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CELT: Select Bibliography of Osborn J. Bergin
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Select Bibliography of Osborn J. Bergin (1873-1950)

by Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Also Biographical Notices of Bergin

  1. Palatalization (Diss, Freiburg 1906)
  2. `Palatalization', Ériu 3 (1907) 50-91
  3. `A story of Flann mac Lonáin', O. J. Bergin, R. I. Best, Kuno Meyer, J. G. O'Keeffe (ed), Anecdota from Irish manuscripts i (Halle a.S. 1907) 45-50
  4. (ed. & tr.), `The harrowing of Hell', Ériu 4 (1910) 112-19 [<Book of Fermoy, 37qq]
  5. `A Middle-Irish fragment of Bede's Ecclesiastical history', O. J. Bergin, R. I. Best, Kuno Meyer, J. G. O'Keeffe (ed), Anecdota from Irish manuscripts iii (Halle a.S. 1910) 63-76
  6. (ed. & tr.), `The best and worst nail in the Ark', Ériu 5 (1911) 49
  7. `Old-Irish suír', Ériu 5 (1911) 112
  8. `The death of Conn of the Hundred Battles', Z Celt Philol 8 (1912) 272-77
  9. `A poem by Gofraidh Fionn Ó Dálaigh', E. C. Quiggin (ed), Essays and studies presented to Sir William Ridgeway on his sixtieth birthday (Cambridge 1913) 323-32 [inc. `Mór ar bfearg riot a rí Saxan', to Maurice fitz Maurice (Muiris Óg), second earl of Desmond]
  10. `Modern Irish teóra "limit, border"', Ériu 7 (1914) 27-29
  11. `The lament of the nun of Beare', Ériu 7 (1914) 240-41 [diplomatic of H. 4. 22, p. 44]
  12. (ed. & tr.), `The death of Conchobar's sons', Ériu 7 (1914) 242-43
  13. `What brought the Saxons to Ireland?', Ériu 7 (1914) 244
  14. `Dorearúasat', Ériu 8 (1916) 99 [=`who has created the heavens']
  15. `Metrica', Ériu 8 (1916) 161-69, 9 (1921-23) 77-84 [1. Notes on Meyer's Primer of Irish metrics; 2. The alleged riming of long with short vowels; 3. The alleged unvoicing of -dh d-; 4. The alliteration of th; 5. The principles of alliteration] [metrics]
  16. `The magic withe in Táin bó Cúailnge', Ériu 9 (1921-23) 159 [emendation of tr. of LU 57b38=YBL 270]
  17. `A poem by Domhnall mac Dáire', Ériu 9 (1921-23) 160-74
  18. (ed. & tr.), `A dialogue between Donnchadh son of Brian and Mac Coisse', Ériu 9 (1921-23) 175-80 [inc. `Freccair meisi, a Meic Coisi', 14 qq]
  19. `Ar-neut, in-neuth; ad-haim', Ériu 10 (1926-28) 111-12
  20. `Notes on the Würzburg glosses', Z Celt Philol 17 (1928) 223-224
  21. `A mystical interpretation of the Beati', Ériu 11 (1932) 103-06
  22. `On the Kilbonane ogams', Ériu 11 (1932) 107-11 [epigraphy]
  23. `The native Irish grammarian' [Rhys Lecture], Proc Br Acad 24 (1939) 205-35, & separately, London 1938
  24. `The mythology of Lough Neagh', Béaloideas 2 (1930) 246-52
  25. `Varia II', Ériu 11 (1932) 136-49 [1. regait-se; 2. to-neät; 3. fu-s-cerdam; 4. The I sg. of celid; 5. ro-det; 6. léim dar boilg; 7. Uí Rethach; 8. O.Ir. tarcaid, targaid {<to-ro-ad-guid-}; 9. suí as feminine; 10. Eochu, Eochaid; 11. `two' in Mid. Ir.; 12. trí `three' in Mid. Ir.; 13. coímad {`treat kindly'}; 14. di * do; 15. The 1st sg. preterite of benaid]
  26. `Miscellanea', Ériu 12 (1938) 135-36 [1. The 2sg absolute of berid; 2. O.Ir. foc(c)ul(l); 3. cro- in compounds]
  27. `On the syntax of the verb in Old Irish', Ériu 12 (1938) 197-214 [Bergin's Law]
  28. `Varia I', Ériu 12 (1938) 215-35 [1. Welsh lluched and toreth; 2. O.Ir. ecguth; 3. Mid.Ir. fáid `prophet'; 4. berr `short' {onomastics}; 5. aurfaomaidsi; 6. lie, lia `stone'; 7. ríge; 8. Saiglenn {may be cognate with Gaul. Sagillius--onomastics}; 9. féulae; 10. Lenition after nom. sg. masc.; 11. fétar; 12. águr; 13. anocht; 14. foilge; 15. fo-retar; 16. tráchtaim; 17. dardaín; 18. Augaine {onomastics}; 19. Imperfect indictative of the copula; 20. Hembae? {onomastics}; 21. Old Irish téit; 22. atnuarat; 23. sochenéuil, &c.; 24. *dansmacht; 25. Luchte {onomastics, Luigthech, Lugaid, Lugith}]
  29. & Best, R. I. (ed. & tr.), `Tochmarc Étaíne', Ériu 12 (1938) 137-96
  30. `Ériu and the ablaut', Ériu 14 (1946) 147-53 [O'Rahilly's etymology rejected; Ériu (and Albu) may be pre-Celtic]
  31. `White, red-eared cows', Ériu 14 (1946) 170 [agriculture cattle]
  32. `Old Irish dligid', J Celt Stud 1/2 (1950) 183-89
  33. `Further remarks on Wb, 9a23', Ériu 18 (1955) 1-3 [semantics of cosc]

Biographical Notices of Osborn Bergin

  1. D.A. Binchy, Osborn Bergin (Dublin: UCD, 1970). Bergin lecture, no. 1.
  2. Denis Gwynn, Osborn Bergin, a great Cork scholar, UCC Record 44 (1969), 57-59. Repr. from Cork Examiner, 22 March 1968.
  3. Eleanor Knott, Obituary, Ériu 16 (1952), 1-3.
  4. G. M[urphy], Obituary, Éigse 6 (1948-52), 192.
  5. Gerard Murphy, Obituary, Studies 39 (1950), 385-394.
  6. Joseph Vendryes, Obituary, Études Celtiques 5 (1949-51), 419-420.

Notices compiled by Margaret Lantry.

Bibliography created by Prof. Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Department of History, University College Cork.
Rendered into HTML by Margaret Lantry, Computer Centre, UCC.

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