-ális, -áris, -élis, -ílis, -úlis | nátúr-ális, natural; |
popul-áris, fellow-countryman; | populus, a people. |
patru-élis, cousin; | patruus, uncle. |
host-ílis, hostile; | hostis, an enemy. |
cur-úlis, curule; | currus, a chariot. |
NOTE: The suffixes arise from adding -lis (stem li-) to various vowel stems. The long vowels are due partly to confusion between stem and suffix (cf. vítá-lis, from vítá-, with rég-ális), partly to confusion with verb-stems: cf. Aprílis (aperíre), edúlis (edere), with senílis (senex). -ris is an inherited suffix, but in most of these formations -áris arises by differentiation for -ális in words containing an 1 (as mílit-áris).