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MsOmit 2017 - Texts

Aided Ailella 7 Chonaill Chernaig


- Ed. XL: I, p 3-5

- H 2.17: p 475b-476b (acephalous)


- Meyer, Kuno: Goire Conaill Chernaig i Crúachain ocus Aided Ailella ocus Conaill Chernaig, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 1 (1897), pp. 102-11 [Ed. XL and H 2.17].

Aided Bresail meic Diarmata


- 23 P 3: I, f 11Vb

- B IV 2: f 144R-145R

- Lismore: f 136Va

- LL: p 358 (in margin)


- Stokes, Whitley, in: Lives of Saints from the Book of Lismore. Oxford 1890, pp. xxvii- xxviii [Lismore].

- Meyer, Kuno: Aided Bresail, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 7 (1910), pp. 305-7 [B IV 2].

Aided Cheit meic Mágach (Orgain Bélchon Bréifne)


- Ed. XL: I, p 7-8


- Meyer, Kuno: The Death-Tales of the Ulster Heroes. Dublin 1906 (repr. Dublin 1993), pp. 36-42 [Ed. XL].

Aided Cheltchair meic Uthechair


- Ed. XL: I, p 9-11

- LL: p 118b (truncated)


- Meyer, Kuno: The Death-Tales of the Ulster Heroes. Dublin 1906 (repr. Dublin 1993), pp. 24-31 [Ed. XL with variants].

- McCone, Kim: A First Old Irish Grammar and Reader. Maynooth 2005, pp. 169-71 [based on LL and Ed. XL].

Aided Chon Roí


- B IV 1 a: p 37 (fragment of version I)

- Eg. 88: f 10 Ra-11Ra (versions I and II)

- H 3.18: III, p 49-52 ('Amrae Chon Roí' only)

- YBL: XVI, col. 776-780 (facs.: p 123a-125a) (version II)

- Laud 610: II, f 117Rb-117Va (summary)


- Meyer, Kuno: Addenda to M. de Jubainville's Catalogue de la littérature épique de l'Irlande, in: Revue Celtique 6 (1884), pp. 187-91 (pp. 187-8) [Laud].

- Best, R. I.: The tragic death of Cúrói mac Dári, in: Ériu 2 (1905), pp. 18-35 [YBL and Eg. 88].

- Stokes, Whitley: The Eulogy of Cúrói, in: Ériu 2 (1905), pp. 1-14 [H 3.18].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Die Sage von Curoi, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 9 (1913), pp. 189-234 (pp. 190-6) [first version of Eg. 88].

- Henry, P. L.: Amrae Con Roí (ACR): Discussion, edition, translation, in: Études Celtiques 31 (1995), pp. 179-94 [Amrae Chon Roí with variants from Eg. 88, H 3.18, YBL].

Aided Chonchobair


- 23 N 10: p 16 (version II)

- C I 2: f 5Va-8Rb (version I)

- Ed. V: f 7Vb-8Rb (version I)

- Ed. XL: I, p 1-3 (version I, partly illegible)

- Lib. Flav.: II, f 52Ra-b (version III)

- LL: p 123b-124b (version I partly conflated with II)


- Meyer, Kuno: The Death-Tales of the Ulster Heroes. Dublin 1906 (repr. Dublin 1993), pp. 2-21 [versions I, II, III].

- Corthals, Johan: The retoiric in Aided Chonchobuir, in: Ériu 40 (1989), pp. 41-59 [old poem from version II].

Aided Chrimthainn meic Fidaig


- BB: f 145Rb-Vb (facs.: p 263b-264b)

- YBL: XVI, col. 898-902 (facs.: p 186a-188a)


- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol I. London 1892, pp. 330-6 [BB].

- Stokes, Whitley: The Death of Crimthann Son of Fidach, and the Adventures of the sons of Eochaid Muigmedón, in: Revue Celtique 24 (1903), pp. 172-207 (pp. 174-89) [YBL with variants].

Aided Chúanach meic Ailchini


- Fermoy: II, p 17a-18b

- H 2.15A: III, p 69a-b

- LL: p 274a-275b


- O'Nolan, T. P.: Mór of Munster and the Tragic Fate of Cuanu Son of Cailchin, in: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 30, section C (1912-13), pp. 261-82 (pp. 262-7) [LL with variants].

Aided Chuind Chétchathaig


- Lecan: f 183Va-b

- H 2.7: II, p 244-5


- Bergin, O.: The Death of Conn of the Hundred Battles, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 8 (1911), pp. 274-7 [Lecan].

Aided Derbforgaill


- D IV 2: f 52Va-53Rb

- H 3.18: XXII, p 728-731

- LL: p 125a-125b


- Zimmer, Heinrich, in: Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum 32 (1888), pp. 217-9 [part of LL].

- Marstrander, Carl: The deaths of Lugaid and Derbforgaill, in: Ériu 5 (1911), pp. 201-18 [LL with variants].

Aided Diarmata meic Cerrbaill


- Eg. 1782: f 37Ra-40Vb

- Eg. 92 from Fermoy: f 11Rb-Vb (excerpts)

- Lismore: f 136Va-b (excerpts)

- Uí Maine: f 74Ra-75Rb

- YBL: XVI, col. 869c-875 (facs.: p 169a-173a)


- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 72-82 [Eg. 1782].

Aided Echach meic Maíreda


- LU: p 39a-41b (interpolated)


- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 233-7 [LU].

- de Vries, Ranke, Two texts on Loch nEchach: De causis torchi Corco Óche and Aided Echach maic Maireda. London 2012, pp. 200-19 [LU; additional material pp. 267-275].

Aided Fergusa meic Roich


- Ed. XL: I, p 5-6


- Meyer, Kuno: The Death-Tales of the Ulster Heroes. Dublin 1906 (repr. Dublin 1993), pp. 32-5 [Ed. XL].

Aided Guill 7 Gairb


- Ed. XL: III, p 29a-37b

- LL: p 107b-111b


- Stokes, Whitley: The Violent Deaths of Goll and Garb, in: Revue Celtique 14 (1893), pp. 396-449 [LL with variants].

Aided Loegaire Búadaig


- Ed. XL: I, p 8-9


- Meyer, Kuno: The Death-Tales of the Ulster Heroes. Dublin 1906 (repr. Dublin 1993), pp. 22-23 [Ed. XL].

Aided Maelodráin


- Rawl. B 502: II, f 47Va-b (facs. p 82a-b)

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 116Ra-Vb

- Uí Maine: f 24R (first few words only)


- Meyer, Kuno: The story of the death of Maelodrán, in: Hibernica Minora. Oxford 1894, pp. 76-81 [Rawl. B 512 and 502].

- Greene, David, in: Fingal Rónáin and other stories. Dublin 1955 (repr. 1993), pp. 51-4 [Rawl. B 502 with variants from Rawl. B 512].

Aided Meic Con


- YBL: XVI, col. 938-939 (facs.: p 205b-206a)


- Dillon, Myles: The death of Mac Con, in: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 60 (1945), pp. 340-5 [YBL].

Aided Meidbe


- Ed. XL: I, p 6-7

- LL: p 124b-125a


- Hull, Vernam: Aided Meidbe: The violent death of Medb, in: Speculum 13 (1938), pp. 52- 61 [LL and Ed XL].

Aided Muirchertaig meic Erca


- H 2.7: II, p 248-254

- YBL: VI, col. 310-320 (facs.: p 313b-318b) (incomplete)


- Stokes, Whitley: The death of Muirchertaig mac Erca, in: Revue Celtique 23 (1902), pp. 395-437 [YBL and H 2.7 with omission of most of the verse].

- Nic Dhonnchadha, Lil: Aided Muirchertaig meic Erca. Dublin 1964 (repr. 1980).

Aided Nath Í (Dathí) 7 a Adnacol (Suidigud Tellaig na Crúachna)


- BB: f 136Va-137Ra (facs.: p 248a-249a)

- LU: p 38a-39a (interpolated)

- YBL: XVI, col. 909-911 (facs.: p 191b-192b)


- Banateanu, Vlad: Die Legende von König Dathí, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 18 (1929), pp. 160-88 [LU, YBL, BB].

- Ó Concheanainn, Tomás: Aided Nath Í and the Scribes of Leabhar na hUidhre, in: Éigse 16 (1975), pp. 146-62 (pp. 148-57) [YBL and beginning of BB].

Aided Oenfir Aífe


- H 3.17: VI, col. 842-3 (summary)

- YBL: XVI, col. 955-957 (facs.: p 214a-215a)


- O'Keeffe, J. G.: Cuchulainn and Conlaech, in: Ériu 1 (1904), pp. 124-7 [H 3.17].

- Meyer, Kuno: The Death of Conla, in: Ériu 1 (1904), pp. 113-21 [YBL].

- van Hamel, A. G., in: Compert Con Culainn and other stories. Dublin 1933 (repr. 1978), pp. 9-15 [based on YBL].

- Binchy, D. A., in: Corpus Iuris Hibernici. Vol. VI. Dublin 1978, pp. 2127-8 [H 3.17].

Aigidecht Aithirni


- 23 N 10: p 15-16

- Ha. 5280: f 77R-77V

- LL: p 118a-118b


- Meyer, Kuno: The Guesting of Athirne, in: Ériu 7 (1914), pp. 1-9 [LL with variants from Ha. 5280].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: A third copy of the Guesting of Athirne, in: Ériu 7 (1914), pp. 196-9 [23 N 10].

Airec Menman Uraird meic Coisse


- 23 N 10: p 29-43

- Ha. 5280: f 58R-63R

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 109Ra-114Va


- Byrne, Mary E.: Airec Menman Uraird Maic Coise, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. II. Halle 1908, pp. 42-76 [23 N 10 and variants].

Airem Muintire Finn


- Eg. 1782: f 25Rb-Vb

- Ha. 5280: f 49R

- Lismore: f 193Va-b


- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 92-3 [Eg. 1782].

Airne Fíngein


- D IV 2: f 44Ra-45Rb

- Fermoy: II, p 19a-21a

- Lib. Flav.: I, f 27Rb-28Ra

- Lismore: f 138Ra-139Vb


- Scarre, Annie M.: Airne Fingein, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. II. Halle 1908, pp. 1-10 [D IV 2].

- Vendryes, Joseph: Airne Fingein. Dublin 1953 (repr. 1975) [composite text, based on Lib. Flav., Lismore and Fermoy].

Aislinge Meic Con Glinne


- H 3.18: XXII, p 732-743 (short version)

- Leb. Br.: p 213a-219b (long version)


- Meyer, Kuno: Aislinge Meic Conglinne. London 1892, pp. 2-113 [Leb. Br.] and pp. 114- 129 [H 3.18].

- Jackson, Kenneth Hurlstone: Aislinge Meic Con Glinne. Dublin 1990, pp. 1-43 [Leb. Br.].

Aislinge Oenguso


- Eg. 1782: f 70R-71V


- Müller, Ed.: Two Irish Tales, in: Revue Celtique 3 (1878), pp. 342-60 (pp. 344-50) [Eg. 1782].

- Shaw, Francis: The Dream of Óengus. Dublin 1934 (reprint 1976) [based on Eg. 1782].

Baile Binnbérlach mac Búain


- 23 N 10: p 129-130

- H 3.18: III, p 47a-48a

- Ha. 5280: f 48R-48V

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 122Vb (first few paragraphs only)


- O'Curry, Eugen, in: Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of ancient Irish History. Dublin 1861 (repr. 1995), pp. 472-5 [H 3.18].

- Meyer, Kuno: Scél Baili Binnbérlaig, in: Revue Celtique 13 (1892), pp. 220-7 [Ha. 5280].

- Meyer, Kuno: Fragment of the Story of Baile Binnbérlach, in: Hibernica Minora. Oxford 1894, p. 84 [Rawl. B 512].

- Hull, Vernam: The text of Baile Binnbérlach mac Buain from MS 23.N.10 of the Royal Irish Academy, in: Journal of Celtic Studies 1 (1950), pp. 94-7 [23 N 10].

Baile Chuind Chétchathaig (rhetoric only)


- 23 N 10: p 73-74

- Eg. 88: f 12Va


- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Baile Chuind Chétchathaig nach der Handschrift von Druim Snechta, in: Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmälern. Berlin 1912, pp. 48-52 [23 N 10 and Eg. 88].

- Murphy, G.: On the dates of two sources used in Thurneysen's Heldensage. I. Baile Chuind and the date of Cín Dromma Snechta, in: Ériu 16 (1952), pp. 145-51 (pp. 146-7) [23 N 10].

- Bhreathnach, Edel and Murray, Kevin: Baile Chuinn Chétchathaig: edition, in: The kingship and landscape of Tara. Edel Bhreathnach (ed.), Dublin 2005, pp. 73-94 [from 23 N 10 and Eg. 88]

Baile in Scáil


- Ha. 5280: f 71R-72V (1st part only)

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 101Ra-105Vb


- Meyer, Kuno: Baile in Scáil, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 3 (1901), pp. 457-66 [Ha. 5280].

- Meyer, Kuno: Das Ende von Baile in Scáil, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 12 [1918], pp. 232-8 [Rawl. B 512, 2nd part].

- Pokorny, Julius (aus dem Nachlaß von K. Meyer): Der Anfang von Baile in Scáil, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 13 (1921), pp. 371-82 [Rawl. B 512, 1st part].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Baile in Scáil, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 20 (1936), pp. 213-27 [Rawl. B 512, 1st part].

- Murray, Kevin: Baile in Scáil. 'The Phantom's Frenzy'. Dublin 2004, pp. 103-17 [Harl. 5280 and Rawl. B 512].



- Lecan: f 297Rb-303Va

- LL: p 294b-308b (truncated)


- Stokes, Whitley: The Boroma, in: Revue Celtique 13 (1892), pp. 32-124 [LL with variants, verse mostly omitted].

- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 359-90 [LL].

Brislech Mór Maige Muirthemni (Aided Chon Culainn)


- H 3.18: XIX, p 601-603 (glossed excerpts)

- LL: p 119a-123b (acephalous)


- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Aided ConCulainn, in: Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmälern. Zweite Serie. Berlin 1913, pp. 13-9 [H 3.18].

- Kimpton, Bettina: The Death of Cú Chulainn. A Critical Edition of the Earliest Version of Brislech Mór Maige Muirthemni with Introduction, Translation, Notes, Bibliography and Vocabulary. Maynooth 2009 [LL and H 3.18]

Bruiden Átha


- D IV 2: f 88Ra-Rb

- YBL: XVI, col. 951-952 (facs.: p 212a-b)


- Meyer, Kuno: Two Tales about Finn, in: Revue Celtique 14 (1893), pp. 241-9 (pp. 242-5) [D IV 2].

- Hull, Vernam: Two Tales about Finn, in: Speculum 16 (1941), pp. 322-33 (pp. 323-8) [YBL].

Bruiden Da Choca (old version)


- H 3.18: XXII, p 708-724


- Stokes, Whitley: Da Choca's Hostel, in: Revue Celtique 21 (1900), pp. 149-65, 312-27, 388-402 [H 3.18 together with excerpts from younger version and omission of verse].

- Toner, Gregory: Bruiden Da Choca. London 2007, pp. 104-49 [H 3.18; plus edition of younger version].

Bruiden Meic Da Réo (Orgain Chairpri Chind Chait)


- B IV 2: f 125R-127R

- BB: f 140Ra-Va (facs.: p 255a-256a) (genealogical version)

- Ed. XXVIII: f 5R-5V (summary)

- Fermoy: II, p 35a-37a

- H 3.18: XXIII, p 761-764

- Lecan: f 185Vb-186Ra (genealogical version)

- Lismore: f 184Ra-Va (genealogical version)


- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Morands Fürstenspiegel,in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 11 (1917), pp. 56-106 (pp. 56-73) [based on Fermoy and H 3.18 with variants from BB and Lecan].

- Ó Raithbheartaigh, Toirdhealbhach: Genealogical Tracts I. Dublin 1932, pp. 107-32 [BB: pp. 107-16; Fermoy: pp. 122-31].

- Craigie, W. A.: Cairpre Cindchait and the Athach Tuatha, in Revue Celtique 20 (1899), pp. 335-9 [Ed. XXVIII].

Caithréim Cellaig


- G 4 from YBL: col. 972-985

- Leb. Br.: p 272b-277a

- Lib. Flav.: II, f 17Vb-20Va


- O'Grady, Standish, in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, 49-65 [Leb. Br.].

- Mulchrone, Kathleen: Caithréim Cellaig. Dublin 1971 [Leb. Br and YBL with variants from Lib. Flav.].

Cath Airtig


- H 3.18: XXII, p 724-728

- Lecan: f 169Va-170Ra (acephalous)


- Best, R. I.: The Battle of Airtech, in: Ériu 8 (1916), 170-90 [H 3.18 and Lecan].

Cath Almaine


- Br. 5301-20: p 8-12 (embedded in 'Fragmentary Annals')

- D IV 2: f 87Ra-Va (acephalous)

- Fermoy: II, p 128b-130b (truncated)

- YBL: XVI, col. 939-942 (facs.: p 206a-207b)


- Stokes, Whitley: The Battle of Allen, in: Revue Celtique 24 (1903), pp. 41-70 [YBL with variants from Br. 5301-20 and Fermoy].

- Ó Riain, Pádraig: Cath Almaine. Dublin 1978 [Br. 5301-20, YBL and Fermoy].

- Radner, Joan Newlon: Fragmentary Annals of Ireland. Dublin 1978, pp. 66-80 [Br. 5301- 20].

Cath Belaig Dúin Bolg


- D IV 2: f 86Ra-Vb (truncated)

- YBL: XVI, col. 942-945 (facs.: p 207b-209a)


- Maniet, Albert: Cath Belaig Duin Bolc, in: Éigse 7 (1953-55), pp. 95-111 [YBL].

Cath Cairn Chonaill


- Eg. 1782: f 59V-61R (embedded in 'Mionannála')

- LL: p 276b-277b

- LU: p 115b-117b (interpolated)

- YBL: XVI, col. 795 (facs.: p 132b) (excerpt)


- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 396-401 [Eg. 1782].

- Stokes, Whitley: The Battle of Carn Conaill, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 3 (1900), pp. 203-19 [LU with variants from LL and Eg. 1782].

Cath Cinn Abrad


- C I 2: f 13Va-15Rb

- Lecan: f 192Ra-b


- Scarre, Annie M.: Cath Cinn Abrad ann so sís, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. II. Halle 1908, pp. 76-80 [C I 2].

- Dillon, Myles: The Lecan Text of the Battle of Cenn Abrat, in: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 40 (1945), pp. 10-15 [Lecan].

- O Daly, Máirín: Cath Maige Mucrama. Dublin 1975, pp. 88-93 [Lecan].

Cath Crinna


- Fermoy: II, p 29a-35a

- H 3.18: XIX, p 609 (glossed excerpts)

- Lismore: f 163Ra-165Rb

- LL: p 328f-329a (genealogical version)


- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 319-26 [Lismore].

Cath Cula Dremne


- 24 P 25: p 81a-86a


- Walsh, P.: Cath Cula Dremne, in: Irisleabhar Muighe Nuadhad. Maynooth 1926, pp. 3- 11.

Cath Maige Mucrama (old version)


- G7: col. 29-40 (truncated)

- LL: p 288a-292a


- Stokes, Whitley: The Battle of Mag Mucrime, in: Revue Celtique 13 (1892), pp. 426-74 [LL].

- O Daly, Máirín: Cath Maige Mucrama. Dublin 1975, pp. 38-63 [LL] and pp. 94-101 [G 7].

Cath Maige Rath (old version)


- YBL: XVI, col. 945-949 (facs.: p 209a-211a)


- Marstrander, Carl: A new version of the Battle of Mag Rath, in: Ériu 5 (1911), pp. 226- 47 [YBL].

Cath Maige Tuired - first


- H 2.17: p 90a-99b


- Fraser, J.: The First Battle of Moytura, in: Ériu 8 (1915), pp. 1-63 [H 2.17].

Cath Maige Tuired - second (old version)


- Ha. 5280: f 63R-70V


- Stokes, Whitley: The Second Battle of Moytura, in: Revue Celtique 12 (1891), pp. 52- 130 [Ha. 5280 without rhetorics; cf. R. Thurneysen, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 12 (1918), pp. 401-6].

- Gray, Elisabeth A.: Cath Maige Tuired. Naas 1982 [Ha. 5280].

Cath Ruis na Ríg (old version)


- LL: p 171a-178a


- Hogan, Edmund: Cath Ruis na Ríg for Bóinn. Dublin 1892, pp. 1-59 [LL].

Compert Chon Culainn (Feis Tige Becfoltaig)


- 23 N 10: p 62-63

- D IV 2: f 46Rb-47Vb (old plus later version)

- Eg. 1782: f 78V-80R (old plus later version)

- Eg. 88: f 12Vb-13Rb

- G 7: col. 7-9

- H 4.22: I, section 4, p 46-47

- LU: p 128a-b (interpolated with part of later version) (truncated)


- Windisch, Ernst: Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch. Leipzig 1880, pp. 134-45 [LU and Eg. 1782].

- Meyer, Kuno: Feis Tige Becfoltaig, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 5 (1905), 500-4 [second version of D IV 2].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Compert ConCulainn nach der Handschrift von Druim Snechta, in: Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmälern. Berlin 1912, pp. 31-41 [based on LU, Eg. 88, 23 N 10 and H 4.22]; ibid.: Compert ConCulaind nach D. 4. 2, pp. 41-8 [first version of D IV 2].

- Hull, Vernam: The Version of Compert Con Culainn in MS. Phillipps G 7, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 24 (1954), pp. 128-31 [G7].

- van Hamel, A. G., in: Compert Con Culainn and other stories. Dublin 1933 (repr. 1978), pp. 1-8 [based on LU].

Compert Chonchobair


- BB: f 142Rb-Va (facs.: p 259b-260a) (old plus later version)

- D IV 2: f 45Rb-46Ra (later version)

- Eg, 1782: f 77V-78V (later version)

- G 7: col. 4 (old summary)

- H 3.18: III, p 48b (old summary); XIX, 604-605 (glossed excerpts)

- H 4.22: I, section 4, p 40 (old summary)

- Lecan: f 191Va-b (old summary)

- Rawl. B 512: III, f 100Vb (old summary)

- YBL: XVI, col. 886-887 (facs.: p 179b-180a) (old plus later version)


- Meyer, Kuno: Anecdota from the Stowe Ms. N° 992, in: Revue Celtique 6 (1884), pp. 173-86 (pp. 173-82) [D IV 2 with variants from YBL and Eg. 1782].

- Meyer, Kuno, in: Hibernica Minora. Oxford 1894, p. 50 [short text from Rawl. B 512].

- Hull, Vernam: The Conception of Conchobor, in: Irish Texts. Fasc. IV. London 1934, pp. 4-12 [shorter text based on YBL, BB, Lecan, Rawl. B 512, H 3.18 and H 4.22; text of G 7].

Comrac Con Culainn re Senbecc ua nEbricc (Bruiden Senbicc uí Ebricc)


- D IV 2: f 48Va

- H 3.18: IV, p 60

- Rawl. B 512: f 143Va-b


- Meyer, Kuno: Irish Miscellanies: Anecdota from the Stowe MS. no 992, in: Revue Celtique 6 (1883-85), pp. 173-86 (pp. 182-4) [D IV 2].

Comrac Liadaine 7 Cuirithir


- H 3.18: XXIII, p 759-761

- Ha. 5280: f 26R-26V


- Meyer, Kuno: Liadain and Cuirithir. An Irish love-story of the ninth century. London 1902 [based on Ha 5280 and H 3.18].

Comthóth Lóegairi co Cretim 7 a Aided.


- H 3.18: XIII, p 358a-359a (in 'pseudo-historical prologue')

- LU: p 117b-118b (interpolated; later version)


- Plummer, Charles: Irish Miscellanies. The Conversion of Loegaire, and his death, in: Revue Celtique 6 (1884), pp. 162-72 [LU].

- Whitley Stokes, in: The tripartite life of Patrick. Pt. II. London 1887, pp. 562-7 [LU].

- Binchy, D. A., in: Corpus Iuris Hibernici. Vol. III. Dublin 1978, pp. 874-6 [H 3.18].

- Carey, John: 'An edition of the pseudo-historical prologue to the Senchas Már', in: Ériu 45 (1994), pp. 1-32 (pp. 11-17) [H 3.18 with variants; additional material pp. 28-32].

Conall Corc and the Corco Luigde


- Laud 610: II, f 98Ra-99Vb


- Meyer, Kuno: Conall Corc and the Corco Luigde, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. III. Halle 1910, pp. 57-63 [Laud 610].

Cormac's Glossary (Gaire, Lethech, Mug Éme, Nesscoit, Orc tréith, Prull)


- 23 N 10: p 74-76 (Prull)

- Ha. 5280: f 75R-V (Mug Éme, Prull)

- Laud 610: II, f 79Ra-86Va (fragment)

- Leb. Br.: p 263a-272b

- LL: p 179a-b (fragment)

- Uí Maine: f 119Ra-126Ra

- YBL: II, col. 3-87 (facs.: p 255a-283a)


- Stokes, Whitley: Cormac's Glossary, in:Three Irish Glossaries. London 1862, pp. 1-46 [Leb Br].

- Stokes, Whitley: On the Bodleian Fragment of Cormac's Glossary, in: Transactions of the Philological Society 1891-94, 149-206 [Laud 610]

- Meyer, Kuno: Sanas Cormaic, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. IV. Halle 1912 (reprint 1994) [YBL].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Zu Cormacs Glossar, in: Festschrift Ernst Windisch. Leipzig 1914, pp. 8-37 [Prull and Mug Eme; all manuscripts].

- Meyer, Kuno: Cormacs Glossar nach der Handschrift des Buches der Uí Maine, in: Abhandlungen der Königlichen Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. Klasse 1919, 290- 319 [parts of Uí Maine].

Cuislinn Brigde 7 Aided Meic Díchoime


- D IV 2: f 50Va-51Vb


- Meyer, Kuno: King Eochaid has horse's ears, in: Otia Merseiana 3 (1903), pp. 46-54 [first part of D IV 2].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Die Flöte von Mac Díchoeme, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 19 (1932), pp. 117-24 [second part of D IV 2].

De Chophur in Dá Muccida


- Eg 1782: f 73V-76V

- H 3.18: XIX, p 603-604 (glossed excerpts)

- LL: p 246a-247a


- Windisch, Ernst: De chophur in dá muccida, in: Stokes, W. and Windisch, E. : Irische Texte. Ser. III.1. Leipzig 1891, pp. 230-77 [Eg. 1782, LL and H 3.18].

- Roider, Ulrike: De Chophur in da Muccida. Innsbruck 1979 [idem].

De Gabáil in tSída


- D IV 2: f 48Rb-Va

- LL: p 245b-246a


- Hull, Vernam: De Gabáil in t-Sída, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 19 (1931), pp. 53-8 [LL and D IV 2].

De Maccaib Conairi


- LL: p 292a-293a


- Gwynn, Lucius: De Maccaib Conaire, in: Ériu 6 (1912), pp. 144-53 [LL].

De Síl Chonairi Móir


- BB: f 80Ra-Va (facs. p 139a-140a)

- H 2.7: I, col. 90-93

- Lecan: f 103Ra-Vb


- Gwynn, Lucius: De Síl Chonairi Móir, in: Ériu 6 (1912), pp. 130-43 [H 2.7 with variants from Lecan and BB].

Do Faillsigud Tána Bó Cúailnge


- C VI 3: f 27R-V (inserted leaf; versions III and I)

- D IV 2: f 47Vb-48Rb (version II)

- Ed. XXXII missing: col 3-4 (versions III and I)

- Eg. 1782: f 87V (version III)

- LL: p 245b (version I)


- Meyer, Kuno: Die Wiederauffindung der Táin Bó Cúailnge, in: Archiv für celtische Lexikographie 3 (1907), pp. 2-6 [version of Eg. 1782 and D IV 2].

- Carey, John: Varia II: The address to Fergus's stone, in: Ériu 51 (2000), 183-7 [rhetoric].

- Murray, Kevin: The Finding of the Táin, in: Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 41 (2001), 17-23 [version of LL].

- Corthals, Johan: Why did Fergus rise from his grave?, in: Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 55 (2008), 1-9 [rhetoric].

Echtra Chondla (mainly rhetoric)


- 23 N 10: p 70-72

- Eg. 1782: f 19Vb-20Rb

- Eg. 88: f 11Va-b

- Ha. 5280: f 76V-77R

- LU: p 120a-120b

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 120Vb (first few lines only)

- YBL: X, col 399-400; XVI, 914-5 (facs.: p 15b-16a; 194a-b)


- Pokorny, Julius: Conle's abenteuerliche Fahrt, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 17 (1928), pp. 193-205 [text based on all mss.].

- Oskamp, Hans P. A.: Echtra Condla, in: Études Celtiques 14 (1974), pp. 207-28 [23 N 10 with variants].

- McCone, Kim: Echtrae Chonnlai and the Beginnings of Vernacular Narrative Writing in Ireland. A critical edition with introduction, notes, bibliography and vocabulary. Maynooth 2000 [all mss.].

Echtra Chormaic i Tír Tairngiri


- Fermoy: II, p 92b-93b


- Hull, Vernam: Echtra Cormaic Maic Airt, "The Adventure of Cormac Mac Airt", in: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 64 (1949), pp. 871-83 [Fermoy].

Echtra Fergusa meic Léti


- H 3.18: XIII, p 363b-365a (in context of Cethairslicht Athgabálae)

- Ha. 432: f 5R-V (leaf inserted in context of Cethairslicht Athgabálae)


- Binchy, D. A.: The Saga of Fergus mac Léti, in: Ériu 16 (1952), pp. 33-48 [H 3.18 and Ha. 432].

- Binchy, D. A., in: Corpus Iuris Hibernici. Vol. II. Dublin 1978, pp. 354-5 [Ha. 432] and Vol. III, pp. 882-3 [H 3.18].

- McLeod, Neil: Fergus mac Léti and the Law, in: Ériu 61 (2011), 1-28 (passim) [rhetorics].

Echtra Finn (Finn and the Phantoms)


- Leid. Voss. I, f 1R-2R (acephalous)


- Stern, Ludw.-Chr.: Le manuscrit irlandais de Leide, in: Revue Celtique 13 (1892), pp. 1- 22 (pp. 5-12) [Leid. Voss.].

Echtra Laegairi meic Crimthainn


- Lismore: f 167Ra-Va (prose only)

- LL: p 275b-276b (prose and verse)


- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 256-7 [Lismore].

- Cross, Tom Peete: Laegaire mac Crimthann's Visit to Fairyland, in: Modern Philology 13 (1916), pp. 731-9 [LL and Lismore].

- Jackson, Kenneth: The Adventure of Laeghaire mac Crimhthainn, in: Speculum 17 (1942), pp. 377-89 [LL with variants].

Echtra Mac nEchdach Muigmedóin


- BB: f 146 Ra-b (facs.: p 265a-b)

- Lib. Flav.: I, f 28Ra-Va

- YBL: XVI, col 902-906 (facs.: p 188a-190a)


- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol I. London 1892, pp. 326-30 [BB].

- Stokes, Whitley: The Death of Crimthann Son of Fidach, and the Adventures of the sons of Eochaid Muigmedón, in: Revue Celtique 24 (1903), pp. 172-207 (pp. 190-203) [YBL with variants from BB].

Echtra Nera (Táin Bé Aingen)


- Eg. 1782: f 71V-73V

- YBL: XVI, col. 658-662 (facs.: p 60a-62a)


- Meyer, Kuno: The Adventures of Nera, in: Revue Celtique 10 (1889), pp. 212-28 [Eg. 1782 with variants].

Erchoitmed ingine Gulidi


- Rawl. B 512: I, f 114Va-115Va


- Meyer, Kuno: Erchoitmed ingini Gulidi inso, in: Hibernica Minora. Oxford 1894, pp. 65-9 [Rawl. 512].

Esnada Tige Buchet


- H 2.17: p 463a-464a

- LL: p 270a-271a

- Rawl. B 502: II, f 73Rb-Va (facs.: p 133b-134a) (shorter text)

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 122Ra-Vb; IV, f. 144Vb (first few lines only)

- YBL: XVI, col. 756-759 (facs: p 113a-114b)


- Stokes, Whitley, The Songs of Buchet's House, in: Revue Celtique 25 (1904), pp. 18-39 [LL with variants and text of Rawl. B 502].

- Greene, David, in: Fingal Rónáin and other stories. Dublin 1955 (repr. 1993), pp. 27-31 [based on LL with variants].

- McCone, Kim: A First Old Irish Grammar and Reader. Maynooth 2005, pp. 156-7, 161-2, 163 [based mainly on LL].

- Byrnes, Michael: An edition of Esnada Tige Buchet from MS Rawlinson B. 502, in: Wiley, Dan E. ed.: Essays on the Early Irish King Tales. Dublin 200ß, pp. 91-103 [Rawl. B 502].

Fingal Rónáin


- H 3.18: XXII-XXIII, p 749-754

- LL: p 271a-273a


- Meyer, Kuno: Fingal Rónáin, in: Revue Celtique 13 (1892), pp. 368-97 [LL with variants].

- Greene, David, in: Fingal Rónáin and other stories. Dublin 1955 (repr. 1993), pp. 1-15 [LL with variants].

Finn and Gráinne


- Lecan: f 191Rb-Va


- Meyer, Kuno: Finn and Grainne, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 1 (1897), pp. 458- 61.

- Corthals, Johan: Die Trennung von Finn and Gráinne, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 49-50 (1997), pp. 71-91.

Finn and the Man in the Tree


- H 3.18: XIII, p 361b-362a (embedded in Introduction to Senchas Már)


- Meyer, Kuno: Finn and the Man in the Tree, in: Revue Celtique 25 (1904), pp. 344-9 [H 3.18].

- Binchy, D. A., in: Corpus Iuris Hibernici. Vol. III. Dublin 1978, pp. 879-80 [H 3.18].

- Hull, Vernam: A Rhetoric in Finn and the Man in the Tree, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 30 (1967) pp. 17-20 [rhetoric].

Fled Bricrenn


- Ed. XL: V, f 35R-36V (Cennach ind Ruanada only)

- Eg. 93: II, f 20R-25V (acephalous and truncated) (version II)

- H 3.17: V, p 683-710 (truncated) (version II)

- H 3.18: XIX, p 607 (glossed excerpts) (version II)

- Leid. Voss.: II, f 3R-9V (incomplete and truncated) (version II)

- LU: p 99b-112b (interpolated) (truncated) (version I)


- Windisch, Ernst, in: Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch. Leipzig 1880, pp. 235-311 [LU and variants from Eg. 93 and H 3.17].

- Meyer, Kuno: The Edinburgh version of the Cennach ind Rúanado, in: Revue Celtique 14 (1893), pp. 450-9 [Ed. XL].

- Henderson, George: Fled Bricrend. London 1899 [LU, Ed. XL and variants].

- Stern, Ludw. Chr.: Fled Bricrend nach dem Codex Vossianus, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 4 (1903), pp. 143-77 [Leid. Voss.].

Fled Bricrenn 7 Loinges mac nDuil Dermait


- YBL: XVI, col. 759-765 (facs.: p 114b-117b)


- Windisch, Ernst: Das Fest des Bricriu und die Verbannung der Mac Duil Dermait, in: Stokes, W. and Windisch, E. : Irische Texte. Ser. II.1. Leipzig 1884, pp. 164-217 [YBL].

- Hollo, Kaarina: Fled Bricrenn ocus Loinges mac nDúil Dermait and its Place in the Irish Literary and Oral Narrative Traditions. Maynooth 2005 [YBL].

Fochonn Loingse Fergusa meic Roig


- LL: p 252b (truncated)


- Hull, Vernam: The Cause of the Exile of Fergus mac Roig, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 18 (1930), pp. 293-8.

Forfess Fer Falgae (mainly rhetoric)


- 23 N 10: p 70

- B IV 1 a: p 36-37 (fragment)

- Eg. 1782: f 19Ra-b

- Eg. 88: f 11Ra-b

- H 4.22: I, section 4, p 45, 50

- Ha. 5280: f 74R

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 118Vb-a (sic!)


- Meyer, Kuno: Forfess Fer Falgae, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 8 (1912), pp. 564- 5 [Eg. 1782 and variants from Ha. 5280 and Eg. 88].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Forfess fer Falgae nach der Handschrift von Druim Snechta, in: Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmälern. Berlin 1912, pp. 53-8 [based on all mss.].

Fotha Catha Cnucha


- LU: p 41b-42b (interpolated)

- YBL: XVI, col. 877-878 (facs.: p 175b-176a)


- Hennessy, W. M.: The Battle of Cnucha, in: Revue Celtique 2 (1873), pp. 86-93 [LU].

Fragmentary Annals (embedded stories)


- Br. 5301-20: f 1a-36a (p 1-71) (passim)


- Radner, Joan Newlon: Fragmentary Annals of Ireland. Dublin 1978, pp. 2-183 (passim) [Br. 5301-20].

Gein Branduib meic Echach 7 Aedáin meic Gabráin


- Rawl. B 502: II, f 47Rb-Va (facs.: p 81b-82a) (version I)

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 1Ra (fragment) (version I)

- YBL: XVI, col. 786 (facs.: p 128a) (version II)


- Meyer, Kuno: Gein Branduib maic Echach ocus Aedáin maic Gabráin inso sís, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 2 (1899), pp. 134-7 [Rawl. B 502 with variants from Rawl. B 512]

- Best R. I.: The Birth of Brandub, son of Eochaid and of Aedán, son of Gabrán, in: Medieval Studies in memory of Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis. Paris 1927, pp. 381-90 [YBL].

Genemain Aeda Sláine


- LU: p 52a-53a

- LL: p 145b (verse only)


- Windisch, Ernst: Ein mittelirisches Kunstgedicht über die Geburt des Königs Aed Sláne, in: Berichte der Königl. Sächs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 36 (1884), pp. 191-243 (pp. 194-200) [LU and poem from LL].

- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 82-4 [LU].

Genemain Chormaic


- BB: f 142Va-b (facs.: p 260a-b)

- YBL: XVI, col. 886-889 (facs.: p 180a-181b)


- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 253-6 [BB].

- Hull, Vernam: Geneamuin Chormaic, in: Ériu 16 (1952), pp. 79-85 [YBL with variants].

Immacallam Choluim Chille 7 ind Óclaig


- Lecan: f 145Rb preserved as H 2.17, p 178b (truncated)

- H 3.18: XVIII, p 555b-556a


- Meyer, Kuno: The colloquy of Colum Cille and the youth at Carn Eolairg, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 2 (1899), pp. 313-17 [H 3.18].

- Grosjean, Paul: S. Columbae Hiensis cum Mongano heroe colloquium, in: Analecta Bollandiana 45 (1927), pp. 75-83 [Lecan in H 2.17 and H 3.18]

- Carey, John: The Lough Foyle Colloquy Texts: Immacaldam Choluim Chille 7 ind Óclaig oc Carraic Eolairg and Immacaldam in Druad Brain 7 inna Banfátho Febuil ós Loch Febuil, in: Ériu 52 (2002), pp. 53-87 (57-61).

Immacallam in Dá Thuar(ad) (Acallam in Dá Suad, Túar)


- 23 Q 6: V, p 55-6, 53-4 (2nd part missing)

- C III 2: f 10V-12V (end only, partly illegible)

- Eg. 88: f 76Rb-79Vb (truncated)

- H 2.12: No. 8, p 1a-10a

- H 2.15A: IV, p 71a-78b

- H 3.18: VIII, p 152-7 (2nd part missing), XVIII, 543-55 (complete), XX, 656-659 (glossed excerpts from 1st part)

- Lecan: f 148Va-150Vb preserved in H 2.17: f 69V-71V (truncated)

- LL: p 186a-188c (truncated)

- Rawl. B 502: II, f 60Rb-62Vb (facs.: p 107b-112b)

- YBL: XV, col. 549-569 (facs.: p 241b-251b)


- Stokes, Whitley: The Colloquy of the Two Sages, in: Revue Celtique 26 (1905), pp. 4-64 [based on LL, Rawl. B 502 and YBL].

Immathchor nAilella 7 Airt (mainly rhetoric)


- 23 N 10: p 14 (stained and illegible)

- Ha. 5280: f 74V

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 51Vb-52Ra


- Meyer, Kuno: Immathchor Ailello ocus Airt, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. III. Halle 1910, pp. 27-9 [Rawl. B 512 with variants].

- Corthals, Johan: Affiliation of Children: Immathchor nAilella 7 Airt, in: Peritia 9 (1955), pp. 92-124 [Rawl. B 512, Ha. 5280, (23 N 10)].

Immram Brain (mainly verse)


- 23 N 10: p 57-61

- B IV 1 a: p 13-16 (fragments)

- Eg. 88: f 11Vb-12Rb, 13Ra-b

- H 4.22: I, section 4, p 48b-50b (first part only)

- Ha. 5280: f 43R-44V

- LU: p 121a (end only)

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 119Ra-120Vb

- Vitt. Engl.: f 1V-4V (truncated)

- YBL: X, col. 395-398 (facs.: p 13b-15a)


- Meyer, Kuno, in: The Voyage of Bran Son of Febal to the Land of the Living. London 1895, pp. 2-35 [based on LU, Rawl. 512, 23 N 10, Ha. 5280, Eg. 88, Stockholm, YBL].

- Hull, Vernam: An incomplete version of the Imram Brain and four stories concerning Mongan, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 18 (1930), pp. 409-24 (pp. 410-4) [H 4.22].

- Van Hamel, A. G., in: Immrama. Dublin 1941, pp. 1-19 and 120-4 [based on all mss. with variants].

- Mac Mathúna, Séamus: Immram Brain: Bran's Journey to the Land of the Women. Tübingen 1985 [texts of all mss. pp. 59-118].

Immram Curraig Maíle Dúin


- Eg. 1782: f 124R-125V (fragments) (prose only)

- Ha. 5280: f 12R-20V (first part only) (prose and verse)

- LU: p 22a-26b (interpolated) (fragments) (prose only)

- YBL: X, col. 370-391 (facs.: p 1a-11b) (prose and verse)


- Stokes, Whitley: The Voyage of Mael Duin, in: Revue Celtique 9 (1888), pp. 447-95 and 10 (1889), pp. 50-95 [LU and YBL, prose only].

- Best, R. I. and Meyer, Kuno: Imram Curaig Máiledúin, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. I. Halle 1907, pp. 50-74 [YBL with variants from Ha. 5280].

- Meyer, Kuno: Maeldúins Meerfahrt, ein altirisches Gedicht, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 11 (1917), pp. 148-65 [verse, based on YBL and Ha. 5280].

- van Hamel, A. G., in: Immrama. Dublin 1941, pp. 26-77 [prose and verse based on all mss.].

- Oskamp, H. P. A.: The Voyage of Máel Dúin. Groningen 1970, pp. 99-179 [prose and verse from YBL with variants from Ha. 5280 and Eg. 1782].

Immram Snedgusa 7 Meic Ríagla (Echtra, Merugud Clérech Coluim Chille)


- Add. 30512: f 2R-6V (version III)

- Fermoy: II, p 86a-88a (version III)

- YBL: X, col. 391-395 (version I); XVI, 707-715 (version II) (facs.: p 11b-13b; 86b-90b)


- Stokes Whitley: The Voyage of Snedgus and Mac Riagla, in: Revue Celtique 9 (1888), pp. 14-25 [prose of first version from YBL].

- Stokes, Whitley: The Adventure of St. Columba's Clerics, in: Revue Celtique 26 (1905), pp. 130-70 [second version from YBL].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Zwei Versionen der mittelirischen Legende von Snedgus und Mac Riagla. Halle 1904 [verse of first version and second version from YBL].

- Ó Máille, Tomás: Merugud cléirech Choluim Chille, in: Miscellany presented to Kuno Meyer. Halle 1912, pp. 307-26 [Add. 30512 with variants from Fermoy].

- van Hamel, A. G., in: Immrama. Dublin 1941, pp. 78-92 [first version from YBL].

Imthechta Tuaithe Luchra ocus Aided Fergusa


- Eg. 1782: f 30Va-34Va


- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 238-52 [Eg. 1782].

Imthechta Tuirill 7 a Mac


- Lecan: f 19Ra-Vb (embedded in Lebor Gabala)

- Rawl. B 512: III, f 93Va-b (embedded in Lebor Gabála)


- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Tuirill Bicrenn und seine Kinder, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 12 (1918), pp. 239-50 [Rawl. B 512 and Lecan].

Longes Chonaill Chuirc


- LL: p 287a-288a (acephalous)


- Hull, Vernam, The Exile of Conall Corc, in: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 56 (1941), pp. 937-50.

Longes mac nUislenn (Uisnig)


- Eg. 1782: f 67R-69V

- LL: p 259b-261b

- YBL: XVI, col. 749-753 (facs.: p 109b-111b)


- Windisch, Ernst: Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch. Leipzig 1880, pp. 67-82 [LL with variants from YBL and Eg. 1782].

- Hull, Vernam: Longes mac n-Uislenn. The Exile of the Sons of Uisliu. New York 1949 [based on all manuscripts].

Macgnímartha Finn


- Laud 610: II, f 118Rb-121Va (truncated)


- Meyer, Kuno: Macgnimartha Find, in: Revue Celtique 5 (1881-3), pp. 195-204 [Laud 610].

Mesca Ulad


- Ed. XL: IV, f 25R-34R (LU and LL combined)

- G 4 from YBL: col. 959-972 (LU and LL combined)

- LL: p 261b-268b (younger version) (truncated)

- LU: p 19a-20b (older version) (acephalous)


- Hennessy, William M.: Mesca Ulad: or, the Intoxication of the Ultonians. Dublin 1889 [LU and LL].

- Watson, J. Carmichael: Mesca Ulad. Dublin 1941 (repr. 1983) [LU and LL with variants from G4 and Ed. XL].

- Mac Gearailt, Uáitéar: The Edinburgh Text of Mesca Ulad, in: Ériu 37 (1986), pp. 133- 180 (pp. 158-74) [Ed. XL].

Mongán Stories (Compert Mongáin, Scél asa mberar etc. [Aided Fothaid Airgdig], Scél Mongáin, Tucait Baile Mongáin)


- 23 N 10: p 63-67 (all titles)

- Eg. 88: f 15Va-b (Compert Mongáin, Scél asa mberar as Aided Fothaid Airgdig)

- G 7: col. 1-4 (Scél asa mberar acephalous, Scél Mongáin, Tucait Baile Mongáin)

- H 3.18: XVIII, p 555a-556a (Compert Mongáin, Scél Mongáin)

- H 4.22: I, section 4, p 40-44 (all titles)

- LU: p 133a-134b (all titles)

- YBL: XVI, col. 911-914 (all titles) and 953-954 (Scél asa mberar as Aided Fothaid Airgdig) (facs.: p 192b-194a and 213a-b)


- Meyer, Kuno, in: The Voyage of Bran Son of Febal to the Land of the Living. London 1895, pp. 42-58 [based on LU, YBL, H 3.18, 23 N 10, Eg. 88].

- Hull, Vernam: An incomplete version of the Imram Brain and four stories concerning Mongan, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 18 (1930), pp. 409-24 (pp. 414-9) [H 4.22].

- Mac Mathúna, Séamus: Immram Brain: Bran's Journey to the Land of the Women. Tübingen 1985, pp. 472-9 [23 N 10].

- White, Nora: Compert Mongáin and Three Other Early Mongán Tales. A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, Textual Notes, Bibliography and Vocabulary. Maynooth 2005 [texts from all mss., except YBL col 953-4].

Noínden (Ces Noínden) Ulad


- B IV 2: f 127V-128V (version I)

- C I 2: f 15Rb-16Rb (version II)

- Fermoy: II, p 37a-38a (version I)

- H 3.18: III, p 46b-47a (version III, Tochmarc Cruinn 7 Macha)

- Ha 5280: f 53V-54R (version I)

- LL: p 125b-126a (version II)

- YBL: XVI, col. 949-951 (facs.: p 211a-212a) (version I)


- Windisch, Ernst: Die irische Sage Noiden Ulad, in: Königl. Sächsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Berichte 26 (1884) pp. 336-47 [Ha 5280 and LL].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Tochmarc Cruinn ocus Macha, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 12 (1918) pp. 251-4 [H 3.18].

- Hull, Vernam: Noínden Ulad: The Debility of the Ulidians, in: Celtica 8 (1968), pp. 1-42 [based on YBL, Fermoy, Ha. 5280, B IV 2].

Orgain (Aided) Néill Noígíallaig


- BB: f 77Vb-78Rb (facs.: p 134b-135b)

- C I 2: f 25Ra-25Vb (end part and sequel)

- Rawl. B 502: II, f 47Ra-b (facs.: p 81a-b)

- YBL: XVI, col. 783-785 (facs.: p 126b-127b)


- Meyer, Kuno: How king Niall of the Nine Hostages was slain, in: Otia Merseiana 2 (1900-1), pp. 84-92 [Rawl. B 502 with variants from BB and YBL].

- Meyer, Kuno: Aided Néill Nóigíallaig, in: Archiv für celtische Lexicographie 3 (1907), pp. 323-4 [C I.2].

Orgain Denna Ríg (Bruiden Túamma Tenbad)


- LL: p 269a-270a

- Rawl. B 502: II, f 71Vb-72Rb (facs.: p 130b-131b)

- YBL: XVI, col. 754-756 (facs.: p 112a-113a)


- Stokes, Whitley: The Destruction of Dind Ríg, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 3 (1901) pp. 1-14 [LL with variants from Rawl. B 502 and YBL].

- Greene, David, in: Fingal Rónáin and other stories. Dublin 1955 (repr. 1993), pp. 16-26 [LL with variants].

Orgain Trí mac Diarmata meic Cerbaill


- Rawl. B 502: II, f 47Vb-48Ra (full text) & 73Vb (first part only) (facs.: p 82b-83a & 134b)

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 115Va-116Ra

- Uí Maine: f 23Vb-24R


- Meyer, Kuno: The death of the three sons of Diarmait mac Cerrbeóil, in: Hibernica Minora. Oxford 1894, pp. 70-3 [Rawl. B 502 and Rawl. B 512].

- Greene, David, in: Fingal Rónáin and other stories. Dublin 1955 (repr. 1993), pp. 48-51 [Uí Maine with variants from Rawl. B 502 and Rawl. B 512].

- Hull, Vernam: The Death of the Three Sons of Diarmait Mac Cerrbeóil, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 25 (1955), pp. 91-99 [Uí Maine].

Quarrel between Finn and Oisín (mainly verse)


- 23 N 10: p 53-54

- Ed. XXXII missing: col 1

- Ha. 5280: f 35V


- Meyer, Kuno, in: Fianaigecht. London 1910 (repr. Dublin 1993), pp. 22-27 [23 N 10 and Ha 5280].

Reicne Fothaid Canainne


- B IV 2: f 133V-135R (associated verse)

- G 7: col. 13-14 (old prose)

- H 3.17: VI, p 856-858 (prose)


- Meyer, Kuno, in: Fianaigecht. London 1910 (repr. Dublin 1993), pp. 4-21 [prose from H 3.17 and verse from B IV 2].

- Hull, Vernam: The Death of Fothath Cananne, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 20 (1936), pp. 400-4 [prose from G 7].

Scél na Fír Flatha, Echtra Chormaic i Tír Tairngire 7 Cert Claidib Chormaic


- BB: f 142Vb-145Rb (facs.: p 260b-263b)

- YBL: XVI, col. 889-898 (facs.: p 181b-186a)


- Stokes, Whitley: The Irish Ordeals, Cormac's Adventure in the Land of Promise, and the Decision as to Cormac's Sword, in: Stokes, W. and Windisch, E.: Irische Texte. Ser. III.1. Leipzig 1891, pp. 183-229 [BB with variants from YBL].

Scél Túain meic Cairill (Immacallam Túain fri Finnia)


- Fermoy: II, p 155a-156a (acephalous)

- H 3.18: III, p 38a-39b

- Laud 610: II, f 102Rb-103Rb

- LU: p 15a-16b (interpolated) (truncated)

- Rawl. B 512: III, f 97Vb-98Va


- Meyer, Kuno, in: Nutt, Alfred: The Celtic Doctrine of Rebirth (= The Voyage of Bran. Vol. II). London 1897, pp. 285-301 [based on LU with variants from H 3.18 and Rawl. B 512 and text of Laud 610].

- Carey, John: Scél Tuáin meic Chairill, in: Ériu 35 (1984), pp. 93-111 [based on Laud 610 with variants].

Scéla Alaxandair


- BB: f 268Ra-275V (facs.: p 487a-501a)

- Leb. Br.: p 205a-213a (acephalous)

- Rawl. B 512: III, f 99Ra-100Vb ('Epistil Alaxandair' only)


- Meyer, Kuno: Die Geschichte von Philipp und Alexander von Macedonien aus dem Lebar Brecc mit deutscher Übersetzung und mit Excerpten aus dem Buch von Ballymote, in: Stokes, W. and Windisch, E. : Irische Texte. Ser. II.2. Leipzig 1887, pp. 1-108 [Leb. Br. and excerpts from BB].

- Meyer, Kuno: The Correspondence between Alexander and Dindimus, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. V. Halle 1913, pp. 1-8 [Rawl. B 512].

- Erik Peters: Die irische Alexandersage, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 30 (1967), pp. 71-264 [BB].

Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin


- YBL: XVI, col. 786-795 (facs.: p 128a-132b)


- Meyer, Kuno: Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. I. Halle 1907, pp. 1-15 [YBL].

- Binchy, D. A.: Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin. Dublin 1963 (repr. 1975) [YBL].

Scéla Conchobuir meic Nessa ('Conchobar's Household')


- BB: f 136Ra-Va (facs.: p 247a-248a) (acephalous)

- Lismore: f 167Va-b (fragment)

- LL: p 106a-107b


- Stokes, Whitley: Tidings of Conchobar mac Nessa, in: Ériu 4 (1908) pp. 1-38 [LL].

- Stokes, Whitley, in: Lives of the Saints from the Book of Lismore. Oxford 1890, pp. xxxiv-v [Lismore].

- Hull, Vernam: How Conchobar Gained The Kingship of Ulster, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 25 (1956), pp. 243-5 [BB].

Scéla Eogain 7 Cormaic (Scéla Geine Cormaic)


- H 3.17: VI, p 782-784 (acephalous)

- Laud 610: II, f 96Ra-97Ra (embedded in Laud genealogies)


- Kuno Meyer: The Laud Genealogies and Tribal Histories, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 8 (1912), pp. 291-338 (pp. 309-12) [Laud 610].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Allerlei Irisches. II. Scéla geine Cormaic, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 10 (1915), pp. 422-3 [variants from H 3.17].

- O Daly, Máirín, in: Cath Maige Mucrama. Dublin 1975, pp. 64-73 [Laud 610 with variants].

- Ó Cathasaigh, Tomás, in: The Heroic Biography of Cormac mac Airt. Dublin 1977, pp. 119-23 [based on Laud 610 with variants].

Scéla Mosauluim


- Laud 610: II, f 94Vb-96Ra (embedded in Laud genealogies)


- Meyer, Kuno, in: Fianaigecht. London 1910 (repr. Dublin 1993), pp. 28-41 [Laud 610].

- O Daly, Máirín, in: Cath Maige Mucrama. Dublin 1975, pp. 74-87 [Laud 610].

Scéla Mucce Meic Da Thó


- Ed. XXXVI: f 86R-91V (modern)

- H 3.18: XXII, p 743-748

- H 6.8: p 37-50 (modern)

- Ha. 5280: f 50R-53R

- LL: p 111b-114a

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 105Vb-108Rb


- Windisch, Ernst: Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch. Leipzig 1880, pp. 93-112 [LL with variants from Ha. 5280 and H 3.18].

- Meyer, Kuno: The Story of Mac Dathó's Pig and Hound, in: Hibernica Minora. Oxford 1894, pp. 51-64 [Rawl. B 512].

- Scarre, Annie M.: Scél muicce Maic Dá Thó, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. V. Halle 1913, pp. 8-17 [H 3.18].

- Watson, W. J.: The Edinburgh version of Scel Mucci mic Da Tho, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 17 (1927), pp. 213-22 [Ed. XXXVI].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Scéla Mucce meic Dathó. Dublin 1935 (repr. 1975) [based on LL, H 3.18 and Ha. 5280; text of Rawl. B 512; excerpts from Ed. XXXVI and H 6.8].

Senchas Airgiall


- Laud 610: II, f 104Ra-105Rb (embedded in Laud Genealogies]


- Meyer, Kuno: The Laud Genealogies and Tribal Histories, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 8 (1912), pp. 291-338 (pp. 317-20) [Laud 610].

Senchas Fagbála Caisil


- H 3.17: VI, p 768-773


- Dillon, Myles: The Story of the Finding of Cashel, in: Ériu 16 (1952), pp. 61-73 [H 3.17].

Serglige Con Culainn


- H 4.22: X, p 89-104 (copied from LU)

- LU: p 43a-50b (interpolated)


- Windisch, Ernst: Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch. Leipzig 1880, pp. 197-234 [LU] and pp. 325-330 [variants from H 4.22].

- Dillon, Myles: The Trinity College Text of Serglige Con Culainn, in: Scottish Gaelic Studies 6 (1949), pp. 139-75 [H 4.22].

- Dillon, Myles: Serglige Con Culainn. Dublin 1953 (repr. 1975) [LU].

Siaburcharpat Con Culainn


- Add. 33993: I, f 2V-3V (truncated)

- Eg. 88: f 14Va-15Rb

- LU: p 113a-115b (interpolated)


- Crowe, J. O'Beirne: Siabur-charpat Con Culaind. From "Lebor na h-Uidhre" (Fol. 37, et seqq.), a manuscript of the Royal Irish Academy, in: The Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland, 1 (1870-71), pp. 371-448 [LU].

- Meyer, Kuno: Siaburcharpat Conculaind, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. III. Halle 1910, pp. 48-56 [Eg. 88 with variants from Add. 33993].

Suidigud Tellaig Themra


- Laud 610: II, f 57Va-58Rd ('Interrogatio Cinn Fáelad' only)

- Lismore: f 132Ra-134Rb

-YBL: XVI, col. 740-749 (facs.: p 105a-109b)


- Best, R. I.: The Settling of the Manor of Tara, in: Ériu 4 (1910), pp. 121-72 [YBL with variants from Lismore; 'Interrogatio Cinn Faelad' from Laud 610].

Táin Bó Cúailnge


old version:

- YBL: XVI, col. 573-644 (facs.: p 17a-53a) (acephalous) old and interpolated version:

- Eg. 1782: f 88R-105V (truncated)

- LU: p 55a-82b (interpolated) (truncated)

- O'Curry: p 1-76 (acephalous and truncated) standardized version:

- C VI 3: f 28Ra-65Vb

- LL: p 53b-104b fragments of a later version:

- Eg. 93: III, f 26R-35V (fragment)

- H 2.17: p 336-347& 334-335 & 111-114 & 348-349 & 115-118 & 350-351 (fragment)


Old version:

- Strachan, John and O'Keeffe, J. G.: Táin Bó Cúailnge from the Yellow Book of Lecan. Dublin 1912 (repr. 1967) [YBL supplemented by LU]. Old and interpolated version:

- Windisch, Ernst: Táin Bó Cúailnge nach der Handschrift Egerton 1782, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 9 (1913), pp. 121-58 [Eg. 1782].

- Ó Fiannachta, Pádraig: Táin Bó Cuailnge. Dublin 1966 [O'Curry].

- O`Rahilly, Cecile: Táin Bó Cúailnge. Recension I. Dublin 1976 [LU, supplemented by YBL and variants]. Standardized version:

- Windisch, Ernst: Die altirische Heldensage Táin Bó Cúalnge nach dem Buch von Leinster. Leipzig 1905 [LL with variants from all versions].

- O'Rahilly, Cecile: The Stowe Version of Táin Bó Cuailnge. Dublin 1961 [C VI 3].

- O'Rahilly, Cecile: Táin Bó Cualnge from the Book of Leinster. Dublin 1970 [LL]. Fragments of a later version:

- Nettlau, Max: The fragment of Tain Bó Cuailnge im MS. Egerton 93, in: Revue Celtique 14 (1893), pp. 254-66 and 15 (1894), pp. 62-78, 198-208 [Eg. 93].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Táin Bó Cúailghni nach H.2.17, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 8 (1912), pp. 525-54 [H 2.17].

Táin Bó Dartada


- Add. 33993: I, f 1V-2V (modern)

- Eg. 1782: f 80R-81R

- LU: p 20b (first few lines only)

- YBL: XVI, col. 644-646 (facs.: p 53a-54a)


- Windisch, Ernst: Táin Bó Dartada, in: Stokes, W. and Windisch, E. : Irische Texte. Ser. II.2. Leipzig 1887, pp. 185-205 [LU, YBL and Eg. 1782].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Táin Bó Darta, in: Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmälern. Berlin 1912, pp. 90-2 [Add. 33993].

Táin Bó Flidais


- Eg. 1782: f 82R-82V

- H 3.18: XIX, p 603-604 (glossed excerpts)

- Lib. Flav.: I, f 26Ra-b

- LL: p 247a-248a

- LU: p 21a-22a (interpolated) (acephalous)


- Windisch, Ernst: Táin Bó Flidais, in: Stokes, W. and Windisch, E. : Irische Texte. Ser. II.2. Leipzig 1887, pp. 206-23 [LL, Eg. 1782 and LU], p. 255 [glosses from H 3.18].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Táin Bó Flidais, in: Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmälern. Berlin 1912, pp. 95-6 [Lib. Flav.].

Táin Bó Fraích


- Ed. XL: III, f 19Rb-23Rb

- Eg. 1782: f 82V-87V

- H 3.18: XIX, p 604 (glossed excerpts)

- LL: p 248a-252b

- YBL: XVI, col. 649-658 (facs.: p 55b-60a)


- Meyer, Kuno: Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 4 (1902), pp. 31-47 [Eg. 1782].

- Anderson, Allan O.: Táin bó Fráich, in: Revue Celtique 24 (1903), pp. 127-54 [Ed. XL].

- Byrne, Mary E. and Dillon, Myles: Táin Bó Fraich. Dublin 1933 [LL and YBL].

- Byrne, Mary E. and Dillon, Myles, in: Études Celtiques 3 (1938), pp. 20-1 [H 3.18].

- Meid, Wolfgang: Táin Bó Fraích. Dublin 1974 [LL with variants].

- Meid, Wolfgang: Die Romanze von Froech und Findabair. Innsbruck 1970; 2nd revised edition, Innsbruck 2009 [based on all manuscripts].

- Meid, Wolfgang: The Yellow Book of Lecan Version of Táin Bó Fraích, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 36 (1978), pp. 83-95 [YBL].

- Meid, Wolfgang: The romance of Froech and Findabair ... based on the original German language edition. Innsbruck 2015 [based on all mss.].

Táin Bó Regamain


- Add. 33993: I, f 1R-1V (partly illegible; modern)

- Eg. 1782: f 81R-82R

- H 3.18: XIX, p 605 (glossed excerpts), XXIII, 757-9 (modern)

- YBL: XVI, col. 646-648 (facs.: p 54a-55a)


- Windisch, Ernst: Táin Bó Regamain, in: Stokes, W. and Windisch, E. : Irische Texte. Ser. II.2. Leipzig 1887, pp. 224-38 [YBL and Eg. 1782], p. 256 [glosses from H 3.18].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Táin Bó Regamain, in: Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmälern. Berlin 1912, pp. 92-5 [Add. 33993 and H 3.18].

Táin Bó Regamna


- Eg. 1782: f 76V-77V

- YBL: XVI, col. 648-649 (facs.: p 55a-b)


- Windisch, Ernst: Táin Bó Regamna, in: Stokes, W. and Windisch, E. : Irische Texte. Ser. II.2. Leipzig 1887, pp. 239-54 [YBL and Eg. 1782].

- Corthals, Johan: Táin Bó Regamna. Wien 1987 [based on Eg. 1782 and YBL].

Talland Étair


- Ha. 5280: f 54V-57V

- LL: p 114b-117a


- Stokes, Whitley: The Siege of Howth, in: Revue Celtique 8 (1887), pp. 47-64 [LL with omissions and with variants from Ha. 5280].

- Dobbs, Maigréad Ní C.: Agallamh Leborchaim, in: Études Celtiques 5 (1949), pp. 154-61 [passage omitted by Stokes].

- Ó Dónaill, Caoimhín: Talland Étair. A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, Textual Notes, Bibliography and Vocabulary. Maynooth 2005 [text based on LL and Ha. 5280].

Tesmolta Cormaic 7 Aided Finn


- Eg. 1782: f 24Rb-25Rb

- Eg. 92 from Fermoy: f 6Ra (fragment of other version)

- Laud 610: II, f 121Va-122Vb (fragment of other version)


- Meyer, Kuno, in: Cath Finntrága, or the Battle of Ventry. Oxford 1885, pp. 72-6 [Laud 610 with variants from Eg. 1782].

- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 89-92 [Eg. 1782].

- Meyer, Kuno: The Death of Finn mac Cumaill, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 1 (1897), pp. 462-5 [fragments of Laud 610 and Eg. 92].

Tochmarc Ailbe


- H 1.15: p 653-654 (riddles only)

- H 3.17: VI, p 827-831


- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Tochmarc Ailbe 'Das Werben um Ailbe', in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 13 (1920-21), pp. 250-82 [H 3.17].

- Corthals, Johan: Ailbe's speech to Cithruad (Tochmarc Ailbe), in: Éigse 34 (2004), 1-9 [rhetoric].

Tochmarc Becfhola


- B IV 1: f 184V-185V (shorter version)

- Eg. 1781: f 150b (shorter version)

- H 3.18: XXIII, p 756-757 (longer version)

- YBL: XVI, col. 765-768 (facs.: p 117b-119a) (longer version)


- O'Looney, B: Tochmorc Becfhola, in: Royal Irish Academy Proceedings. Irish Manuscripts. Ser. I.1 (1870), pp. 172-83 [YBL with variants from H 3.18].

- O'Grady, Standish H., in: Silva Gadelica. Vol. I. London 1892, pp. 85-7 [Eg. 1781].

- Bhreathnach, Máire: A new edition of Tochmarc Becfhola, in: Ériu 35 (1984), pp. 59-91 [first version based on YBL and H 3.18 and second version based on Eg. 1781 and B IV 1].

Tochmarc Emire


- 23 N 10: p 21-24 & 113-124 & 11-12 & 25-26 & 125-128

- D IV 2: f 74Ra-78Vb

- Eg. 92 from Fermoy: f 24Ra-25Vb (fragment)

- Fermoy: II, p 207a-212b (fragments, partly illegible)

- Ha. 5280: f 27R-35Rb

- LU: p 121a-127b (interpolated) (partly older version) (truncated)

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 117Ra-118Rb (older version) (acephalous)


- Meyer, Kuno: The Oldest Version of Tochmarc Emire, in: Revue Celtique 11 (1890), pp. 433-57 [Rawl. B 512].

- Meyer, Kuno: Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 3 (1901), pp. 226-63 (pp. 229-63) [version of Ha. 5280 with variants from LU(interpolator), D IV 2, Fermoy - Eg. 92, 23 N 10].

- van Hamel, A. G., in: Compert Con Culainn and other Stories. Dublin 1933 (reprint 1978), pp. 16-68 [based on D IV 2 with variants from LU and Ha. 5280].

Tochmarc Étaine I, II, III


- Eg. 1782: f 106Ra-108Vb (II, embedded in 'Togail Bruidne Da Derga')

- G 4 from YBL: col. 985-997 (all texts)

- H 3.18: XIX, p 605-606 (glossed excerpts)

- LU: p 129a-132a (I acephalous, II complete, III truncated)

- YBL: XVI, col. 876-877 (facs. p 175a-b) (II only)


- Müller, Edward: Two Irish Tales, in: Revue Celtique 3 (1878), pp. 342-60 (pp. 351-60) [Eg. 1782].

- Windisch, Ernst: Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch. Leipzig 1880, pp. 113-133 [Eg. 1782 and LU].

- Stern, Ludw. Chr.: Das Märchen von Étáin, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 5 (1905), pp. 522-34 (pp. 523-6) [excerpts from H 3.18].

- Bergin, Osborn and Best, R. I.: Tochmarc Étaíne, in: Ériu 12 (1934-38), pp. 137-96 [G 4 and YBL].

Tochmarc Ferbe


- Eg. 1782: f 69V-70R (short prose)

- LL: p 253a-259b (prose and verse) (acephalous)


- Windisch, Ernst: Tochmarc Ferbe, in: Stokes, W. and Windisch, E. : Irische Texte. Ser. III.2. Leipzig 1897, pp. 445-548 [LL], pp. 549-56 [Eg. 1782].

Tochmarc Lúaine 7 Aided Aithirne


- BB: f 141Ra-142Rb (facs.:p 257a-259b)

- H 2.17: p 464b-468a

- YBL: XVI, col. 880-885 (facs. p 177a-179b)


- Stokes, Whitley: The Wooing of Luaine and the Death of Athirne, in: Revue Celtique 24 (1903), pp. 270-87 [YBL with omissions and variants from BB].

- Breatnach, Liam: Tochmarc Luaine ocus Aided Athairne, in: Celtica 13 (1980), pp. 1-31 [based on YBL with variants from BB and H 2.17].

Tochmarc Momera


- YBL: VI, col. 341-343 (facs. p 329a-330a)


- O'Curry, Eugene: Cath Mhuighe Léana or the Battle of Magh Leana, together with Tochmarc Moméra or the Courtship of Moméra. Dublin 1855, pp. 151-67.

Togail (Orgain) Bruidne Da (Uí) Derga (old synopsis)


- 23 N 10: p 72

- Eg. 88: f 13Rb

- G 7: col. 5

- H 3.18: XVIII, p 556a-556b

- LU: p 99a


- Nettlau, Max, in: Revue Celtique 14 (1893), pp. 151-2 [H 3.18].

- Stokes, Whitley, in: Revue Celtique 22 (1901), pp. 401-3 [LU].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf, in: Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmälern. Berlin 1912, pp. 27-8 [based on 23 N 10 and Eg. 88].

- Hull, Vernam: Togail Bruidne Da Derga: The Cín Dromma Snechta Recension, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 24 (1954), pp. 131-2 [G 7].

Togail Bruidne Da (Uí) Derga


- Add. 33993: I, f 4R-5V (fragment of the beginning)

- D IV 2: f 79Ra-86Ra

- Eg. 1782: f 108Vb-123Vb (composite text)

- Eg. 92 from Fermoy: f 18Ra-23V (fragments)

- Fermoy: II, p 213a-216b (fragment)

- H 2.17: p 477a-482b (fragments)

- H 3.18: XVII, p 528-533 (glossed excerpts)

- LU: p 83a-99a (interpolated) (acephalous)

- YBL: XVI, col. 716-739 (facs.: p 91a-104a) (complete) and III, p 123-124 (facs.: p. 432- 433) (first few paragraphs only)


- Stokes, Whitley: The Destruction of Dá Derga's Hostel, in: Revue Celtique 22 (1901), pp. 9-61, 165-215, 282-329, 390-437 [LU, supplemented by YBL and variants].

- Knott, Eleanor: Togail Bruidne Da Derga. Dublin 1936 (repr. 1975) [YBL and variants from D IV 2]

Togail Troí (old version)


- H 2.17: p 127a-172b (fragments)

- LL suppl.: p 397a-408b (fragments)


- Stokes, Whitley: The Destruction of Troy, in: Stokes, W. and Windisch, E.: Irische Texte. Ser. II.1. Leipzig 1884, pp. 1-142 [H 2.17].

- Mac Eoin, Gearóid S.: Ein Text von Togail Troí, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 30 (1967), pp. 42-70 [LL suppl.].

Tucait Fagbála in Fessa do Finn 7 Marbad Cuil Duib


- D IV 2: f 88Rb

- YBL: XVI, col. 952 (facs. p 212b)


- Meyer, Kuno: Two Tales about Finn, in: Revue Celtique 14 (1893), pp. 241-9 (pp. 245-9) [D IV 2].

- Hull, Vernam: Two Tales about Finn, in: Speculum 16 (1941), pp. 322-33 (pp. 329-33) [YBL].

Tucait Indarba na nDéssi (Tairired na nDéisi etc.)


- H 2.15A: III, p 67a-68b (later version)

- H 3.17: VI, col. 720-723 (later version)

- Laud 610: II, f 99Vb-102Rb (early version)

- Lib. Flav.: II, f 51Va-b (beginning of early version)

- LU: p 53a-54b (acephalous) (later version)

- Rawl. B 502: II, f 72Rb-73Rb (facs.: p 131b-133b) (early version)

- Uí Maine: f 35Ra-Va (fragment of early version)


- Meyer, Kuno: The Expulsion of the Dessi, in: Y Cymmrodor 14 (1901), pp. 101-35 [Rawl. B 502 with variants from Laud 610].

- Meyer, Kuno: The Expulsion of the Déssi, in: Ériu 3 (1907), pp. 135-42 [Laud 610].

- Pender, S.: Two unpublished versions of the Expulsion of the Déssi, in: Féilscribhinn Torna. Cork 1947, pp. 209-17 [Uí Maine and Lib. Flav.; corrections by Hull, V., Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 24 (1954), pp. 270-1].

- Meyer, Kuno: Tucait indarba na nDéssi, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. I. Halle 1907, pp. 15-24 [version of H 2.15 with variants from H 3.17].

- Hull, Vernam: The later version of the Expulsion of the Déssi, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 27 (1958-59), pp. 14-63 [LU, H 2.15 and H 3.17].

Úath Beinne Étair


- 23 N 10: p 13-14

- Ha. 5280: f 35Rb-35Va


- Meyer, Kuno: Uath Beinne Etair, in: Revue Celtique 11 (1890), pp. 125-34 [Ha. 5280].

- Ní Shéaghdha, Nessa: Tóruigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne. Dublin 1967, pp. 130-7 [23 N 10].

Verba Scáthaige (mainly rhetoric)


- 23 N 10: p 68

- Eg. 1782: f 19Va-b

- Eg. 88: f 11Rb

- Rawl. B 512: I, f 118Va (also as part of later version of 'Tochmarc Emire')


- Meyer, Kuno: Verba Scáthaige fri CoinCulaind, in: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. Vol. V. Halle 1913, pp. 28-30 [Rawl. 512 with variants from Eg. 1782 and Eg. 88].

- Thurneysen, Rudolf: Verba Scáthaige nach 23.N.10, in: Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 9 (1913), pp. 487-8 [23 N 10].

- Henry, P. L.: Verba Scáthaige, in: Celtica 21 (1990), pp. 191-207 [Rawl. 512, Eg. 1782, Eg. 88, 23 N 10 and from Tochmarc Emire].

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