Si Jesus umagang ilegña: Y jumonggue yo, guajoja, ti jajonggue lao ayo y tumago yo. Y umatan yo, güiya umatan y
tumago yo. Mato yo gui jilo y tano parejoja y candet, para todo ayo y jumonggue yo, ti sumaga gui jemjom. Y jumungog
y sinanganjo ya ti jajonggue, guajo ti jujusga; sa ti mato yo para jufanjusga gui tano, lao para junafanlibre y tano.
Ya y rumechasa yo ya ti rumesibe y sinanganjo, guaja ujinisga güe: Y sinangan ni jusangan, güiya ufanjusga güije uttimo na
jaane. Sa ti guinin juadingan namaesa; lao si Tata ni tumago yo, güiya numae yo tinago ni para jusangan yan y para
jucuentos. Ya jutungo na y tinagoña, güiya linâlâ taejinecog: enaomina ayo sija jusangan; taegüije si Tata guinin jasangane
yo, taegüijeja jusasangan. Juan 12:44-50.
A Beautiful View of Dusk Turning Into Night as Seen From the Pacific Ocean, August 19, 2005
Off the Coast of Santa Barbara, State of California, USA
Photo Credit (Full size): Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Konstandinos Goumenidis, Navy NewsStand Eye on the Fleet Photo Gallery (, 050819-N-8213G-274), United States Navy (USN,, United States Department of Defense (DoD, or, Government of the United States of America (USA).
The Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus Archive
The Great Earthquake and Catastrophic Tsunami of 2004
The Spectacular Clouds of the Transonic Flight Regime
The Chamorro Bible In Print