Bendise si Jeova, O antijo: O Jeova Yuusso, jago y sendangculo;
jago minagagago ni y onra, yan y minagas.
Y trongcon jayo Jeova manbula chugo; y sedro sija gui Libano ni y tinanomña; Anae y
pajaro jafatitinas y chechoñija; ya y chuchuco, y trongcon pino guimaña.
O Jeova, manminegae sija y chechomo! y minenajlom, jago fumatinas
sija todo: y tano senbula ni y rinicumo. Salmo 104:1, 16-17, 24.
Great Blue Herons, Ardea herodias, and Their Tree Nests at Rookery Pond
Merced National Wildlife Refuge, State of California, USA
Photo Credit (Full size): Gary R. Zahm (WO-E 40), Washington DC Library, United States Fish and Wildlife Service Digital Library System (, United States Fish and Wildlife Service (, United States Department of the Interior (, Government of the United States of America (USA).
The Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus Archive
The Great Earthquake and Catastrophic Tsunami of 2004
The Spectacular Clouds of the Transonic Flight Regime
The Chamorro Bible In Print