Jago umesgaejonyo ni y consejumo, ya despues unresibeyo gui langet. Ya jayeyo guajayo gui langet sino jagoja?
ya taya gui jilo y tano güinaeyaco, na jagoja. Y catneco yan y corasonjo malachae: lao si Yuus y minetgot y
corasonjo, yan y güinajajo para taejinecog. Sa, estagüe ya ayo sija y mañago guiya jago, na ufanmalingo: jago
yumulang todo ayo sija y manjanao guiya jago para inábale. Lao mauleg para guajo y juguaguato jijot gui
as Yuus: sa jupolo y inangococo gui Señot Jeova, para usiña jusangan todo y chechomo. Salmo 73:24-28.
August 2000 Sunset and Full Moon Rising, Snow-Capped Mt. Rainier (background),
and Peaceful Waters
Gig Harbor, State of Washington, USA
Photo Credit (Full size): Carol Baldwin, NOAA OMAO; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Photo Library (http://www.photolib.noaa.gov, line1909), America's Coastlines Collection, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, http://www.noaa.gov), United States Department of Commerce (http://www.commerce.gov), Government of the United States of America (USA).
The Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus Archive
The Great Earthquake and Catastrophic Tsunami of 2004
The Spectacular Clouds of the Transonic Flight Regime
The Chamorro Bible In Print