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New stems are formed by Composition in three
ways: -
1. The second part is simply added to the first: -
- su-ove-taurília (sús, ovis, taurus), the sacrifice of a swine, a sheep, and a
bull (cf. § 255. a).
- septen-decim (septem, decem),
2. The first part modifies the second as an adjective or adverb
(Determinative Compounds): -
- láti-fundium (látus, fundus), a large landed estate.
- omni-poténs (omnis, poténs), omnipotent.
3. The first part has the force of a case, and the second a verbal
force (Objective Compounds): -
- agri-cola (ager, field, cola akin to coló, cultivate), a
- armi-ger (arma, arms, ger akin to geró, carry),
- corni-cen (cornú, horn, cen akin to canó, sing), horn-blower.
- carni-fex (caró, flesh, fex akin to fació, make), executioner.
a. Compounds of the above kinds, in which
the last word is a noun, may become adjectives, meaning possessed
of the quality denoted: -
- áli-pés
(ála, wing, pés, foot), wing-footed.
- mágn-animus (mágnus, great, animus, soul), great-souled.
- an-ceps (amb-, at both ends, caput, head), double.
NOTE: Many compounds of the above classes appear only in the
form of some further derivative, the proper compound not being found in