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Table of Contents


Engl. translations from Irish from French, Latin or Italian from Spanish from German and Icelandic
French translations from Irish
German translations from Irish
Modern Irish translations from Old/Middle Irish
Catalan, Occitan or French originals 13th–16th century 17th–19th century
Spanish originals 16th century
Spanish originals 17th century
English originals 14th–15th century 16th–18th century 19th century 20th century
Irish originals History, Law, Genealogy Christian writings Narrative
Irish originals Poetry Grammar, Metrics, Lexicology Science & Medicine
Latin Historical & Legal Christian writings Hymnology Science & Medicine
Survey Thomas Sherrard's Freke Survey 1787/88

Translations from Irish or Latin, mainly into English


Authors unknown unless otherwise stated.
The Annals of Ulster AD 431-1201 KB: 817 HTML XML HTML, new website
The Annals of Ulster AD 1202-1378 KB: 361 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals of Ulster AD 1379-1541 KB: 703 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals of Tigernach (Gearóid Mac Niocaill) KB: 493 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals of Inisfallen KB: 431 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals of Inisfallen, Prepatrician Section KB: 30 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 1 KB: 631 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 2 KB: 751 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 3 KB: 529 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 4 KB: 541 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 5 KB: 612 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 6 KB: 454 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of Loch Cé 1 KB: 864 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of Loch Cé 2 KB: 611 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of Connacht KB: 919 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Miscellaneous Irish Annals, Fragment I (Mac Carthaigh's Book) KB: 144 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Miscellaneous Irish Annals, Fragment II KB: 42 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Miscellaneous Irish Annals, Fragment III KB: 65 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Dominican Annals of Roscommon (English translation in 2nd part) KB: 129 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Chronicon Scotorum KB: 404 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fragmentary Annals of Ireland KB: 232 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Irish Version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius KB: 130 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Battle of Carn Conaill KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The three drinking-horns of Cormac úa Cuinn (Liber Flavus Fergusiorum) KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Geoffrey Keating: History of Ireland, Books I-II KB: 1027 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Chapters towards a History of Ireland in the reign of Elizabeth (Philip O'Sullivan Beare) KB: 477 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Triumphs of Turlough KB: 409 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The ancient Territory of Fermoy KB: 28 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Description of Ireland (Fynes Moryson) KB: 74 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Commonwealth of Ireland (Fynes Moryson) KB: 203 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Manners and Customs of Ireland (Fynes Moryson) KB: 50 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Visit to Lecale, in the County of Down, in the year 1602–3 (Sir Josias Bodley) KB: 62 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Description of Engand and Ireland under the Restoration (Albert Jouvin) KB: 60 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The tour of the French traveller M. de La Boullaye Le Gouz in Ireland, A.D. 1644 KB: 266 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Briefe relation of Ireland, and the diversity of Irish in the same [and] Priests in Ireland and Gentlemen gone abroad KB: 81 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Journey of Viscount Ramon de Perellós to Saint Patrick's Purgatory KB: 93 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Beatha Aodha Ruaidh Uí Dhomhnaill (The Life of Aodh Ruadh O Domhnaill) KB: 378 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Johann Friedrich Hering's description of Connacht (J. F. Hering) KB: 38 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Law of the Couple [Cáin Lánamna] (Donnchadh Ó Corráin) KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lebor na Cert [Book of Rights] (Myles Dillon) KB: 138 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Triads of Ireland (Kuno Meyer) KB: 80 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Genealogies, Tribes, and Customs of Hy-Fiachrach KB: 1061 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Genealogy of Corca Laidhe KB: 475 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Poem on the Kings of Connaught (M. F. Liddell) KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Metrical Dindshenchas 1 (E. Gwynn) KB: 60 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Metrical Dindshenchas 2 (E. Gwynn) KB: 83 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Metrical Dindshenchas 3 (E. Gwynn) KB: 320 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Metrical Dindshenchas 4 (E. Gwynn) KB: 273 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Flight of the Earls (Tadhg Ó Cianáin; trans. Paul Walsh) KB: 250 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Bethada Náem nÉrenn [Lives of Irish Saints] (C. Plummer) KB: 733 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Bethu Brigte [The Life of Brigit] (D. Ó hAodha) KB: 46 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The birth and life of St Mo Ling KB: 77 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Life of St Féchín of Fore KB: 57 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Life of Fursa KB: 36 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On the Life of Saint Patrick [Betha Phatraic] (Whitley Stokes) KB: 72 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On the Life of Saint Brigit [Betha Brigte] (Whitley Stokes) KB: 60 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On the Life of Saint Columba [Betha Choluim Chille] (Whitley Stokes) KB: 58 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Life of Mac Creiche [Betha Meic Creiche] (Ch. Plummer) KB: 90 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Life of Naile (Charles Plummer) KB: 58 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Life of St. Declan of Ardmore (Patrick Power) KB: 102 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Life of Saint Finan (Stewart Macalister) KB: 31 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Miracles of Senan [Míorbuile Senáin] (Charles Plummer) KB: 45 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Life of Colmán Son of Lúachán (Kuno Meyer) KB: 140 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Life of Columba, written by Adamnan (William Reeves) KB: 247 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Life of St. Findan KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Muirchú's Life of Patrick (Ludwig Bieler) KB: 81 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Life of Saint Fintán, alias Munnu, abbot of Tech Munnu KB: 45 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Monks' Rules of Columbanus (G. S. M. Walker) KB: 110 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sermons of Columbanus (G. S. M. Walker) KB: 120 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Letters of Columbanus (G. S. M. Walker) KB: 121 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Easter Controversy [De Controversia Paschali] (by Cummianus) KB: 43 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Adamnán's De Locis Sanctis (by Adamnán of Iona) KB: 118 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tidings of Doomsday (Whitley Stokes) KB: 30 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Tidings of the Resurrection (Whitley Stokes) KB: 35 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The fifteen tokens of Doomsday (Whitley Stokes) KB: 31 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The vision of Laisrén (Kuno Meyer) KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Les Deux Chagrins du Royaume du Ciel [Da brón Flatha Nime] (Georges Dottin) [Français] KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Une version irlandaise du dialogue du corps et de l'âme (Georges Dottin) [Français] KB: 35 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cath Maige Tuired [The Second Battle of Mag Tuired] (Elisabeth Gray) KB: 74 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Second Battle of Moytura (Whitley Stokes) KB: 73 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Wooing of Étaín (O. Bergin and J. Best) KB: 67 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Fate of the Children of Lir KB: 56 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel (Whitley Stokes) KB: 145 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Cherishing of Conall Cernach in Crúachu and the Death of Ailill and Conall Cernach (Kuno Meyer) KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Deirdre [Longes mac nUislenn] (Douglas Hyde) KB: 33 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Exile of the Sons of Uisliu [Longes Mac nUislenn] (Vernam Hull) KB: 39 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Death-Tales of the Ulster Heroes (Kuno Meyer) KB: 61 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Siege of Knocklong (Forbuis Droma Damhghaire) KB: 135 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Glenmasan Manuscript (D. Mackinnon) KB: 254 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Wooing of Emer [from LU and Stowe] (Kuno Meyer) KB: 88 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Visions of Ferchertne [Laud 610] (Kuno Meyer) KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Táin Bó Cúalnge Recension I (Cecile O'Rahilly) KB: 321 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Táin Bó Cúalnge from the Book of Leinster (Cecile O'Rahilly) KB: 394 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Training of Cúchulainn (Whitley Stokes) KB: 50 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Scél Baili Binnbérlaig (Kuno Meyer) KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Death of Conn of the Hundred Battles (Osborn Bergin) KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Irish ordeals, Cormac's adventure in the Land of Promise, and the decision as to Cormac's sword (Whitley Stokes) KB: 47 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cormac and Ciarnat (Egerton 1782) (Kuno Meyer) KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
King Eochaid has horse's ears (Kuno Meyer) KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Slaying of Niall of the Nine Hostages (Rawl. B 502) (Kuno Meyer) KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Expulsion of the Dessi (Rawl. B 502) (Kuno Meyer) KB: 34 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ailill Aulom, Mac Con, & Find ua Báiscne (Laud 610) (Kuno Meyer) KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
How Ronan slew his Son (Kuno Meyer) KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Destruction of Dind Ríg (Whitley Stokes) KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Buile Shuibhne [The Frenzy of Suibhne] being The Adventures of Suibhne Geilt (J. G. O'Keeffe) KB: 140 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Courtship of Momera (Eugene O'Curry) KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Death of Finn Mac Cumaill (Kuno Meyer) KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Finn and Grainne (Kuno Meyer) KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Quarrel between Finn and Oisín (Kuno Meyer) KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Finn and the Man in the Tree (Kuno Meyer) KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Two Tales about Finn (Kuno Meyer) KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Hiding of the Hill of Howth (Kuno Meyer) KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Chase of Síd na mBan Finn and the Death of Finn (Kuno Meyer) KB: 70 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Reicne Fothaid Canainne (Kuno Meyer) KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Erard mac Coisse cecinit: O Mór of Moyne of Mag Siúil (Kuno Meyer) KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Finn episode from Gilla in Chomded húa Cormaic's poem "A Rí richid, réidig dam" (Kuno Meyer) KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Enumeration of Finn's People (Standish Hayes O'Grady) KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Little Brawl at Almhain (Standish Hayes O'Grady) KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Enchanted Cave of Keshcorran (Standish Hayes O'Grady) KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Adventure of the Carle of the Drab Coat (Standish Hayes O'Grady) KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Boyish Exploits of Finn (Kuno Meyer) KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Panegyric of King Cormac (S. H. O'Grady) KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Pursuit of the Gilla Decair and his Horse (S. H. O'Grady) KB: 55 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Liadain and Curithir: an Irish love-story of the ninth century (Kuno Meyer) KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Voyage of Snedgus and Mac Ríagla (Whitley Stokes) KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Voyage of the Hui Corra (Whitley Stokes) KB: 50 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Gaelic Maundeville (Whitley Stokes) KB: 175 HTML XML HTML (new website)
In Cath Catharda: The Civil War of the Romans (Whitley Stokes) KB: 418 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Gaelic abridgment of the Book of Ser Marco Polo (Whitley Stokes) KB: 119 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The wandering of Ulixes son of Laertes (Kuno Meyer) KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Irish Lives of Guy of Warwick and Bevis of Hampton (F. N. Robinson) KB: 346 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The colloquy of Colum Cille and the youth at Carn Eolairg (Kuno Meyer) KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Guleesh na Gus Dhu (Douglas Hyde) KB: 52 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Paudyeen O'Kelly and the Weasel (Douglas Hyde) KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Well of D'yerree-in-Dowan (Douglas Hyde) KB: 29 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Court of Crinnawn (Douglas Hyde) KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Trunk-Without-Head (Douglas Hyde) KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Hags of the Long Teeth (Douglas Hyde) KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The White Hound of the Mountain [Cú bán an t-shleibhe] (Kuno Meyer) KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Shining Sword and the Knowledge of the Cause of the one Story about Women [An Cloidheamh Soluis agus fios fáth an aon sgeil ar na mnáibh] (D. O'Fotharta) KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Patrick Mac Bride and his son (J. H. Lloyd) KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Vision of MacConglinne [Aislinge Meic Con Glinne] (Kuno Meyer) KB: 97 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Song of the Sea [Anbthine mór ar muig Lir] (Kuno Meyer) KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Find and the Phantoms (Whitley Stokes) KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Burning of Finn's House (E.J. Gwynn) KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The bardic poems of Tadhg Dall Ó Huiginn (1550–1591) (Eleanor Knott) KB: 325 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Book of Clanranald (Alexander Cameron) KB: 219 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Vision at Rome KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Roman Vision KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irlands Lamentation (Rudolf Thurneysen) KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Mourner's Soliloquy in the Ruined Abbey of Timoleague (trans. Thomas Furlong) KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lament over the Ruins of the Abbey of Teach Molaga (trans. J.C. Mangan) KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lament over the Ruins of the Abbey of Timoleague (trans. Sir S. Ferguson) KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The instructions of King Cormac Mac Airt: Tecosca Cormaic KB: 63 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Rosa Anglica (W. Wulff) KB: 433 HTML XML HTML (new website)
[On Wounds] KB: 45 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Treatise on Fevers [Fragment] (Lilian Duncan) KB: 95 HTML XML HTML (new website)
De Dosibus medicinarum (Shawn Sheahan) KB: 164 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Irish Astronomical Tract (Maura Power/John A. Williams) KB: 208 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Irish Corpus Astronomiae (...) (F.W. O'Connell) KB: 157 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Translations from French, Latin and Italian into English: 9th-17th Century


Authors unknown unless otherwise stated.
Liber De Mensura Orbis Terrae (by Dicuil, transl. by James J. Tierney) KB: 89 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Dermot and the Earl (translated by G. H. Orpen) KB: 228 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Grace's Annals (Annales Hiberniae) KB: 115 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Statute enacted in Kilkenny, A.D. 1367 KB: 97 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The journey of Symon Semeonis from Ireland to the Holy Land [Itinerarium Symonis Semeonis ab Hybernia ad Terram Sanctam] KB: 149 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A History of the Franciscan Order in Ireland by Donagh Mooney KB: 134 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Remonstrance of the Irish Chiefs to Pope John XXII (A.D.1317) by Domhnall Ó Néill KB: 35 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Archduke Ferdinand's visit to Kinsale in Ireland KB: 67 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Francesco Chiericati's letter to Isabella d'Este Gonzaga (1517) KB: 31 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Travels of Cosmo the Third, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1669) by Conte Lorenzo Magalotti KB: 33 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Un principe di Toscana in Inghilterra e in Irlanda nel 1669: Irlanda (Italian) KB: 35 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Un principe di Toscana in Inghilterra e in Irlanda nel 1669: Visita a Roberto Boyle (Italian) KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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French, Catalan or Occitan Texts: 13th to 16th Century


Authors unknown unless otherwise stated.
Song of Dermot and the Earl KB: 332 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Statute enacted in Kilkenny, A.D. 1367 KB: 50 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Viatge del Vescomte Ramón de Perellós y de Roda fet al Purgatori nomenat de Sant Patrici [Catalan] KB: 91 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Viatge al Purgatòri de Sant Patrici [Occitan] KB: 99 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Premier Voyage de Charles-Quint en Espagne, de 1517 à 1518 [extrait par Laurent Vital] (English translation (D. Convery) KB: 66 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Archduke Ferdinand's visit to Kinsale in Ireland, 1517 à 1518 [English translation of above, D. Convery] KB: 66 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Bordeaux Notarial Records (Alf O'Brien) KB: 31 HTML XML HTML (new website)

French Texts: 17th to 19th Century


P. Louis Lainé
Généalogie de la Maison de Mac-Carthy (...) KB: 271 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Translations from Spanish into English: 16th Century


Francisco de Cuellar
Captain Cuellar's Adventures in Connacht and Ulster KB: 76 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Spanish Texts: 16th Century


Francisco de Cuellar
Carta de uno que fué en la Armada y cuenta la jornada KB: 78 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Spanish Texts: 17th Century


Aviso del estado en que al presente estan las cosas de los Catholicos en el Reyno de Irlanda [...] KB: 39 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Translations from German or Icelandic into English, and German originals


Ludolf von Münchhausen
A German visitor to Monaincha in 1591 (Ludolf von Münchhausen) KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Carl Gottlob Küttner
Briefe aus Irland nach Sachsen KB: 703 HTML
Caspar Voght
Schilderung von Irland, Bruchstücke aus dem Tagebuche eines Reisenden KB: 152 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Friedrich Ludwig von Wachholtz
Friedrich Ludwig von Wachholtz in Cork KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Johann Heinrich Meidinger
Heinrich Meidingers Briefe aus Irland KB: 58 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Magdalena von Dobeneck née Feuerbach
Briefe aus Irland KB: 135 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Magdalena von Dobeneck's Letters from Ireland to Paul Johann Anselm von Feuerbach KB: 119 HTML XML HTML (new website)
H. v. Pückler-Muskau
Tour in England, Ireland, and France, in the years 1826, 1827, 1828, and 1829 KB: 506 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Friedrich von Raumer
Letters from Ireland KB: 63 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Johann Georg Kohl
Travels in Ireland KB: 1245 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Jón Ólafsson
The Life of the Icelander Jón Ólafsson: Youghal KB: 37 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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French translation(s) from Irish


Le siège de Druim Damhghaire (Marie Louise Sjoestedt) KB: 178 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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German translations from Irish


By Rudolf Thurneysen unless otherwise stated.
Welches sind die drei, die gleich nach ihrer Geburt zuerst gesprochen haben? KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Geschichten von Cano mac Gartnáin [Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin] KB: 38 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die irischen Triaden (Kuno Meyer/Peter Dietsch) KB: 71 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Eine Variante der Brendan-Legende KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die Geschichte des Nuada Find Femin (Käte Müller-Lisowski) KB: 76 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die Geburt Chonchobars KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fraechs Werbung um Finnabir KB: 34 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Das Freien um Ferb KB: 75 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Als Culanns Hund krank war KB: 54 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Wie das Schwein des Sohnes der Stummen zerlegt wurde KB: 31 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Warum Usnechs Söhne das Land verließen KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Der Streit um das Heldenstück KB: 77 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die Sage von CuRoi [Egerton 88] KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Wie Ronan seinen Sohn ermorden ließ KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Das Werben um Ailbe KB: 36 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mac Conglinnes Vision KB: 38 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Das Gedicht der vierzig Fragen von Eochaid ua Cérín KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Modern Irish translations from Old/Middle Irish


Aisling Aonghasa (Alan Mac an Bhaird) KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tochmarc Éadaine (Alan Mac an Bhaird) KB: 80 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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English Texts

Authors unknown unless otherwise stated.
The Kildare Poems View Modern English version (Angela Lucas) KB: 109 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Voyage of Sir Richard Edgecomb into Ireland, in the Year 1488. KB: 47 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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English Texts: 16th–18th Century

Joseph Ben * Edmund Spenser * Thomas Lee

Nicholas Arnold * Thomas Walker * Robert Payne

Henry Docwra * John Dymmok * Sir John Davies * Hugh Collier

Meredith Hanmer * George Carew * Thomas Gainsford * Sir Francis Bacon

William Lithgow * Hugh O'Neill * Florence MacCarthy Reagh

King James I * Sir William Brereton * Luke Gernon * Henry Ireton

Robert Boyle * Gerard Boate * William Layles * King Charles II

William Penn Irish Travel Diaries * Various authors * Nathaniel Crouch * John Milton

John Stevens * Gédéon Bonnivert *Samuel Molyneux * Jonathan Swift * Thomas O'Sullevane

George Berkeley * Mrs Delany (Mary Pendarves) * John Loveday *

Aubry de la Mottraye * Oliver Goldsmith * Isaac Butler * Richard Pococke

Arthur Young * Thomas Campbell * Daniel A. Beaufort

Thomas Sherrard's Freke Estate (Cork) Survey of 1787/88.

Jane Adams * Theobald Wolfe Tone

Unknown unless otherwise stated

The Desmond Survey KB: 858 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sir Thomas Smith/Thomas Smith junior
A Letter sent by I. B. Gentleman vnto his very frende Mayster R. C. Esquire KB: 70 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Joseph Ben
Description of the Orkney Islands KB: 34 HTML XML HTML (new website)
John Dymmok
A Treatise of Ireland KB: 205 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Meredith Hanmer
Portions of a manuscript history relating to Ireland KB: 119 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Edmund Spenser
A view of the present state of Ireland KB: 405 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Hugh Collier [?]
Dialogue of Silvynne and Peregrynne (S.P. 63/203, no. 119) KB: 296 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Discourse on the mere Irish of Ireland (Oxford, Exeter College, MS 154, ff. 55–74) KB: 125 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland (SP 63/207(4), no. 3. Jul. 3, 1600) KB: 67 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Nicholas Arnold
Notes to be considered for the government of Ireland [SP 63/12/20, c. 6–12 Jan. 1565] KB: 46 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Thomas Lee
Infformacion giuen to Queen Elizabeth against Sir William Fitzwilliams, his gouernmente in Irelande KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A brief Declaration of the Government of Ireland KB: 103 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Discovery and Recovery of Ireland with the Author's Apology KB: 369 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Florence MacCarthy Reagh
Letter of Florence Mac Carthy to the Earl of Thomond, on the ancient history of Ireland KB: 127 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Letter Book of Florence Mac Carthy Reagh, Tanist of Carbery, Mac Carthy Mór KB: 763 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Thomas Walker
Documents on Thomas Walker's plot against Tyrone in 1601 KB: 28 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Henry Docwra
Docwra's Relation of Service done in Irlande KB: 113 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Narration of the services done by the army ymployed to Lough-Foyle [...] KB: 156 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Thomas Gainsford
A description of Ireland: A.D. 1618 KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Robert Payne
A Briefe description of Ireland: made in this year, 1589 [...] KB: 48 HTML XML HTML (new website)
various authors
A Calendar of Manuscript Material relating to Ireland, 1580-1602 KB: 136 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The greevances of the Englishe Pale [S.P. 63/202, part iv, 60] KB: 36 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Parliament of 1613–1615 KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Orders made and established by the lords [...] at Kilkenny [...] 24th October 1642 KB: 44 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill's war aims KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
John Milton
Observations on the Articles of Peace between James Earl of Ormond [...] and the Irish Rebels [...] KB: 152 HTML XML HTML (new website)
King James I
A Proclamation touching the Earles of Tyrone and Tyrconnell KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sir Francis Bacon
Sir Francis Bacon's MSS relating to Ireland KB: 278 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sir John Davies
Of the Lawes of Irelande [1609] (Huntington Library, Ellesmere 7042) KB: 38 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Observations made by Sir John Davys, Attorney of Ireland KB: 45 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Discovery of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued (...) KB: 265 HTML XML HTML (new website)
George Carew
A discourse of the present state of Ireland [1614] KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
William Lithgow
Rare Adventures in Ireland in 1619 KB: 40 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Luke Gernon
A Discourse of Ireland, anno 1620 KB: 56 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sir William Brereton
Travels of Sir William Brereton in Ireland [1635] KB: 129 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Robert Boyle
An account of Philaretus during his Minority [1648/49] KB: 127 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Gerard Boate
The Natural History of Ireland KB: 284 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Colonel Henry O'Neill
An impartial relation of the most memorable transactions of General Owen O'Neill [...] [1650] KB: 77 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Henry Ireton
A Letter from the Lord Deputy-General of Ireland upon Surrender of Limerick, 1651 KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
William Layles
Account of Surrender of Limerick, 1651 KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Various authors
Articles for Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Articles for Newtown, Co. Leitrim KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Letter from English Commissioners for Ireland KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Articles agreed on by Captain Henry Sankey KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Letter from Commissioners in Ireland for Parliament of England KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Proceedings of the forces in Ireland under Sir Hardress Waller and Lord-Deputy Ireton (...) [1650-1651] KB: 147 HTML XML HTML (new website)
King Charles II
Act of Settlement [1662] and Act of Explanation [1665] KB: 42 HTML XML HTML (new website)
William Penn Irish Travel Diaries
My Irish Journal, 1669–1670 KB: 165 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Great Case of Liberty of Conscience once more briefly debated [...] KB: 101 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Seasonable Caveat Against Popery [...] KB: 84 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Letter of Love to the Young-Convinced KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Nathaniel Crouch
The History of the Kingdom of Ireland (by R.B. =Nathaniel Crouch) KB: 361 HTML XML HTML (new website)
John Stevens
The journal of John Stevens, containing a brief account of the war in Ireland, 1689–1691 KB: 718 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Gédéon Bonnivert
The Diary of Bonnivert, 1690 KB: 47 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Samuel Molyneux
Journey to Connaught, April 1709 KB: 52 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Journey to the North, August 7th, 1708 KB: 48 HTML XML HTML (new website)
George Berkeley
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge KB: 237 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Essay towards a new Theory of Vision KB: 157 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Thomas O'Sullevane
Dissertation [Extract] KB: 114 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Jonathan Swift
Travels into several remote nations of the World [Gulliver's Travels] KB: 592 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Answer to a Paper, called "A Memorial of the poor Inhabitants [...] of the Kingdom of Ireland" KB: 30 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Of Public Absurdities in England KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On Stella's Birthday KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To the right Worshipful The Mayor [...] of the City of Cork KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Character of an Irish Squire KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On Barbarous Denominations in Ireland KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Swearer's Bank KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Maxims controlled in Ireland KB: 29 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A proposal for giving badges to the beggars in all the parishes of Dublin KB: 33 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The present miserable State of Ireland KB: 41 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An examination of certain abuses, corruptions, and enormities in the city of Dublin KB: 52 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Battle of the Books KB: 82 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Tale of a Tub KB: 370 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A serious and useful Scheme to make an Hospital for Incurables KB: 51 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A short view of the state of Ireland KB: 31 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Hints towards an essay on conversation KB: 30 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue KB: 47 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Proposal to pay off the Debt of the Nation KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The conduct of the Allies KB: 149 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Essay on Modern Education KB: 30 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Modest Proposal KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Letter to the Archbishop of Dublin, concerning the Weavers KB: 29 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Proposal for the Universal Use of Irish Manufacture (...) KB: 56 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An argument against abolishing Christianity KB: 44 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Blunderful Blunder of Blunders KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
unknown unless otherwise stated
Brief Relation of the Passages in the Parliament summoned in Ireland in 1613 KB: 30 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Jacobite narrative of the war in Ireland (A Light to the Blind; Pluncket Memoirs) KB: 518 HTML XML HTML (new website)
List of officers taken prisoners at Ballymore, 8 June, 1691 KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Letter from Sir Richard Nagle to Viscount Merrion, 14 August 1691 KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Coventry Letter, 1686, on Acts of Settlement and Explanation by Sir Richard Nagle KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Contemporary Diary of Siege of Limerick, 1691 by Colonel Michael Richards KB: 46 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Members of Parliament at Dublin, 1689 KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Extracts from Acts of Parliament at Dublin, 1689 KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Jacobite Appeal to Officers and Soldiers, 1689 by Jacobite Army Officers KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Letters from Colonel William Wolseley, 1690 KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Treaty of Limerick, 1691 KB: 34 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Letters from Patrick Sarsfield, Earl of Lucan, 1691 KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Reasons for capitulation at Limerick, 1691 by John Wauchope KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
James II. to officers of Irish forces on arrival at Brest, 1691 KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Release by Sarsfield, earl of Lucan, 1691 KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ratification of Treaty of Limerick 1691/1692 KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ratification of Treaty of Limerick: George Clarke to Sir Theobald Butler KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Oliver Goldsmith
The Deserted Village KB: 34 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mary Pendarves (née Granville, married Delany)
Letters to Ann Granville about Mary Pendarves's visit to Killala, 1732 KB: 84 HTML XML HTML (new website)
John Loveday
Diary of a Tour in 1732 through parts of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland KB: 123 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aubry de la Mottraye
Voyages en anglois et en françois d'A. de la Motraye en diverses provinces (English) KB: 49 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Voyages en anglois et en françois d'A. de la Motraye en diverses provinces (French) KB: 53 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Isaac Butler
A Journey to Lough Derg KB: 77 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Richard Pococke
Pococke's Tour in Ireland in 1752 (G. T. Stokes) KB: 483 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Arthur Young
A Tour in Ireland (...) in 1776-78 KB: 310 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Thomas Campbell
A Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland [...] KB: 604 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mr Dunn
A Description of Killarney [1776] KB: 75 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Daniel A. Beaufort
Rev. Daniel A. Beaufort's Tour of Kerry, 1788 KB: 127 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Thomas Sherrard
Freke Estate (Cork) Survey of 1787/88, text and maps KB: Prepared & donated by Dr Pádraig Mac Cárthaigh HTML Low resolution Medium res. High res.
Jane Adams
Letter from Jane Adams, containing a private narrative of the rebellion of 1798 KB: 104 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Theobald Wolfe Tone
An Argument on Behalf of the Catholics of Ireland KB: 65 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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English Texts: 19th Century

William Parnell * Lewis Weston Dillwyn * Joseph Woods * Anne Plumptre * Mary Ann Grant

John Griscom * Thomas Crofton Croker * G. N. Wright

Jonathan Binns * Thomas Osborne Davis * John Boyle O'Reilly

Gerald Griffin * J. Sheridan Le Fanu * James Clarence Mangan *

George Catlin * William Allingham * Samuel Ferguson

Martin Haverty * Bram Stoker * Oscar Wilde

William Parnell
An Historical Apology for the Irish Catholics KB: 220 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Journal of a tour in Ireland [...] performed in August 1804 KB: 100 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mary Ann Grant
Mary Ann Grant's letters from Ireland KB: 39 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lewis Weston Dillwyn
Lewis Dillwyn's Visit to Kerry, 1809 KB: 116 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lewis Dillwyn's Visit to Waterford, Cork and Tipperary in 1809 KB: 111 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Joseph Woods
The Travels of Joseph Woods, Architect and Botanist, in 1809 KB: 227 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Anne Plumptre
Narrative of a residence in Ireland during the Summer of 1814, and that of 1815 KB: 1018 HTML XML HTML (new website)
John Griscom
John Griscom's letters from Ireland KB: 120 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Thomas Crofton Croker
Researches in the South of Ireland KB: 713 HTML XML HTML (new website)
G. N. Wright
Guide to Killarney and Glengariff KB: 196 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Jonathan Binns
The Miseries and Beauties of Ireland KB: 965 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Thomas Osborne Davis
A Chronology of Ireland KB: 31 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Art Unions KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ballad Poetry of Ireland KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Foreign Travel KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The History of Ireland KB: 34 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Institutions of Dublin KB: 30 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ireland's People KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Antiquities and Irish Savages KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Scenery KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Topography KB: 33 HTML XML HTML (new website)
National Art KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The History of To-day KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Library of Ireland KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Resources of Ireland KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Round Towers of Ireland KB: 46 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Sea Kings KB: 28 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Songs of Ireland KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Speeches of Grattan KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Valuation of Ireland KB: 33 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Absenteeism of Irish Genius KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Academical Education KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Ballad History of Ireland KB: 28 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Second Year's Work KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Commercial History of Ireland KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Conciliation KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Foreign Policy and Foreign Information KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Hints for Irish Historical Paintings KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Influences of Education KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Irish Brigade KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Music and Poetry KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Irish Peasantry KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Moral Force KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Munster Outrages KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Our National Language KB: 29 HTML XML HTML (new website)
No Redress—no Inquiry KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Old Ireland [Ancient Ireland] KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Orange and Green KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Right Road KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Scolding Mobs KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Self-Education KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The State of the Peasantry KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Wexford KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Irish Parliament of James II KB: 174 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Art KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
George Catlin
Indians in Dublin KB: 50 HTML XML HTML (new website)
James Clarence Mangan
Dark Rosaleen KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Dream of John Mac Donnell KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
O'Hussey's Ode to the Maguire KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Lamentation KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Woman of three Cows KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Kathaleen Ny-Houlahan KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Lament for the Princes of Tyrone and Tyrconnell KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lament over the Ruins of the Abbey of Teach Molaga KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Dawning of the Day KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Testament of Cathaeir Mor KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Expedition and Death of King Dathy KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Prince Alfrid's Itinerary through Ireland KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lament for Banba KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ellen Bawn KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
St Patrick's Hymn before Tara KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cean-Salla KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lamentation of Mac Liag for Kincora KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Captivity of the Gaels KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Sorrows of Innisfail KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Rury and Darvorgilla KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Irish Language KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Welcome to the Prince of Ossory KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Love Ballad KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Owen Reilly: A Keen KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lament for Owen Roe O'Neill KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Fair Hills of Eirè, O! KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Geraldine's Daughter KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Lullaby KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Ruins of Donegal Castle KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Farewell to Patrick Sarsfield, Earl of Lucan KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Song of Gladness KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Roisín Dubh KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Kathleen Ni Houlihan KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Soul and Country KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Lovely Land KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Vision of Connaught in the thirteenth century KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Warning Voice KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Voice of Encouragement—A New Year's Lay KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Highway for Freedom KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish National Hymn KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To my Native Land KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Peal of Another Trumpet KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Hymn for Pentecost KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Sack of Baltimore KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Blind Mary KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Celts and Saxons KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Clare's Dragoons KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lament for the Death of Eoghan Ruadh O'Neill KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Flower of Finae KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fontenoy KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Geraldines KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Love and War KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
My Grave KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
My Land KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Nationality KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Nation Once Again KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
O'Brien of Ara KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
O'Connell's Statue KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Oh! the Marriage KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Orange and Green will carry the Day KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Our Own Again KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Penal Days KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Self-Reliance KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Surprise of Cremona KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Battle Eve of the Brigade KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Boatman of Kinsale KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Burial KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Dungannon Convention KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Girl of Dunbwy KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Green above the Red KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Lost Path KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Right Road KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Vow of Tipperary KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The West's Asleep KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tipperary KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tone's Grave KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
We Must not Fail KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Song for the Irish Militia KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sir Robert Kane
The Industrial Resources of Ireland KB: 965 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Irish Crisis KB: 264 HTML XML HTML (new website)
John Boyle O'Reilly
The Moondyne KB: 617 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Gerald Griffin
O'Brazil, the Isle of the Blest KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fame KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mitchelstown Caverns KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
William Allingham
Poems by William Allingham KB: 47 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland KB: 66 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Diaries 1824–1836 KB: 41 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Martin Haverty
The Aran Isles KB: 115 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Samuel Ferguson
The Burial of King Cormac KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aideen's Grave KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Death of Dermid KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Welshmen of Tirawley KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fergus Wry-Mouth KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Gascon O'Driscol KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
O'Byrne's Bard to the Clans of Wicklow KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To the Harper O'Connellan KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Grace Nugent KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mild Mabel Kelly KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Downfall of the Gael KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
J. Sheridan Le Fanu
A Chapter in the History of a Tyrone Family KB: 96 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Fortunes of Sir Robert Ardagh KB: 68 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Bridal of Carrigvarah KB: 74 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ghost Stories of Chapelizod KB: 72 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The haunted Baronet KB: 299 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Schalken the Painter KB: 58 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street KB: 61 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Murdered Cousin KB: 89 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Evil Guest KB: 293 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Cock and Anchor KB: 959 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Uncle Silas: a Tale of Bartram-Haugh KB: 973 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ultor De Lacy KB: 66 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Wicked Captain Walshawe, of Wauling KB: 41 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Squire Toby's Will KB: 82 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ghost Stories of the Tiled House KB: 39 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The House by the Church-yard KB: 1261 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Green Tea KB: 86 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Familiar KB: 104 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mr. Justice Harbottle KB: 86 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Room in the Dragon Volant KB: 277 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Carmilla KB: 175 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Madam Crowl's Ghost KB: 43 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Stories of Lough Guir KB: 36 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Child that went with the Fairies KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Dickon the Devil KB: 34 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sir Dominick's Bargain KB: 44 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Vision of Tom Chuff KB: 40 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Checkmate KB: 934 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The White Cat of Drumgunniol KB: 37 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Bram Stoker
Dracula KB: 854 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Oscar Wilde
The Rise of Historical Criticism KB: 153 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The English Renaissance of Art KB: 68 HTML XML HTML (new website)
House Decoration KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Art and the Handicraftsman KB: 37 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lecture to Art Students KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
London Models KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Critic as Artist KB: 172 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Soul of Man KB: 95 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Decay of Lying KB: 81 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Pen, Pencil and Poison KB: 56 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Truth of Masks KB: 68 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Picture of Dorian Gray KB: 456 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Importance of Being Earnest KB: 67 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime KB: 82 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Sphinx without a Secret KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Canterville Ghost KB: 74 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Model Millionaire KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Happy Prince KB: 28 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Nightingale and the Rose KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Selfish Giant KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Devoted Friend KB: 33 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Remarkable Rocket KB: 33 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Portrait of Mr. W. H. KB: 77 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Young King KB: 37 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Birthday of the Infanta KB: 50 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Fisherman and his Soul KB: 82 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Poems in Prose KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Poems in Prose KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Poems in Prose KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Poems in Prose KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Poems in Prose KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Poems in Prose KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Star-Child KB: 42 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Ballad of Reading Gaol KB: 45 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Harlot's House KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Sphinx KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Hélas! KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sonnet to Liberty KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ave Imperatrix KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To Milton KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Louis Napoleon KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On the Massacre of the Christians in Bulgaria KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Quantum Mutata KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Libertatis Sacra Fames KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Theoretikos KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Garden of Eros KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Requiescat KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sonnet on approaching Italy KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
San Miniato KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ave Maria Gratia Plena KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Italia KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Holy Week at Genoa KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Rome Unvisited KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Urbs Sacra Æterna KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On Hearing the Dies Iræ Sung in the Sistine Chapel KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Easter Day KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
E Tenebris KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Vita Nuova KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Madonna Mia KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The New Helen KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Burden of Itys KB: 29 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Impression du Matin KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Magdalen Walks KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Athanasia KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Serenade KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Endymion KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
La Bella Donna della mia Mente KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Chanson KB: 33 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Charmides KB: 48 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Impressions KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Impressions KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Grave of Keats KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Theocritus KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
In the Gold Room KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ballade de Marguerite KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Dole of the King's Daughter KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Amor Intellectualis KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Santa Decca KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Vision KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Impression du Voyage KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Grave of Shelley KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
By the Arno KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fabien dei Franchi KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Phèdre KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Portia KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Queen Henrietta Maria KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Camma KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Impression KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
At Verona KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Apologia KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Quia Multum Amavi KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Silentium Amoris KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Her Voice KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
My Voice KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tædium Vitæ KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Humanitad KB: 34 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Le Jardin KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
La Mer KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Le Panneau KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Les Ballons KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Canzonet KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Le Jardin des Tuileries KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Pan KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
In the Forest KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Symphony in Yellow KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On the Sale by Auction of Keats' Love Letters KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The New Remorse KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Panthea KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
From Spring Days to Winter KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To My Wife KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To L. L. KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Désespoir KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ravenna KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lady Windermere's Fan KB: 162 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Woman of No Importance KB: 177 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Duchess of Padua KB: 192 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Ideal Husband KB: 242 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Vera, or the Nihilists KB: 149 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Florentine Tragedy KB: 38 HTML XML HTML (new website)
La Sainte Courtisane KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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English Texts: 20th Century

Caesar Litton Falkiner * Eoin MacNeill * Patrick Weston Joyce * Canon Patrick Augustine Sheehan

Michael Collins * James Connolly * Deputies of Dail Eireann * Stephen Gwynn

Eamon De Valera & David Lloyd George * A. E. Murray * Pádraic H Pearse * Horace Plunkett

S. Rosenbaum * John M. Synge * William Butler Yeats

Unknown unless otherwise stated.

Canon Patrick Augustine Sheehan
The Cry of the Curlews KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Leper Priest of Lüneburg KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
My Rose KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Primary Education KB: 42 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Sunday in Dartmoor KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sentan the Culdee KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Two Civilisations KB: 55 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Youth and High Ideals KB: 48 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Seraph of Assisi KB: 34 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Our Personal and Social Responsibilities KB: 58 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Life and Influence of Saint Augustine KB: 46 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Golden Jubilee of O'Connell's Death KB: 39 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Optimism V. Pessimism: A Causerie KB: 55 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Known by Fruits KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On the Mer-de-Glace KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Death, the Magician KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Swallows of Allah KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
My Oratory Lamp KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The First Sin KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Thalassa! O Thalassa! KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Elf-Child KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Christus Consolator KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Hymn to Spring KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sonnets of Travel KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Impressions of Tennyson KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mr. Aubrey de Vere's New Volume: A Study KB: 54 HTML XML HTML (new website)
St. Augustine at Ostia KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Emerson: Free-Thought in America KB: 40 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Effect of Emigration on the Irish Church KB: 38 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The German Universities KB: 114 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The German and Gallic Muses KB: 43 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Books that influenced "Luke Delmege" KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Bird and the Fly KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Woman and Child KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Game of Chess KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Literary Life KB: 69 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Dawn of the Century KB: 70 HTML XML HTML (new website)
C. L. Falkiner
The Woods of Ireland KB: 57 HTML XML HTML (new website)
His Majesty's Castle of Dublin KB: 120 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Eoin MacNeill
Early Irish Population-Groups: Their Nomenclature, Classification, and Chronology KB: 192 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Patrick Weston Joyce
Medicine and Medical Doctors KB: 36 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Stephen Gwynn
The case for Home Rule KB: 322 HTML XML HTML (new website)
S. Rosenbaum
Against Home Rule: The Case for the Union KB: 650 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A. E. Murray
History of the Commercial and Financial Relations between England and Ireland from the Period of the Restoration KB: 1019 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Michael Collins
The Path to Freedom KB: 245 HTML XML HTML (new website)
John Millington Synge
Selected poems by John Millington Synge KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
William Butler Yeats
Speech on Irish Manuscripts KB: 58 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Rosa Alchemica KB: 51 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Secret Rose KB: 119 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Selection from the Love Poetry of William Butler Yeats KB: 46 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Introductory Rhymes KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Grey Rock KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Two Kings KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To a wealthy Man (...) KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
September 1913 KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To a Friend whose Work has come to nothing KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Paudeen KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To a Shade KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
When Helen lived KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Attack on 'The Playboy of the Western World,' 1907 KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Three Beggars KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Three Hermits KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Beggar to Beggar Cried KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Well and the Tree KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Running to Paradise KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Hour Before Dawn KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Player Queen KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Realists KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Witch KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Peacock KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Mountain Tomb KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To a Child Dancing in the Wind KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Memory of Youth KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fallen Majesty KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Friends KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Cold Heaven KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
That the Night Come KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Appointment KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Magi KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Dolls KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Coat KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Closing Rhymes KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
His Dream KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Woman Homer sung KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Consolation KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
No second Troy KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Reconciliation KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
King and no King KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Peace KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Against unworthy Praise KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Fascination of what's Difficult KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Drinking Song KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Coming of Wisdom with Time KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On Hearing that the Students of our New University (...) KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To a Poet, who would have me Praise Certain Bad Poets (...) KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Mask KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Upon a House shaken by the Land Agitation KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
At the Abbey Theatre KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
These are the Clouds KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
At Galway Races KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Friend's Illness KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
All Things can tempt me KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Young Man's Song KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Hour-Glass KB: 48 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Meditations in Time of Civil War KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Old Age of Queen Maeve KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Easter, 1916 KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Shepherd and Goatherd KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sixteen Dead Men KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Rose Tree KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Towards Break of Day KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On a Political Prisoner KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Demon and Beast KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Prayer for my Daughter KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Second Coming KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Byzantium KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Parnell's Funeral KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Supernatural Songs KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fergus and the Druid KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cuchulain's Fight with the Sea KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Stories of Red Hanrahan KB: 86 HTML XML HTML (new website)
James Connolly
Labour in Irish History KB: 345 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Re-Conquest of Ireland KB: 195 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Socialism and Nationalism KB: 354 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Labour and Easter Week KB: 290 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Workers' Republic KB: 519 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Insurrectionary Warfare KB: 86 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Home Thrusts [20 August 1898] KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Home Thrusts [3 September 1898] KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Independent and New Machinery KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Sweating System KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Home Thrusts [1 July 1899] KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
America and Ireland KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Dublin and the War KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Difficulties of Socialism KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Difficulties of Capitalism KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Parliamentary Democracy KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Home Thrusts [10 November 1900] KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Home Rulers and Labour KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Wood Quay Ward KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Taken Root! KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The New Danger KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Unpatriotic? KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Socialist Labour Party of America and the London SDF KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The American SDP KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Loubet—and other Things KB: 28 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Harp Strings [January 1908] KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Our Purpose and Function KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Political Party of the Workers KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Socialist Republic KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To Irish Wage Workers in America KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Harp Strings [June 1908] KB: 36 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Belfast Dockers KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Walter Carpenter Free KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Direct Action in Belfast KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Some Rambling Remarks KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Rebels and English Mobs KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Home Thrusts [13 December 1913] KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Address to the Delegates KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The National Danger KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Northern Notes KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ireland and the War KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Labour Mans The Breach KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tell the Truth KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
In this Supreme Hour of Our National Danger KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Jottings KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Our Rulers as a Study KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Our Policy KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Railway Thief KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Dublin Trades Council KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To All Labourers' Societies KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Coercion in England KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Labour and the Budget KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Notes on the Front [2 October 1915] KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Notes on the Front [23 October 1915] KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Returned Emigrants KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Dispute on the Docks KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Notes on the Front [25 December 1915] KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Correspondents KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Happy New Year KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Lesson of the Strike KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Notes on the Front [5 February 1916] KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Notes on the Front [19 February 1916] KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Notes on the Front [4 March 1916] KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
To the Seafarers of Ireland KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Notes on the Front [18 March 1916] KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
We Will Rise again KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Cheap Bargain KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Forces of Civilisation KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Notes on the Front [15 April 1916] KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Deputies of Dáil Eireann
Debate on the Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland, signed in London on the 6th December 1921: Sessions 14 December 1921 to 10 January 1922 KB: 1851 HTML XML HTML (new website)
By multiple authors unless otherwise stated.
Address of Irish Commandants to the President and Congress of the United States KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Constitution of Sinn Féin KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Speech of Éamon de Valéra on his election as President of Sinn Féin (October 25th, 1917) by Éamonn de Valera KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Peril of Home Rule by Peter Kerr-Smiley KB: 214 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Manifesto of Sinn Féin as prepared for circulation for the General Election of December, 1918 KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Manifesto of Sinn Féin as passed by the Dublin Castle Censor KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Invitation to the elected representatives the Irish People (January 7th, 1919) by G. N. Count Plunkett KB: 7 HTML PLAIN HTML (new website)
Constitution of Dáil Éireann KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Message to the Free Nations of the World KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Letter To M. Clemenceau (1919) by Sean T. O'Kelly KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
President De Valéra's Interview by Éamonn de Valera and Dr Zehnder KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
President de Valéra's address to the Electorate by Éamonn de Valera KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The sworn statement of Mary Magee by Mary Magee KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Republican Army Orders (1921) KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Draft Treaty A KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Memorandum of October 24th, 1921 KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Memorandum of November 22th, 1921 KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
British Draft of December 1st, 1921 KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Amendments proposed by the Irish Delegates, December 4th, 1921 KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Articles of Agreement as signed on December 6th, 1921 KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Document Number Two by Éamon de Valera KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Craig-Collins Agreement KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922 and Public General Acts passed by Oireachtas of Saorstát Eireann during the year 1922. KB: 149 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Bunreacht na hÉireann (Constitution of Ireland) KB: 129 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Agreement Reached in the Multi-Party Negotiations KB: 101 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Eamon de Valera and David Lloyd George
Official Correspondence relating to the Peace Negotiations June-September, 1921 KB: 121 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Horace Plunkett
Ireland in the New Century KB: 470 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Irish Texts: Historical, Legal, Genealogical


Historical Texts
The Book of Leinster Vol. 1 View MS TCD 1339 on ISOS KB: 639 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Book of Leinster Vol. 2 View MS TCD 1339 on ISOS KB: 246 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Book of Leinster Vol. 3 View MS TCD 1339 on ISOS KB: 305 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Book of Leinster Vol. 4 View MS TCD 1339 on ISOS KB: 247 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Book of Leinster Vol. 5 View MS TCD 1339 on ISOS KB: 616 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Book of Leinster Vol. 6 View MS TCD 1339 on ISOS KB: 508 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals of Ulster AD 431-1201 KB: 1526 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals of Ulster AD 1202-1378 KB: 520 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals of Ulster AD 1379-1541 KB: 919 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of Tigernach KB: 558 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals of Inisfallen KB: 732 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals of Inisfallen, Prepatrician section KB: 120 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 1 View MS RIA C iii 3 on ISOS KB: 1052 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 2 View MS RIA C iii 3 on ISOS KB: 1382 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 3 View MS RIA 23 P 6 on ISOS KB: 909 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 4 View MS RIA 23 P 6 on ISOS KB: 986 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 5 View MS RIA 23 P 7 on ISOS KB: 1004 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of the Four Masters 6 View MS RIA 23 P 7 on ISOS KB: 735 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of Loch Cé 1 KB: 886 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annals of Loch Cé 2 KB: 696 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annála Connacht View MS RIA Stowe C iii 1 on ISOS KB: 1058 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals in Cotton MS. Titus A. XXV [Cottonian Annals] KB: 250 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Miscellaneous Irish Annals, Fragment I (Mac Carthaigh's Book) KB: 214 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Miscellaneous Irish Annals, Fragment II KB: 56 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Miscellaneous Irish Annals, Fragment III KB: 96 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Chronicon Scotorum KB: 650 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fragmentary Annals of Ireland KB: 365 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annála Gearra as Proibhinse Ard Macha (Short Annals of Armagh) KB: 29 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Short Annals of Tirconaill KB: 29 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Short Annals of Fir Manach KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Short Annals of Leinster KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Fragment of Irish Annals KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Memoranda Gadelica KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The circuit of Ireland by Muircheartach mac Néill KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Egerton Annals: Mionannala KB: 105 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Irish Version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius KB: 127 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Leabhar Oiris KB: 119 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cathréim Cellacháin Caisil KB: 163 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aus Rawlinson B 502 [Sex Aetates Mundi] KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tréide cétna labratar iarna genemain (LL) KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tréide cétna labratar iarna genemain (YBL) KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Orgguin trí mac Diarmata mic Cerbaill (The stories about Maelodrán) KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin KB: 77 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Eine irische Version von Beda's Historia KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Gein Branduib maic Echach ocus Aedá in maic Gabráin inso sís KB: 18 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cath Cairnn Conaill KB: 40 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Prophezeiung Sétna's [Apair rim, a Sétna] KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Abenteuer Königs Aed Oirdnide (23 N 10) KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The three drinking-horns of Cormac úa Cuinn (Liber Flavus Fergusiorum) KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Congal Cinnmagair [Congal Cinnmaghair maith rí] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Nekrolog auf Art Buidhe mac Domhnaill Riabhaigh (Egerton 1782) KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Der Tribut des Königs von Ess Rúaid [Atá sunn senchus nách súaill] KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Do chomramaib Laigen inso sis [Éol dam i n-dairib dréchta] KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Wie die zwölf Söhne Cennétigs ihren Tod fanden [Dá mac déc Cheinnéidig cháid] KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Orthanach Ua Coillama cecinit KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Der Tod der sieben Maine [Eol dam aided erctha gním] KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Middle-Irish Fragment of Bede's Ecclesiastical History KB: 44 HTML XML HTML (new website)
In tan no théigmis don dáil KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Foras Feasa Book I-II (Volumes 1–3) KB: 1635 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an Bháis KB: 1062 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Eochair-Sgiath an Aifrinn: An Explanatory Defence of the Mass KB: 513 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Colophon from Oxford Bodl. Library, Laud Misc. 610 KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Caithréim Thoirdhealbhaigh [by Sean Mac Ruaidhrí Mac Craith] KB: 455 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Críchad an Chaoilli [The ancient territory of Fermoy] KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Das Alphabet des Cuigne mac Emoin (Book of Lecan, 176a2) KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fíthels Ratschläge an seinen Sohn [Cid imma n-gabthar trebad? ol a mac fri Fíthel] KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Destruction of Troy [Togail Troi] KB: 214 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Triads of Ireland KB: 105 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Baile in Scáil (Harl. 5280) KB: 50 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Genealogies from Rawlinson B 502 KB: 533 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Laud Genealogies and Tribal Histories KB: 165 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Tribes and Customs of Hy-Many KB: 231 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Genealogy of Corca Laidhe KB: 163 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Genealogical Tracts I (p. 107–114) KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Poem on the Kings of Connaught KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A list of ancient Irish authors KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die Herkunft der Partraige KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Laud Synchronisms KB: 53 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Verschiedenes aus Egerton 1782 KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage (Käte Müller-Lisowski) KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die fünfzehn Namen des Boyne [A écsiu Fáil, fégam sein] KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Metrical Dindshenchas 1 (E. Gwynn) KB: 61 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Metrical Dindshenchas 2 (E. Gwynn) KB: 84 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Metrical Dindshenchas 3 (E. Gwynn) KB: 317 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Metrical Dindshenchas 4 (E. Gwynn) KB: 313 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Flight of the Earls (Ó Cianáin) KB: 361 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Beatha Aodha Ruaidh Uí Dhomhnaill (P.Walsh) KB: 519 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Book of Clanranald (Alexander Cameron) KB: 375 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Irish Charters in the Book of Kells (J. O'Donovan) KB: 79 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lebor na Cert (Myles Dillon) KB: 291 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Colloquy between Fintan and the Hawk of Achill KB: 39 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Síogaí Rómhánach KB: 29 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aiste Dáibhí Cúndún KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Deorchaoineadh na hÉireann (Rudolf Thurneysen) KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Machtnadh an Duine Dhoilghiosaich (Seághan Ó Coileáin of Myross) KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sloinfead scothadh na Gaoidhilge grinn (T. F. O'Rahilly) KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Covenant between Mageoghegan and the Fox [...] KB: 50 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Gaelic Notes in the Book of Deer KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cáin Lánamna KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Gilla in Chomded Ua Cormaic
Aimirgin Glúngel tuir tend KB: 29 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Maílín Ó Mael Chonaire
Agreement between Gerald, 9th earl of Kildare and the Mac Rannalls, A.D. 1530 KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Irish Texts: Christian writings


Authors unknown unless otherwise stated.
Bethada Náem nÉrenn KB: 1218 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lives of the Saints from the Book of Lismore KB: 744 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Bethu Brigte KB: 86 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The birth and life of St Mo Ling KB: 100 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Betha Molaga (The Life of Molaga) KB: 29 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The birth and life of St Mo Ling KB: 100 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Betha Fursa KB: 37 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Betha Phatraic. On the life of Saint Patrick View RIA MS 23 P 16 (Leabhar Breac) pp. 24b–29b on ISOS KB: 87 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Betha Brigte. On the life of Saint Brigit KB: 73 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Betha Choluim Chille. On the life of Saint Columba View MS RIA 23 P 16 (Leabhar Breac) pp. 29b–34a on ISOS KB: 72 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Betha Meic Creiche [Life of Mac Creiche] (Ch. Plummer) KB: 120 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Betha Cranatan [Life of Cranat] (Ch. Plummer) KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Betha Naile [Life of Naile] (Ch. Plummer) KB: 93 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Betha Adamnáin [The Irish Life of Adamnán] KB: 33 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Betha Farannáin [Life of Farannán] (Ch. Plummer) KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Beatha Naomh Fionáin Locha Laoi [The Life of Saint Finan] KB: 41 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mochuta und der Teufel [Rawlinson B 512] KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Wie Sechnall und Patrick Fiac vom Tode retteten KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Life of St. Declan of Ardmore KB: 87 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Der Ursprung des gregorianischen Kirchengesangs [Mac atcúala is domain tair] KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tiughraind Bhécáin meic Luigdech do Cholum Cille ann so [Dofed andes a ndáil Fíadhatt] KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Míorbuile Senáin [The Miracles of Senan] KB: 45 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Patricius segnet Irland KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Molaisse und seine Schwester KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Four saints: Cormac, Beccan (Emin), Culan, Diarmaid (J.G. O'Keeffe) KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cáin Eimíne Báin annso KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Story of the abbot of Druimenach, who was changed into a woman KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
König Guaire und Oennu maccu Laigse KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Wunderbare Geschichten von Corpre Cromm mac Feradaig KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The adventures of Ricinn, daughter of Crimthann mac Lugdach (Stowe MS B IV 2, fo. 145a) KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Laithe n-aon dia rabhator treis gnía (Stowe MS B IV 2, fo. 124a) KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Betha Colmáin maic Lúacháin (Rennes, Bibl. Mun. Ms 598) KB: 193 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Drei Erzählungen aus dem Buch von Lismore KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Saltair na Rann [The psalter of verses] KB: 444 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Da brón Flatha Nime [Les Deux Chagrins du Royaume du Ciel] KB: 40 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Dé dúlig adateoch/Cethrur do-raega ní dalb [Aus Rawlinson B. 502] KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Abstammung der zwölf Apostel [Petor co treib Iuda áin] KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cenn ard Ádaim étrocht rád [Aus Rawlinson B. 502] KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fursa Cráiptech profetauit KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Beg mac Dé profetauit KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Regula Mucuta Raithni [from Additional 30512] KB: 30 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Regula Choluimb Chille [from MS Rawl B 512] KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Regula Choluimb Chille [MS Bibl. Royale 5100–4] KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Von den Todsünden [Rawl. B 512] KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Passions and The Homilies from Leabhar Breac View MS RIA 23 P 6 (Leabhar Breac) on ISOS KB: 982 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Von heimlichen Sünden [Rawlinson B. 512] KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Danklied einer erlösten Seele [Laud 610] KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Das Apgitir Crábaid des Colmán maccu Béognae [Harl. 5280, fo 39b-41a] KB: 45 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Bríathra Floinn Fíona meic Cosa an[n]so [from RIA 23 N 17] KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ein Gedicht aus Additional 30,512, fol. 34b2 [Is saoth lem in t-aos léigind] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aus Laud 615 [Eineach úaisle ná gach dán] KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Instructio Pie Vivendi et Superna Meditandi KB: 297 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Litanies KB: 84 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tidings of Doomsday KB: 30 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tidings of the Resurrection KB: 38 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The fifteen tokens of Doomsday KB: 42 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The vision of Laisrén KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Une version irlandaise du dialogue du corps et de l'âme (Georges Dottin) KB: 42 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ein altirisches Gedicht über das Ende der Welt [Dofil aimser laithe m-bratha] KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Eine Variante der Brendan-Legende (R. Thurneysen) KB: 34 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Baile Bricín (Kuno Meyer) KB: 28 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aisling Tundail (Kuno Meyer) KB: 98 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die Hölzer am Kreuze Christi (Ceithre fedha, fáth gin gheis) [from TCD MS 1337 (H 3 18)] KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aus der Kindheit Jesu ['Sa raith-sea rucadh Muiri] KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Über die Nichtigkeit der Welt (Is trúagh in cess i mbíaam) KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Colum Cille cecinit [Fersaighecht an tempuil tall] (Laud 165, p 7.) KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Pátraic cecinit [Cumma lem etir] KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Desiderius (Sgáthán an Chrábhaidh) KB: 534 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Óengus mac Óengobann
The Martyrology of Oengus the Culdee KB: 222 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Nicol Óg, son of the abbot of Cong
Betha Féchín Fabair KB: 63 HTML XML HTML (new website)
King David and the Beggar (Book of Fermoy, p 83a) KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
King David and the Beggar (Book of Fermoy, p 83a) KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Irish Texts: Narrative literature


All texts: Anon
Aislinge Óenguso KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Imacallaim Tuain fri Finnia (Kuno Meyer) KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tuan mac Cairill ro clos KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Toghuil tsítha Truim inn so KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Toghmarc Baisi bandruad ind so KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die ersten Ärzte Irlands KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Das Haus des Mac ind Óc KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The four jewels of the Tuatha Dé Danann KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Immacallam in druad Brain ocus inna banfháitho Febuil [Im bu mese im bu mé] [TCD H 4.22] KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cath Maige Tuired (E. Gray) KB: 95 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Second Battle of Moytura (Whitley Stokes) KB: 91 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tochmarc Étaíne (Bergin and Best) KB: 110 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Stair Nuadat Find Femin (Käte Müller-Lisowski) KB: 102 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Oidhe Chloinne Lir KB: 60 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Compert Conchobuir I KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Táin Bó Regamon KB: 45 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Táin Bó Regamna KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Táin Bó Fraích KB: 55 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Síaburcharpat Conculaind KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tochmarc Ferbe (Ernst Windisch) KB: 80 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ferchuitred Medba indso (Rawlinson B 512) KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Táin Bó Cúalnge Recension I KB: 454 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Compert Con Culainn KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Serglige Con Culainn KB: 102 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Scéla Mucce Meic Dathó KB: 47 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Togail Bruidne Da Derga KB: 273 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aided Óenfir Aífe KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Goire Conaill Chernaig i Crúachain ocus Aided Ailella ocus Conaill Chernaig KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Déirdre (Longes mac nUislenn) KB: 36 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Longes mac nUislenn (Vernam Hull) KB: 39 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The deaths of Lugaid and Derbforgaill (Carl Marstrander) KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Glenmasan Manuscript (D. Mackinnon) KB: 436 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tochmarc Emire la Coinculaind (Harl. 5280) KB: 142 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tochmarc Emire (Rawl. 512) KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fled Bricrend (Codex Vossianus) KB: 97 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Brinna Ferchertne (Laud 610) KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Táin Bó Rúanaid ind so KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die Ursache von Noinden Ulad (Aus Harleian 5280) KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Comhrag Fir Diadh &ersir; Chon Cculainn KB: 88 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Forfess Fer Fálgae (Egerton 1782 fo. 19a) KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Verschiedenes aus Harley 5280, fo. 57b KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die Sage von CuRoi (Egerton 88, fo. 10) KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Verba Scáthaige nach 23. N. 10 KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Dindshenchas of Emain Macha (RIA 23 N 10) KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Táin Bó Cúalnge from the Book of Leinster KB: 485 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Death-Tales of the Ulster Heroes (Kuno Meyer) KB: 81 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Training of Cúchulainn (Do fhogluim Chonculainn) KB: 71 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mesca Ulad (LL and LU) KB: 90 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tromdámh Guaire KB: 110 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Scél Baili Binnbérlaig KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aided Chuind Chétchathaig (Book of Lecan 350a) KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Forbuis Droma Damhghaire (Book of Lismore) KB: 166 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aided na trí nAed KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lebor na hUidre KB: 1092 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Echtra Cormaic i Tir Tairngiri ocus Ceart Claidib Cormaic KB: 49 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cormac and Ciarnat KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
King Eochaid has horse's ears KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Orgain Néill Noígiallaig KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Expulsion of the Déssi (Laud 610) KB: 34 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Conall Corc and the Corco Luigde (Laud 610) KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ailill Aulom, Mac Con, & Find ua Báiscne (Laud 610) KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fingal Rónáin KB: 36 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Orgain Denna Ríg KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Esnada Tige Buchet KB: 38 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fled Dúin na nGéd KB: 124 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Urteilsspruch wegen entwendeter und beschädigter Pferde KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Rangordnung der Könige in Tara [Temair, saer in sossadh] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cormac mac Cuillenáin and the jesters (J.G. O'Keeffe) KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Buile Shuibhne KB: 217 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Wiederauffindung der Táin Bó Cúalnge [Egerton 1782, fo. 87 b] KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Wiederauffindung der Táin Bó Cúalnge [RIA MS D 4 2, fo 49b 2] KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aided Néill Nóigiallaig KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cath Almaine (Pádraig Ó Riain) KB: 81 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tochmarc Moméra (Eugene O'Curry) KB: 23 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cath Maighe Léna (Kenneth Jackson) KB: 289 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aided Muirchertaig Meic Erca (Lil Nic Dhonnchadha) KB: 107 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Acallamh na Senórach I (Whitley Stokes) KB: 1014 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cath Finntrágha (Cecile O'Rahilly) KB: 184 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Death of Finn Mac Cumaill (Kuno Meyer) KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die gaelische Ballade vom Mantel (Chr. L. Stern) KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cath Sléphe Cáin inso (Kuno Meyer) KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Finns Stammbaum und die Fiana (Kuno Meyer) KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Finn and Grainne (Kuno Meyer) KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tochmarc Ailbe (Rudolf Thurneysen) KB: 43 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Feis Tighe Chonáin (Maud Joynt) KB: 176 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Quarrel between Finn and Oisín (Kuno Meyer) KB: 29 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Finn and the Man in the Tree (Kuno Meyer) KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Two Tales about Finn (Kuno Meyer) KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Uath Beinne Etair (Kuno Meyer) KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Chase of Síd na mBan Finn and the Death of Finn (Kuno Meyer) KB: 101 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Reicne Fothaid Canainne (Kuno Meyer) KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Erard mac Coisse cecinit: A Mór Maigne Moigi Siúil (Kuno Meyer) KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Finn episode from Gilla in Chomded húa Cormaic's poem "A Rí richid, réidig dam" (Kuno Meyer) KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Áirem Muintire Finn (Standish Hayes O'Grady) KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Bruiden bheg na h-Almaine (Standish Hayes O'Grady) KB: 25 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Bruidhen Chéise Chorainn (Standish Hayes O'Grady) KB: 17 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Bodach in Chóta Lachtna (Standish Hayes O'Grady) KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Macgnimartha Find (Kuno Meyer) KB: 35 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tesmolad Cormaic mac Airt (S. H. O'Grady) KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tóraighecht in Ghilla Dhecair ocus a chapaill (S. H. O'Grady) KB: 68 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Comrac Liadaine ocus Cuirithir (Kuno Meyer) KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Immram Brain (Séamus Mac Mathúna) KB: 44 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Imrum Snedhghusa ocus Mic Ríagla (Whitley Stokes) KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Iomramh churraig Hua gCorra (Whitley Stokes) KB: 74 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Gaelic Maundeville (Whitley Stokes) KB: 267 HTML XML HTML (new website)
In Cath Catharda: The Civil War of the Romans (Whitley Stokes) KB: 655 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Gaelic abridgment of the Book of Ser Marco Polo (Whitley Stokes) KB: 161 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Merugud Uilix maicc Leirtis (Kuno Meyer) KB: 56 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Merugud Uilix maicc Leirtis (Robert T. Meyer) KB: 44 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Togail na Tebe (George Calder) KB: 423 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Imtheachta Æniasa (George Calder) KB: 303 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Irish Lives of Guy of Warwick and Bevis of Hampton KB: 368 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The colloquy of Colum Cille and the youth at Carn Eolairg KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cú bán an t-shleibhe (D. O'Foharta) KB: 28 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Cloidheamh Soluis agus fios fáth an aon sgeil ar na mnáibh (D. O'Foharta) KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Parrach Mha'l Bhrighde 's a mhac (J. H. Lloyd) KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Elfenbegräbnis [Laa n-aen robái Mac Coisi] (Kuno Meyer) KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Le h-ais na Teineadh (Douglas Hyde) KB: 221 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aislinge Meic Con Glinne View MS RIA 23 P 6 (Leabhar Breac) pp. 213a–219b on ISOS KB: 150 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cúirt an Mheónoídhche by Brian Merriman KB: 98 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Irish Texts: Early Irish Lyric Poetry

Messe ocus Pangur bán KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Dom-fharcai fidbaide fál KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Clocán binn KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Adram in Coimdid KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Int én bec KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Int én gaires asin t-shail KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A ben, bennacht fort-ná ráid! KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Marbán, a díthrubaig KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
M' óenurán im aireclán KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Día lim fri cach sním KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ísucán KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Dúthracar, a Maic Dé bí KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tan bím eter mo shruithe KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cros Chríst tarsin n-gnúisse KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Dé dúilig, atat-teoch KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Isam aithrech (febda fecht) KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Is mebul dom imrádud KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Rop tú mo baile KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tórramat do nóebaingil KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Maire mín, maithingen KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mé Éba, ben Ádaim uill KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
In Spirut nóeb immun KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Deus meus, adiuva me KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Choimdiu, nom-choimét KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Choimdiu baíd KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ropo mían dom menmainse KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tuc dam, a Dé móir KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mo labrad KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fil súil n-glas KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Robad mellach, a meic mo Dé KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Tréide as dile lem fo-rácbus KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Is aire charaim Doire KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Is scíth mo chrob ón scríbinn KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Aithbe dam bés mora KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cen áinius KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
It é saigte gona súain KB: 10 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Mór Maigne Moige Síuil KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ro-chúala KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Caíni amra laisin m-Bran KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ráisit d'inis nárbo dermar KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Bé Find, in rega lim KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ránacsa, rem rebrad rán KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
M'airiuclán hi Túaim Inbir KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Gáir na Gairbe glaídbinne KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Súanach sin, a Éorann án KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A bennáin, a búiredáin KB: 22 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Mór múich i túsa in-nocht KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Turus acam Día h-Aíne KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Géisid cúan KB: 12 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Forud na Fíann fás in-nocht KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Is úar geimred; at-racht gáeth KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cétemain, cain cucht KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Scél lem dúib KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fil duine KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cotail becán becán bec KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Trúag sin, a Chaílte, a chara KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ro loiscit na lámasa KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Do bádussa úair KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cormac cecinit [Mac nach lium líthir form-sa] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sadb ingen Chuinn Chétchathaig cecinit [Bec cech tír is gach talam] KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sadb ingen Chuinn Chétchathaig cecinit [Bec cech tír is gach talam] KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die Helden von Emain Macha (Mongán mac Fíachna cecinit do thecosc a athar) KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Der Sitz geistiger Kräfte und Leidenschaften im menschlichen Körper [Intlecht i ndreich sech cech raind] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ein König muß zehn ständige Begleiter haben [Deichnebar cuibrind in ríg] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Colum Cilles Lieblingsstätten [Tréide as dile lem ro-fagbus] KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Zwei Gebete des Máel-Ísu Hūa Brolchāin (ob. 1086) KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ein Spruch Adamnans [Trí cémenn cindti do chách] KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Eine Weissagung Colum Cilles [Gébaid a ainm dim anmaim-se] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Gebet um Thränen [Tucc dam, a Dé móir] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ein Gebet Fursas [Robé mainrechta Dé forsind fhormna-sa] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ach und Weh [Uch, a Dé!] KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Segenbringender Glockenklang [A fhir benas clocc 'na tráth] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Das Leben ein Darlehen [Dligid íasacht a idlacud re atarba] KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Bringt euer Haus unter Dach! [Fada go tuigim mo theach] KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Der Mensch ist Kot [Pecthach ar síl 'nar slúagaib] KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Prophezeiung böser Zeiten [Comaillfithir d'Éirinn] KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Anrufung der Dreieinigkeit [Déna mo theagosc, a Thrínóit] KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Die heilige Jungfrau [Fuigeall beandacht brú Muiri] KB: 15 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Reich und arm [Is milis glór gacha fir] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Fingen Mac Flainn's Gedicht auf die Fir Arddae [Ammo Choimdhiui néll cid dogén] KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Old Irish poem on St. Patrick [Pátraic Macha mártai Gáidil] KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Quatrains I [Cid becc—méd frighed—do locht; A rí rind] KB: 6 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Quatrains II [Cid glic fri h-ailchi uara; Cros Dé ocus Colmain Ela; Macán Maire ingeine; Corp slemain; Boimm is boim; Marotfia] KB: 9 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Irish Quatrains III [Uch a lám; Ni dlig feronn gan treoir; Aiged Ísu 'na croich síar; Mór in bét] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Anbthine mór ar muig Lir KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Segen der Freigebigkeit [A fhir fhēil] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Wer einen Priester schmäht, fährt zur Hölle [Mairg duine cāines clēirech] KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ein altirischer Spruch [BL Add 30512, fo 32b] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Find and the Phantoms (Oenach indiu luid in rí) (Whitley Stokes) KB: 23 HTML n/a
Toitean Tighe Fhind (Truagh annsin a láithrech lis) (E.J. Gwynn) KB: 23 HTML n/a
The Book of Magauran [Leabhar Méig Shamhradháin] (McKenna) KB: 582 HTML n/a
The bardic poems of Tadhg Dall Ó Huiginn (1550-1591) KB: 499 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Measgra Dánta KB: 207 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Irish Texts: Bardic Poetry


Background reading

Poem Books (Duanairí)

Unknown unless otherwise stated Anluan Mac Aodhagáin Aodh Mac Diarmuda Mac an Bhaird
Aodh Ollabhar Ó Carrthoidh Aonghus Fionn Ó Dálaigh Aonghus Mac Cearbhaill Bhuide Ó Dálaigh Domhnall Mac Carthaigh
Athairne Mac Eoghain Brian Ó Corcrán Cormac Mhac Taidhg Bhallaigh Ó Dálaigh Tadhg mac Diarmada Ó Dálaigh Niall Mór Mac Muireadhaigh
Domhnall Mac Taidhg Ó Dálaigh Donnchadh Mór Ó Dálaigh Eochaidh Ó hEoghusa
Eoghan Mac an Bhaird Eoghan Mac Craith, an t-Órthóir Eoghan Mac Craith
Eoghan Ruadh Mac an Bhaird Fear Feasa Ó'n Cháinte Fear Flatha Ó Gnímh
Fearghal Óg Mac an Bhaird Fearghal mac Domhnuill Ruaidh mac an Bhaird Giolla Brighde Mac Con Midhe
Giolla Brighde Ó hEoghusa Gofraidh Fionn Ó Dálaigh
Gofraidh Mac Briain Mac an Bhaird

Laoisioch mac an Bhaird
Lochlann Óg Ó Dálaigh
Mathghamhain Ó hIfearnáin
Maolmhuire Mac Craith
Maol Sheachluinn na nUirsgéal Ó hUiginn
Ó Dálaigh Fionn
Philip Bocht Ó hUiginn
Seaán Buidhe Mac Bruaideadha
Seaán Ó Clumháin
Tadhg mac Dáire
Tadhg Mac Dáire Mac Bruaideadha
 Tadhg Mór Ó hUiginn
Tadhg Óg Ó hUiginn
Flaithrí Ó Maoil Chonaire

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Irish Texts: Grammar, Metrics, Poetics, Lexicology & Literary Scholarship


Authors unknown unless otherwise stated.
Traigshruth Firchertne KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Auraicept na n-Éces (George Calder) KB: 521 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Hebräische Wörter erklärt [Episcopus in t-ebra] KB: 8 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Randglossen und Reimereien aus H 3 18 [Marginal glosses and rhymes from H 3 18] KB: 7 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Apraid a éolchu Elga [Eochaid Eolach ua Céirín] KB: 20 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The instructions of King Cormac Mac Airt: Tecosca Cormaic KB: 63 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Cóir Anmann KB: 199 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Dúan in chóicat cest KB: 19 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A fhir thall triallus KB: 21 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A seventeenth-century criticism of Keating's 'Foras Feasa ar Éirinn' KB: 62 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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HTML (new website) (W. Wulff)

Irish Texts: Science & Medicine

Authors unknown unless otherwise stated.
Regimen na Sláinte (Regimen Sanitatis Magnini Mediolanensis) 1 View MS RIA 24 P 26 on ISOS KB: 275 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Regimen na Sláinte (Regimen Sanitatis Magnini Mediolanensis) 2 View MS RIA 24 P 26 on ISOS KB: 377 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Regimen na Sláinte (Regimen Sanitatis Magnini Mediolanensis) 3 View MS RIA 24 P 26 on ISOS KB: 452 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Irish Materia Medica (Tadhg Ó Cuinn) (Micheál P. S. Ó Conchubhair) TCL MS 1343 (H. 3. 22) on ISOS KB: 1471 HTML XML
Rosa Anglica (W. Wulff) View MS RIA 23 P 20 on ISOS KB: 507 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Regimen Sanitatis (H. Cameron Gillies) View MS NLI G 12 on ISOS KB: 258 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A mediaeval handbook of gynaecology and midwifery [...] (W.Wulff) View MS RIA 23 F 19 pp. 7v et sqq. on ISOS KB: 245 HTML XML HTML (new website)
[On Wounds] (W.Wulff) View MS RIA 23 F 19 pp. 7v et sqq. on ISOS KB: 55 HTML XML HTML (new website)
[A Tract on the Plague] (W.Wulff) View MS TCD 1435 pp. 200-202 on ISOS KB: 39 HTML XML HTML (new website)
De Amore Hereos (W.Wulff) View RIA MS 23 F 19 on ISOS KB: 37 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Contra Incantationes (W.Wulff) MS RIA 439 (3 C 19) on ISOS KB: 16 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Two medical fragments MS RIA 23 P 20 on ISOS KB: 26 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Three Irish Medical Glossaries KB: 32 HTML XML HTML (new website)
On the Qualitees, Maners and Kunnynge of a Surgean (W.Wulff) RIA 443 on ISOS KB: 64 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Treatise on Fevers [Fragment] (Lilian Duncan) KB: 168 HTML XML HTML (new website)
De Dosibus medicinarum (Shawn Sheahan) KB: 159 HTML XML HTML (new website)
De Febre Efemera nó an Liagh i n-Eirinn i n-allod (W.Wulff) KB: 28 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Liagh i n-Eirinn i n-allod. II (W.Wulff) KB: 37 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Liagh i n-Eirinn i n-allod. III & IV: De Febrium Symptomatibus RIA 23 P 10 iii on ISOSKB: 280 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Irish Astronomical Tract (Maura Power) RIA Stowe, B II 1 on ISOS KB: 616 HTML XML HTML (new website)
An Irish Corpus Astronomiae (...) (F.W. O'Connell) KB: 219 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Meaning of Birth-days (Annie M. Scarre) KB: 11 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Ranna an aeir [The Constellations] (A. O. Anderson) KB: 38 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Latin Texts: Historical & Legal


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Annales Hiberniae (Grace's Annals) KB: 413 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annales Hibernie ab anno Christi 1162 usque ad annum 1370 (Pembridge's Annals) KB: 195 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annales de Monte Fernandi KB: 85 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals of Ireland by Friar John Clyn KB: 254 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Annals of Ireland by Thady Dowling KB: 243 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Annales Dominicani de Roscoman(Dominican Annals of Roscommon) KB: 129 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Latin Texts: Christian writings


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Vita sancte Ite Virginis KB: 53 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Life of Columba, written by Adamnan (W. Reeves) KB: 213 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Vita Sancti Findani KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Monks' Rules of Columbanus KB: 99 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Sermons of Columbanus KB: 109 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Letters of Columbanus KB: 110 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Confessio [Confession of Saint Patrick] KB: 68 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Epistola S. Patricii ad Christianos Corotici Tyranni subditos KB: 33 HTML XML HTML (new website)
De controversia Paschali (by Cummianus) KB: 41 HTML XML HTML (new website)
De Locis Sanctis (by Adamnán of Iona) KB: 118 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Liber Angeli KB: 31 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Exegesis on the Four Evangelists KB: 13 HTML XML HTML (new website)
A Latin Dialogue of the Body and the Soul (attr. to Robert Grosseteste) KB: 24 HTML XML HTML (new website)
The Vision of Tnugdalus (Visio Tnugdali) KB: 92 HTML XML HTML (new website)

Latin Texts: Hymnology


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Hymnum S. Cú Chuimne in laudem S. Mariae (Cú Chuimne Sapiens) KB: 14 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Lamentatio Hiberniae [La lamentation d'Irlande] (Rudolf Thurneysen) KB: 27 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Authors unknown unless otherwise stated.
Adelphus adelpha mater KB: 14 HTML PLAIN HTML (new website)

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Latin Texts: Science & Medicine

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Mo Sinnu moccu Min KB: 10 HTML PLAIN HTML (new website)
Regimen na Sláinte 1 (by Magninus of Milan) KB: 185 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Regimen na Sláinte 2 (by Magninus of Milan) KB: 225 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Regimen na Sláinte 3 (by Magninus of Milan) KB: 271 HTML XML HTML (new website)
[A mediaeval handbook of gynaecology and midwifery] (ascribed to Trota) KB: 136 HTML XML HTML (new website)
Chirurgia Magna Lanfranci [Fragment] (W.Wulff) KB: 57 HTML XML HTML (new website)

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Latin Texts: Geography and Travel (Pilgrimage)

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The journey of Symon Semeonis from Ireland to the Holy Land [Itinerarium Symonis Semeonis ab Hybernia ad Terram Sanctam] KB: 152 HTML PLAIN HTML (new website)

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