A clap on the back and was donated to CELT by Hilary Jenkinson, UCC.
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Documents of Ireland
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March 2020

Extracta de Lile na heladhan Leighis from BL Egerton 89.
Substantial parts from this vellum manuscript, AD 1482, of 183 folios, were transcribed by Micheál P. S. Ó Conchubhair
in his edition of Tadhg Ó Cuinn's Materia Medica.
These extracts have been made available separately.

Three Irish Medical Glossaries ed. by Whitley Stokes.
A revised and enlarged CELT edition (of April 2015), adding more content encoding.

A Short Tour; or, an Impartial and Accurate Description of the County of Clare with Some Particular and Historical Observations by John Lloyd.
The HTML file on which this is based was kindly donated to CELT by Clare County Library.

February 2021

Meredith Hanmer, Portions of a manuscript history relating to Ireland, ed. and introduced by Hiram Morgan,
online at CELT.

A new publication, Scéla Mucce Meic Da Thó (The Story of Mac Da Thó's Pig) was added on Irish Sagas Online.

Dr Roy Flechner from UCD donated an English translation of the Life of Saint Fintán, alias Munnu, abbot of Tech Munnu.
The original Latin text was edited by W.W. Heist, Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae e Codice Salmanticensi nunc Bruxellensi,
Subsidia Hagiographica 25 (Brussels 1965), 198–209.

With immediate effect, there are now links from the "Published" page
directly into the CELT texts available on the new website with a new layout.
The previous link on the "Published" page to the SGML file versions was removed.

We have received permission to publish a hitherto unpublished poem written for Kuno Meyer
on the occasion of his 50th birthday (20 December 1908).
It is called A clap on the back and was donated to CELT by Hilary Jenkinson, UCC.

March 2021

Registration is now open for the workshop 'Exploring texts: Revealing hidden heritage though online resources' on 25-26th March 2021.
This is the third workshop organised as part of the AHRC-IRC funded network: A Digital Framework for the Medieval Gaelic World.

CELT's own Resources and Donations


Music in Ireland, edited by Aloys Fleischmann,
donated by Dr Ruth Fleischmann and the Fleischmann family.


The Crazy Circle, a play by Una Birch Pope Hennessy, written in 1921.
This document has been transcribed from the original held by the Getty Research Institute,
Los Angeles (990023) by Lydia Morgan.

A letter by Una Birch Pope Hennessy written to her husband in August 1917.
This document was photographed by John Borgonovo in 2009
and has been transcribed from the original held by the Getty Research Institute,
Los Angeles (990023) by Lydia Morgan.

HISTORY (in no particular order)

Max McCarthy, formerly of UCC's Boole Library, has compiled a fascinating website about Souterrains beneath the Medieveal Landscape of South Munster.

Irish Society Archives Report, written by Dr Valerie McGowan-Doyle in 2008.
The report established the nature of the archive collection of the The Honourable The Irish Society
relating to the Plantation of Londonderry, held by London Metropolitan Archives, City of London Corporation,
which "proved to be a wealth of largely untapped information".

Travel to Ireland, Geography and Customs of the Country.

Ireland's Heritage of Healing and History of Medicine

North Munster Antiquarian Journal 1–30
(pdf): Index of Authors, North Munster Antiquarian Journal, 1–30 (1936-1988),
compiled by Donnchadh Ó Corráin.

Imarcaigh sund ar gach saí
(pdf): an anonymous Early Modern Irish poem on the contemporaneous emperors of Byzantium
and the kings and ecclesiastics of Ireland, by Dr Peter Smith, Magee College Derry:

A Primer of Irish Metrics (pdf): by Kuno Meyer, London 1909,
scanned and digitised by Andrew M. Doherty in 2004.

A Bibliography of Bibliographies compiled by Donnchadh Ó Corráin.

Published work of Gearóid Mac Niocaill compiled by Donnchadh Ó Corráin.

Nationality and Kingship in Pre-Norman Ireland by Donnchadh Ó Corráin.

General: Vikings in Ireland (pdf) by Donnchadh Ó Corráin.

Vikings in Scotland and Ireland (pdf) by Donnchadh Ó Corráin.

Viking Ireland: Afterthoughts (pdf) by Donnchadh Ó Corráin.

The Apocrypha and their transmission: a select bibliography (pdf) by Donnchadh Ó Corráin.

Maps of Ireland and its counties

The writings of Johannes Scottus Eriugena, with a select bibliography by Donnchadh Ó Corráin.

Women and the Law in Early Ireland by Donnchadh Ó Corráin – also available in pdf. format.

Marriage in Early Ireland by Donnchadh Ó Corráin – also available in pdf. format.

The 1597 Ceasefire Documents (pdf) by Hiram Morgan.

Faith and Fatherland or Queen and Country?
An unpublished exchange between O'Neill and the State at the height of the Nine Years War

(pdf) by Hiram Morgan.

The Introduction of the Gregorian calendar in Ireland (pdf) by Hiram Morgan. [This large file may take some time to load.]

Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex and Ireland (pdf) by Hiram Morgan.

Introduction to the study of political ideas in Ireland (pdf) by Hiram Morgan.

Ó Faoláin's Great Ó Néill (pdf) by Hiram Morgan.

Online Index to the Lebor Gabála Érenn (Book of Invasions) based on R.A.S. Macalister's translations and notes
This index in PDF format was compiled over five years by Michael Murphy, New York.
It is accompanied by a full introduction. CELT is grateful to Michael Murphy for agreeing to make it available on our website,
and grateful to the ITS, especially Prof. em. Pádraig Ó Riain, who facilitated this.

Dromore, an Ulster Diocese by E.D. Atkinson, Archdeacon of Dromore (Dundalk 1925),
has been digitized in pdf format and offered to CELT by G. Damien Kerr.

TEI by Example is a resource in Belgium launched in July 2010 with 'freely available online tutorials
walking individuals through the different stages in marking up a document in TEI (Text Encoding Initiative),
these online tutorials will provide examples for users of all levels.' CELT has also contributed sample files.

The Book of Lismore (Book of Mac Carthaigh Riabhach) is now digitized.
Read more about the Book of Lismore,

The following CELT texts are based in whole or in part on the Book of Lismore: Prose: Le siège de Druim Damhghaire, translated into French by Marie Louise Sjoestedt; Cathréim Cellacháin Caisil, edited by Alexander Bugge; Críchad an Chaoilli (The ancient territory of Fermoy), edited by J.G. O'Keeffe, with English translation; Lebor na Cert (The Book of Rights), edited by Myles Dillon, with English translation; das Apgitir Crábaid des Colmán maccu Béognae (of which the Book of Lismore contains only a fragment); Molaisse und seine Schwester, edited by Julius Pokorny; Drei Erzählungen aus dem Buch von Lismore, edited by Julius Pokorny; Tromdámh Guaire, edited by Maud Joynt; Lives of the Saints from the Book of Lismore, Acallamh na Senórach I, and the Gaelic abridgment of the Book of Ser Marco Polo, edited by Whitley Stokes, with English translation.
Poetry: Is aire charaim Doire, Turus acam Día h-Aíne, Géisid cúan, Forud na Fíann fás in-nocht, and Is úar geimred; at-racht gáeth, all edited by Gerard Murphy; and Arann ná n-oigheadh n-iomdha, which is poem 40 in Measgra Dánta edited by T. F. O'Rahilly.
Electronic editions of the Book of Lismore tales Airne Fíngein and Echtra Loegairi meic Crimthainn are available from the Thesaurus Linguae Hibernicae Project at UCD.
celtic knot

©1997–2021 Corpus of Electronic Texts (UCC)

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