Y egaan, anae tumalo guato gui siuda, ñalang. Ya jalie un trongcon igos jijot gui chalan, ya malag ayo, lao taya sinedaña na
jagonja; ya ilegña: Ti unfanogcha asta ni ngaean. Ya ti apmam y igos anglo. Anae malie este ni y disipulo sija,
ninafanmanman, ya ilegñija: Nachinadeg y igos anglo! Ya maninepe as Jesus, ilegña: Magajet jusangane jamyo, na yaguin
guaja jinengguenmiyo, ya ti buebuente jamyo, infatinas ti esteja ni y mafatinas gui y igos; lao yaguin insangane este
na ogso ya ilegmiyo: Janao ya unyutejao gui tase, umafatinas. Mateo 21:18-22.
Sunset Over a Calm, Great Sea, November 30, 2006
Atlantic Ocean
Photo Credit (Full size): Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Bryant A. Kurowski, Navy NewsStand Eye on the Fleet Photo Gallery (http://www.news.navy.mil/view_photos.asp, 061130-N-6282K-007), United States Navy (USN, http://www.navy.mil), United States Department of Defense (DoD, http://www.DefenseLink.mil or http://www.dod.gov), Government of the United States of America (USA).
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