Para guiya ni y jafatinas y mandangculo na candet sija: sa y minaaseña gagaegue para taejinecog. Y atdao para
ufangobietna gui jaane: sa y minaaseña gagaegue para taejinecog. Y pilan yan y pution sija para
ufanmangobietna gui puenge: sa y minaaseña gagaegue para taejinecog.
O nae grasias y Yuus y langet: sa y minaaseña gagaegue para taejinecog.Salmo 136:7-9,26.
The normally faint V838 Monocerotis (center), a red supergiant star at the outer edge of our Milky
Way galaxy, suddenly brightened from January 2002 to April 2002. As shown in this February 8, 2004
photo of swirls or eddies of dust swirling across trillions of miles or kilometers of interstellar space,
its continuing light echo, the expanding illumination of the dusty interstellar cloud around the star, is
revealing remarkable structures seen for the first time.
Photo Credit (Full size): Space Phenomenon Imitates Art in Universe's Version of van Gogh Painting ("Starry Night"), February 8, 2004 (Released: March 4, 2004), STScI-2004-10, NASA's Earth-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope; The Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI,, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,, Government of the United States of America (USA).
The Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus Archive
The Great Earthquake and Catastrophic Tsunami of 2004
The Spectacular Clouds of the Transonic Flight Regime
The Chamorro Bible In Print