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Adjectives with the sense of belonging to are formed by means of the suffixes -

1. So from common nouns: -

mont-ánus, of the mountains; móns (stem monti-), mountain.
veter-ánus, veteran; vetus (stem veter-), old.
antelúc-ánus, before daylight; ante lúcem, before light.
terr-énus, earthly; terra, earth.
ser-énus, calm (of evening stillness); sérus, late.
coll-ínus, of a hill; collis, hill.
dív-ínus, divine; dívus, god.
líbert-ínus, of the class of freedmen; líbertus, one's freedman.
cui-ás, of what country? quis, who?
ínfim-ás, of the lowest rank; ínfimus, lowest.
for-énsis, of a market-place, or the Forum; forum, a market-place.
cívi-cus, civic, of a citizen; cívis, a citizen.
fullón-icus, of a fuller; fulló, a fuller.
mer-ácus, pure; merum, pure wine.
fémin-eus, of a woman, feminine; fémina, a woman.
lact-eus, milky; lac, milk (stem lacti-).
pléb-éius, of the commons, plebeian; plébés, the commons.
patr-icius, patrician; pater, father.

2. But especially from proper nouns to denote belonging to or coming from:

Róm-ánus, Roman; Róma, Rome.
Sull-ání, Sulla's veterans; Sulla.
Cyzic-éní, Cyzicenes, people of Cyzicus; Cyzicus.
Ligur-ínus, of Liguria; Liguria.
Arpín-ás, of Arpinum; Arpínum.
Sicili-énsis, Sicilian; Sicilia, Sicily.
Íli-acus, Trojan (a Greek form); Ílium, Troy.
Platón-icus, Platonic; Plató.
Aquil-eius, a Roman name; Aquila.
Aquil-eia, a town in Italy;

a. Many derivative adjectives with these endings have by usage become nouns: -

Silv-ánus, M., a god of the woods; silva, a wood.
membr-ána, F., skin; membrum, limb.
Aemili-ánus, M., name of Scipio Africanus; Aemilia (g=ens).
lani-éna, F., a butcher's stall; lanius, butcher.
Aufidi-énus, M., a Roman name; Aufidius (Aufidus).
inquil-ínus, M., a lodger; incola, an inhabitant.
Caec-ína, used as M., a Roman name; caecus, blind.
ru-ína, F., a fall; ruó, fall (no noun existing).
doctr-ína, F., learning; doctor, teacher.

NOTE: Of these terminations, -ánus, -énus, -ínus are compounded from -nus added to a stem-vowel: as, arca, arcánus; collis, collínus. The long vowels come from a confusion with verb-stems (as in plé-nus, fíní-tus, tribú-tus), and from the noun-stem in á-: as, arcánus. A few nouns occur of similar formation, as if from verb-stems in ó- and ú-: as, colónus (coló, cf. incola), patrónus (cf. patró, -áre), tribúnus (cf. tribuó, tribus), Portúnus (cf. portus), Vacúna (cf. vacó, vacuus).