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Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Terms and Conditions Oberlin College Archives, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, USA: Francis M. Price, Official Alumni Records (RG 28) and Treasurer's Office (RG 7) Files

Francis Marion Price
Official Alumni Records (RG 28) and Treasurer's Office (RG 7) Files

Selected RG 28 Records Published with the
Permission of Oberlin College Archives, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, USA

Images of Alumnus Forms Submitted by Francis M. Price to Oberlin College

April 4th, 1905
April 21st, 1915: Page 1 and Page 2
September 28th, 1925: Page 2 and Page 3
November 25th, 1925: Page 2 and Page 3

History of Class 1882

FRANCIS M. PRICE, Paotingfu, China. Oberlin Seminary 1883. Married Jan. [January] 3, 1872, Sarah Jane Freeborn. Missionary of A. B. C. F. M. [American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions] to China, Caroline Islands, Guam. Pastor, Berkeley, Calif. [California, USA], 1907-10 [1907-1910]. China since 1910. Three daughters, all studied at Oberlin. Author of several missionary translations.

[Publication name and date currently unknown]

Francis Marion Price, son of Daniel and Sarah Ann (Stewart) Price, was born in Richland, Ind. [Indiana, USA], December 9, 1850. He entered Oberlin in 1877 as a student in the Theological Seminary [Oberlin Theological Seminary], but later transferred to the College [Oberlin College] and was graduated in 1882 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts [A.B.]. He received the degree of Bachelor of Divinity [D.B.] in 1883. He was married January 2, 1872, to Sarah Jane Freeborn. After his graduation from Oberlin he and his wife went to Shansi, China, where they served for a number of years as missionaries of the American Board [American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, ABCFM)]. In 1894 they were transferred to the mission in Ruk [Truk, Chuuk], Caroline Islands, where they served for five years. After a furlough spent in America [USA] they went to Guam, Ladrone Islands. In 1907 they returned to the United States and during the year 1907-08 Mr. Price served as Pastor of the Park Church, Berkeley, Calif. [California, USA]. In 1910 Mr. And Mrs. Price returned to China and located in Paotingfu where they rendered valuable assistance in the evangelistic work of the American Board [American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, ABCFM)] station. While in Paotingfu Mrs. Price died (1916) and on September 18, 1918, Mr. Price married Mrs. Jennie M. Reeves. In 1926 he retired from active service in the foreign field and spent the remainder of his life in Berkeley [California, USA], where he died September 5, 1937, the cause of death being ................... He is survived by his wife and three daughters: Mrs. Mary Ann Price-Foster, Mrs. Alice Price-Logan, and Mrs. Helen Price-Bodin. Three other children, Leila Frances, William Christie, and Agnes, died in childhood.

Semi-Centennial Register - 1833-83 [1833-1883]

Francis Marion Price; b. [born] Richland, Ind., [Indiana, USA], Dec. [December] 9, 1850.-student O. T. S. [Oberlin Theological Seminary, Oberlin, Ohio, USA]-mar. [married] Jennie Freeborn, Jan. [January] 3, ’72 [1872].-res. Oberlin [Oberlin, Ohio, USA].

Oberlin News, Thursday, Jan. [January] 18, 1894

From the article by Professor W. B. Chamberlain on "Some Oberlin People in the Southwest," concerning "a hurried midwinter trip to the land of perpetual bloom" which he had recently taken:

At Albuquerque I saw Walter Skeele, with '87 [1887], through Sophomore year, and organist at the First Church. His wife, Mary Bosworth, sister of our Professor E. I. Bosworth, has been suffering from trouble in throat and lungs, and it is for her health that they are residing in New Mexico. Their mother, Mrs. Bosworth, is living with them for the present. Mr. Skeele is conducting a musical society and teaching piano and organ.
At Los Angeles Rev. F. M. Price is the pastor of a most interesting and promising institutional church, located in one of the most needy wards of the city, and destined to be a power in that place. This is the Price whom many will remember as a graduate of the College in '82 [1882] and of the Seminary in '83 [1883], an indefatigable worker, having twice gone to China, driven back once by the ill health of his wife, and once by a throat trouble in himself, which threatened to be fatal. He has recovered his health in good measure, and is in buoyant spirits. At forty-three he has already done a fair life's work, and may yet do a greater one. He is a typical representative of the kind of men whom Oberlin delights to honor, because they so grandly honor and exemplify her teachings. His eldest daughter, Annie, is married and resides in Los Angeles. She and her husband both have aspirations for higher study. Mrs. Price and the younger children are in good health.

Alumni Mag. [Magazine] April 1919

'82 [1882]-Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Price missionaries in Pao-Ting Fu, China, are visiting in Oberlin. Mr. Price spoke in Finney chapel on Shansi Day. He will go later to various parts of the country to speak under the American Board [American Board of Commissioners for the Foreign Missions]. They will return to China in May.

1883 Class Letter - 1926

FRANCIS MARION PRICE, representative of ’83 [1883] O .T. S. [Oberlin Theological Seminary] on the foreign field, was born in Richland, Indiana, on December 9, 1850. He spent seven years in study in Oberlin, receiving his A. B. in ’82 [1882], and his D. B. in ’83 [1883]. With the exception of brief pastorates in the United States his life has been spent in foreign lands. He was a missionary in the Caroline Islands, and has been connected with different Chinese Missions, at present in Pao ting fu.

He has been a thorough student of the languages and literature of the countries where his life work has been. He has made translations of the Old Testament in the Caroline Islands language; the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles and Psalms in the Chamorro language of Guam, Ladrone Islands, published by American Bible Society; also a catechism in the language of Guam; and one in the Chinese language, besides various articles in the home papers.

He was married in 1872 to Sarah Jane Freeborn who died in Kuan Tso Ling, China, of rheumatism of the heart in 1916. There were six children, five daughters and a son, of whom three are living, two having died in infancy in Ruk, Caroline Islands, and a daughter of 12 years in China in 1894. The daughters living are Martha Ann Foster of Ensley, Alabama; Helen Stewart Bodin of Berkeley, California, and Alice Fairchild Price, now residing in California.

Mr. Price married Mrs. J. M. Reeves of Redlands, California in 1922, and together they have been doing valiant service in the Mission at Pao ting fu, China. “The Pao ting fu Trumpet” which Mr. Price sends tells of great opportunity in the wide field of Pao ting fu.

He writes-“According to the rules of our Mission, adopted this year, a missionary's term expires, by limitation at the age of 70, and I am now past 74 and my wife past 58, we shall, D. V., return to the United States in the spring of 1926. Our life has been one of splendid opportunity and although shot through with the sorrows common to us, it has been abundant in blessings from the Heavenly Father and abounding with joy and gladness.”

Class Letter of '82 [1882] in 1932

FRANCIS M. PRICE, 2929 Grove Street, Berkeley, Calif. [California, USA] No reply to letters, but Powell saw him a year ago. He is a “shut in”.

[Publication name and date currently unknown]

Rev. Francis M. Price, missionary of the American Board [American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions] in North China and Micronesia 1883-1926 (not continuously), at Berkeley, California, September 5, 1937.

Rev. Francis Price
Isabelle Phelps
Herald, 4-1-38 [April 1, 1938]

Word has but recently been received of the date on which Rev. Francis M. Price died at his home in Berkeley, California.

Mr. Price was born in Milroy, Indiana, in 1851, and was graduated from Oberlin College in 1882 and from Oberlin Theological Seminary in 1883. He and Mrs. Price (Sarah Jane Freeborn) then went to Shansi, North China, where they served four years (1883-1884, 1887-1890) as missionaries of the American Board [American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions]. (Mr. Price's brother Charles was one of the martyrs in the Boxer Rebellion.) In 1894 they were transferred to Micronesia, and joined the workers in Ruk, Caroline Islands.

“He served there as general missionary for five years,” writes Rev. Herbert E. B. Case, who was their associate in Micronesia for some years, “until his furlough in 1899. During this furlough period he raised special funds to start the work in Guam, then American territory, planning to establish a training school there where supplies could be secured easily. This plan was never realized because of the difficulty of transportation between Guam and the other islands. However, with true pioneer spirit, Mr. Price started the work for the Chamorro people, ministering to their spiritual needs and trying to inspire them with the desire for a purer type of religious life than that of their Spanish Roman Catholic background. He also established friendly relations with the Americans in the naval and cable stations, and maintained English preaching services throughout his stay. One of his greatest contributions to the Island people was his translation of the Gospels and Psalms into the Chamoro language. He was a good linguist and a practical missionary-one with considerable power of leadership.”

In 1910 their early love for China again drew them, and they returned under the auspices of an independent mission. After a year they removed to Paotingfu, North China, where they rendered valuable assistance in the evangelistic work of the American Board station. Mrs. Price died in 1916 and about two years later, Mr. Price was married to Mrs. Jennie Reeves, mother of Mrs. Sherwood Moran of the American Board station at Osaka, Japan. She enthusiastically aided him in his work until their retirement in 1926 to the family home in Berkeley, where she survives him.

During his first years in Paotingfu Mr. Price did much touring and was an inspiration to the branch churches of the vast country field connected with that station. He also taught in workers’ training classes. As advancing age made touring more difficult, his efforts were confined largely to city evangelism and the supervision of Bible colporteurs. A Community center on the principal East Street of Paotingfu was opened and carried on for several years by Mr. and Mrs. Price.

Mr. Price knew and loved his Bible well. One of his customs was to begin his letters with a verse of Scripture. When enjoying a beautiful view he loved to repeat at length portions of the Psalms and other bible passages in praise of the Creator. He lived a deeply spiritual life and was honored and beloved by his associates.

The Chamorro Bible In Print

Photograph accompanying Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus - God's Precious WordsManguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus – God's Precious Words
With the Photograph of the Day

The Great Earthquake and Catastrophic Tsunami of 2004
The Spectacular Clouds of the Transonic Flight Regime  ·  Francis Marion Price (1850-1937)  ·  The 1908 Chamorro Bible in Audio  ·  Chamorro Language Resources  ·  Acknowledgements  ·  ISLES, Spring 2003, Special Issue: The Resurrection of the (1908) Chamorro Bible  ·  Chamorro Bible Project  ·  Announcements  ·  Download

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