our panel of experts.

Joining us for the ceremony will be Christina Angelopoulos, Felix Reda, Paul Keller and Teresa Nobre who will share their views and present their research on the implementation process across the EU.

If you want to find out our implementation rankings and see whether any Member State has received the coveted “douze points” or if you just need an excuse to get in the Eurovision mood before May 2024, register now and we will send you a Zoom link for the event.

Disclaimer: Clicking on this link will direct you to a Google Form and may lead to data being collected by and shared with third parties. Proceed only if you agree.

The post COMMUNIA Salon: Eurovision DSM Contest Afterparty appeared first on COMMUNIA Association.
