Si Jesus tumato gui ninasiñan y Espiritu asta Galilea: ya jumanao y famaña guiya todo y tano gui oriyaña. Ya
güiya mamananagüe gui guimayuusñija, ya ninafanonra nu y todo.
Ya mato guiya Nasaret anae jagas mapogsae: ya jumalom taemanoja y costumbreña gui jaanin sabado,
gui guimayuus ya cajulo para utaetae. Ya manaegüe y leblon y profeta Isaias. Ya anae jababa y
leblo, jasoda anae esta matugue:
Y Espiritun y Señot gaegue gui jilojo, sa japalae yo para jupredica y mauleg na sinangan gui mamobble:
ya matago yo para jusangane mancautibo, linibre, ya para y manbachet ufanmanlie, ya para
junafanlibre y manchiguit, Para jusaganñaejon y guaeyayon na año y Señot.
Ya jajuchom y leblo ya anae janatalo y ministro, matachong; ya todo y mangaegue gui guimayuus, güiyaja
manatan. Ya jatutujon sumangane sija: Pago esta macumple este na tinigue gui talanganmiyo. Lucas 4:14-21.
With Gentle Waves Splashing at Their Feet, a Father Shows His Young Son (lower right) the Enormous Military Sealift Command Hospital Ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) as it Transits the Johor Strait That Separates Singapore and Malaysia. The USNS Mercy is an important part of Operation Unified Assistance, a massive international humanitarian operation to relieve the extensive suffering caused by the Great Earthquake and Catastrophic Tsunami of 2004. The ship contains 12 fully equipped operating rooms, a 1,000-bed hospital facility, digital radiological services, a diagnostic and clinical laboratory, a pharmacy, an optometry lab, a CAT scan, and 2 oxygen-producing plants. January 29, 2005, Republic of Singapore |
Ya jumanao si Jesus, ya jalie y dangculo na linajyan taotao: ya ninamaase ni ayo sija, ya janafanjomlo
y manmalango sija. Mateo 14:14
Photo Credit (Full size): Lt. Chuck Bell, Navy NewsStand Eye on the Fleet Photo Gallery (, 050129-N-0493B-007), United States Navy (USN,; United States Department of Defense (DoD, or, Government of the United States of America (USA).
The Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus Archive
The Great Earthquake and Catastrophic Tsunami of 2004
The Spectacular Clouds of the Transonic Flight Regime
The Chamorro Bible In Print