Jaso y lirio sija, jaftaemano mandocoñiñija! ti manmachochocho, ni ufanmanjila; ya jusangane jamyo na si Salomon contodo y
minalagña, ti minagago parejo yan uno guiya sija. Yanguin si Yuus janafanminagago
y chaguan qui fangualuan ni y gaegue pago, ya agupa esta mayute guato gui jetno; ti mas magajet na inninafanminagago
jamyo, O jamyo didide na jinenggue? Lucas 12:27-28.
Fringed Campion, Silene polypetala, In Full Bloom
State of Georgia, USA
Photo Credit (Full size): Pete Pattavina, Southeast Image Library, United States Fish and Wildlife Service Digital Library System (http://images.fws.gov), United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS, http://www.fws.gov), United States Department of the Interior (http://www.doi.gov), Government of the United States of America (USA).
The Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus Archive
The Great Earthquake and Catastrophic Tsunami of 2004
The Spectacular Clouds of the Transonic Flight Regime
The Chamorro Bible In Print