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Y Santa Biblia: Camera-Ready, Master Files, Other Sizes or Formats
Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) Ebooks ·  Bible Study Tools  ·  Resources


Y Santa Biblia, Camera-Ready

  • Y Santa Biblia, Chamorro Edition, Palabran Jesucristo Sija Gui Tinige Agaga (Words of Jesus Christ in Red). This red-letter edition is formatted for a page size of 5.5 inches (width) x 8.25 inches (height) and in the Chamorro language only. The format is modeled after the original Chamorro and English Scriptures published in 1908 by the American Bible Society. The Chamorro text is from the foundational RTF files available in's "Download" section under the heading "Y Santa Biblia, Master Files".

    Construction of the Chamorro Edition publication: 1. Title page in Chamorro. 2. Table of Contents page in Chamorro. 3. Starting with the Old Testament, the Biblical books in Chamorro in the following order: Y Salmo Sija, San Mateo, San Marcos, San Lucas, San Juan, Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija.

    Y Santa Biblia, Chamorro Edition is available in print. See <> for further information.

    Filename and Location:
    Size: 2,494,232 bytes
    Layout (publication) completed December 2003, released March 2005. Updated April 17, 2006.
    Black, Red. The CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) color space is used. The color red is defined as: Cyan = 0%, Magenta = 100%, Yellow = 100%, Black = 0.
    Page Size:
    5.5 x 8.25 inches
    Page Count:
    316 pages
    PDF, 2400 dpi, camera-ready.


  • Y Santa Biblia, Chamorro-English Edition, Palabran Jesucristo Sija Gui Tinige Agaga (Words of Jesus Christ in Red). A red-letter diglot edition formatted for a page size of 5.5 inches (width) x 8.25 inches (height). It is modeled after the original Chamorro and English Scriptures published in 1908 American Bible Society. (Low and high resolution images of this rare Bible are available at Only the English text is the King James Version (KJV). The Chamorro text is from the foundational RTF files available in's "Download" section under the heading "Y Santa Biblia, Master Files". In addition to the complete camera-ready publication (layout or e-book), some pages are available in two sample files: and

    Y Santa Biblia, Chamorro-English Edition (the diglot) is two primary languages (Chamorro and English) in one book and formatted as one book; it is indivisible. This means that all pages in this diglot are always to remain together.

    Components of the Chamorro-English Edition publication (the diglot): 1. Title page in Chamorro. 2. Title page in English. 3. Table of Contents page in Chamorro. 4. Table of Contents page in English. 5. Beginning with the Old Testament, the Biblical books are placed in the following order: Y Salmo Sija – The Psalms, San Mateo – Saint Matthew, San Marcos – Saint Mark, San Lucas – Saint Luke, San Juan – Saint John, and Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija – The Acts of the Apostles. Chamorro is on the left page, English is on the right page, and the two pages are assigned the same page number.

    Y Santa Biblia, Chamorro-English Edition is in print ( For more information, please visit <>.

    Filename and Location:
    Size: 5,400,888 bytes
    Left page: Chamorro, Right page: English
    Layout (publication) completed December 2003, released March 2005. Updated April 17, 2006.
    Black, Red. The CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) color space is used. The color red is defined as: Cyan = 0%, Magenta = 100%, Yellow = 100%, Black = 0.
    Page Size:
    5.5 x 8.25 inches
    Page Count:
    622 pages
    Single book with two primary languages; all pages in the camera-ready publication (layout) must remain together. PDF, 2400 dpi, camera-ready.


Y Santa Biblia, Master Files


  • Y Ybangelio Según San Mateo from the Chamorro and English Scriptures, commonly known as the 1908 Chamorro Bible. Core and foundational text for creating a new or an updated 1908 Chamorro Bible version or format. This Chamorro text matches as closely as possible the hard copy diglot edition of the original Chamorro Bible published in 1908. The words of Jesus Christ are in red letters (Palabran Jesucristo Sija Gui Tinige Agaga).

    Filename and Location:
    Updated March 2004. Updated February 15, 2005 (red-letter correction only).
    RTF (Rich Text Format)


  • Y Ybangelio Según San Marcos from the Chamorro and English Scriptures, commonly known as the 1908 Chamorro Bible. Core and foundational text for creating a new or an updated 1908 Chamorro Bible version or format. This Chamorro text matches as closely as possible the hard copy diglot edition of the original Chamorro Bible published in 1908. The words of Jesus Christ are in red letters (Palabran Jesucristo Sija Gui Tinige Agaga).

    Filename and Location:
    Updated February 2004. Updated February 10, 2005 (red-letter correction only).
    RTF (Rich Text Format)


  • Y Ybangelio Según San Lucas from the Chamorro and English Scriptures, commonly known as the 1908 Chamorro Bible. Core and foundational text for creating a new or an updated 1908 Chamorro Bible version or format. This Chamorro text matches as closely as possible the hard copy diglot edition of the original Chamorro Bible published in 1908. The words of Jesus Christ are in red letters (Palabran Jesucristo Sija Gui Tinige Agaga).

    Filename and Location:
    Updated February 2004. Updated July 13, 2005 (red-letter correction only).
    RTF (Rich Text Format)


  • Y Ybangelio Según San Juan from the Chamorro and English Scriptures, commonly known as the 1908 Chamorro Bible. Core and foundational text for creating a new or an updated 1908 Chamorro Bible version or format. This Chamorro text matches as closely as possible the hard copy diglot edition of the original Chamorro Bible published in 1908. The words of Jesus Christ are in red letters (Palabran Jesucristo Sija Gui Tinige Agaga).

    Filename and Location:
    Updated June 2004. Updated April 5, 2005 (red-letter correction only). Updated July 25, 2005 (corrected punctuation). Updated August 3, 2005 (red-letter correction only).
    RTF (Rich Text Format)


  • Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija from the Chamorro and English Scriptures, commonly known as the 1908 Chamorro Bible. Core and foundational text for creating a new or an updated 1908 Chamorro Bible version or format. This Chamorro text matches as closely as possible the hard copy diglot edition of the original Chamorro Bible published in 1908. The words of Jesus Christ are in red letters (Palabran Jesucristo Sija Gui Tinige Agaga).

    Filename and Location:
    Updated February 2004. Updated June 5, 2005 (corrected punctuation).
    RTF (Rich Text Format)


Y Santa Biblia, Other Sizes or Formats

  • Y Santa Biblia, Chamorro Edition, Palabran Jesucristo Sija Gui Tinige Agaga (Words of Jesus Christ in Red). Formatted for a page size of 8.5 inches x 11 inches (U.S. "Letter" size paper) for convenient local printing. It is in the Chamorro language only. The Chamorro text is from the foundational RTF files (available in's "Download" section under the heading "Y Santa Biblia, Master Files"): Y Salmo Sija, San Mateo, San Marcos, San Lucas, San Juan, and Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija. The layout is updated only to correct typos.

    Physical layout: 1. Title page in Chamorro. 2. Table of Contents page in Chamorro. 3. Beginning with the Old Testament, the Biblical books in Chamorro are in the following order: Y Salmo Sija, San Mateo, San Marcos, San Lucas, San Juan, Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija.

    Filename and Location:
    Layout completed December 2003. Updated April 17, 2006.
    PDF, 300 dpi


  • Y Santa Biblia, Chamorro Edition, Palabran Jesucristo Sija Gui Tinige Agaga (Words of Jesus Christ in Red). Complete text of the 1908 Chamorro Bible in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format. The Biblical books are in the following order: Y Salmo Sija, San Mateo, San Marcos, San Lucas, San Juan, and Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija.

    Filename and Location:
    Created March 2004. Updated April 17, 2006.


Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) Electronic Books (Ebooks)








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The Chamorro Bible In Print

Photograph accompanying Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus - God's Precious WordsManguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus – God's Precious Words
With the Photograph of the Day

The Great Earthquake and Catastrophic Tsunami of 2004
The Spectacular Clouds of the Transonic Flight Regime  ·  Francis Marion Price (1850-1937)  ·  The 1908 Chamorro Bible in Audio  ·  Chamorro Language Resources  ·  Acknowledgements  ·  ISLES, Spring 2003, Special Issue: The Resurrection of the (1908) Chamorro Bible  ·  Chamorro Bible Project  ·  Announcements  ·  Download

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