Fianel, Val Ferrera, Grischun (Graubünden/Grisons), Switzerland.
"Large" Paraniite-(Y) inclusion in scheelite-powellite from the Fianel mine, Val Ferrera, Grisons, Switzerland,
the second occurrence for this mineral (type locality: Alpe Devero, Valle d'Ossola, Piemonte, Italy).
The sub-microscopic crystal grew at the junction of three (numbered) scheelite-powellite subgrains.
TEM dark field image by Bernard Grobety. Sample Joel Brugger.
Brugger, J., Gieré, R., Grobety, B. and Uspensky, E. (1998):
Scheelite-powellite and paraniite-(Y) from Fianel, Val Ferrera, GR (Swiss Alps). Amer. Mineral. 83, 1100-1110.