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CMCS: Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies
(formerly Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies)

Table of Contents

Published by Professor Patrick Sims-Williams
Department of Welsh & Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth SY23 3AJ, UK.
Email Professor Patrick Sims-Williams at Aberystwyth University or via gmail.

CELT makes the tables of contents available for reference purposes and is not
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You can contact CMCS via their homepage since January 2017

Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4 | Volume 5 | Volume 6
Volume 7 | Volume 8 | Volume 9 | Volume 10 | Volume 11 | Volume 12
Volume 13 | Volume 14 | Volume 15 | Volume 16 | Volume 17 | Volume 18
Volume 19 | Volume 20 | Volume 21 | Volume 22 | Volume 23 | Volume 24
Volume 25 | Volume 26 | Volume 27 | Volume 28 | Volume 29 | Volume 30
Volume 31 | Volume 32 | Volume 33 | Volume 34 | Volume 35 | Volume 36
Volume 37 | Volume 38 | Volume 39 | Volume 40 | Volume 41 | Volume 42
Volume 43 | Volume 44 | Volume 45 | Volume 46 | Volume 47 | Volume 48
Volume 49 | Volume 50 | Volume 51 | Volume 52 | Vol 53/54 | Volume 55
Volume 56 | Volume 57 | Volume 58 | Volume 59 | Volume 60 | Volume 61
Volume 62 | Volume 63 | Volume 64 | Volume 65 | Volume 66 | Volume 67
Volume 68 | Volume 69/70 | Volume 71 | Volume 72 | Volume 73 | Volume 74
Volume 75 | Volume 76 | Volume 77

Volume 1

  • Hughes, Kathleen, 'The Celtic Church: is this a valid concept?', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 1 (1981) 1–20
  • Dronke, Peter, 'St. Patrick's reading', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 1 (1981) 21–38
  • Quin, E. G., 'The Early Irish poem Ísucán', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 1 (1981) 39–52
  • Padel, O. J., 'The Cornish background of the Tristan stories', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 1 (1981) 53–81
  • Law, Vivien, 'Malsachanus reconsidered: a fresh look at a Hiberno-Latin Grammarian', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 1 (1981) 83–93
  • Bailey, Sir Harold, 'Bisclavret in Marie de France', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 1 (1981) 95–97

Volume 2

  • Jackson, Kenneth, 'Varia: I. Bede's Urbs Giudi: Stirling or Cramond?', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 2 (1981) 1–7
  • Jacobs, Nicolas, 'The Old English heroic tradition in the light of Welsh evidence', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 2 (1981) 9–20
  • Peden, Alison, 'Science and philosophy in Wales at the time of the Norman conquest: a Macrobius manuscript from Llabadarn', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 2 (1981) 21–45
  • Gillies, William, 'Arthur in Gaelic tradition. Part I: Folktales and Ballads', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 2 (1981) 47–72
  • Nic Ghiollamhaith, Aoife, 'Dynastic warfare and historical writing in North Munster, 1276–1350', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 2 (1981) 73–89

Volume 3

  • Wailes, Bernard 'The Irish "royal sites" in history and archaeology', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 3 (1982) 1–29
  • Jackson, Kenneth, 'Varia: II. Gildas and the names of the British princes', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 3 (1982) 30–40
  • Gillies, William, 'Arthur in Gaelic tradition. Part II: Romances and Learned Lore', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 3 (1982) 41–75
  • Thomson, David, 'Cistercians and schools of Late medieval Wales', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 3 (1982) 76–80
  • Oates, J. C. T., 'Notes on the later history of the oldest manuscript of Welsh poetry: the Cambridge Juvencus', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 3 (1982) 81–87

Volume 4

  • Jacobs, Nicolas, 'The Green Knight: an unexplored Irish parallel', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 4 (1982) 1–4
  • Dumville, David N., 'The "six" sons of Rhodri Mawr: a problem in Asser's Life of King Alfred', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 4 (1982) 5–18
  • Astill, Grenville & Davies, Wendy, 'Field walking in East Brittany, 1982', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 4 (1982) 19–31
  • Sharpe, Richard, 'St Patrick and the see of Armagh', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 4 (1982) 33–59
  • Wright, Neil, 'The Hisperica Famina and Caelius Sedulius', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 4 (1982) 61–76
  • Sayers, William, 'Bisclaret in Marie de France: A reply', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 4 (1982) 77–82
  • Hamp, Eric P., 'Lloegr: the Welsh name for England', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 4 (1982) 83–85
  • Scrowcroft, R. Mark, 'Some recent work on Irish mythology and literature', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 4 (1982) 86–89

Volume 5

  • Johnston, David, 'The serenade and the image of the house in the poems of Dafydd ap Gwilym', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 5 (1983) 1–19
  • Stevenson, Jane 'Ascent through the heavens, from Egypt to Ireland', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 5 (1983) 21–35
  • Jenkins, Dafydd & Owen, Morfydd E., 'The Welsh marginalia in the Lichfield Gospels. Part I', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 5 (1983) 37–65
  • Nees, Lawrence. 'The colophon drawing in the Book of Mulling: a supposed Irish monastery plan and the tradition of terminal illustration in early medieval manuscripts', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 5 (1983) 67–91

Volume 6

  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'Gildas and the Anglo-Saxons', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 6 (1983) 1–30
  • Burnett, Charles S. F., 'Arabic divinatory texts and Celtic folklore: a comment on the theory and practice of scapulimancy in western Europe', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 6 (1983) 31–42
  • Gerriets, Marilyn, 'Economy and society: clientship according to the Irish laws', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 6 (1983) 43–61
  • Stephenson, David, 'Nefydd Hardd and the killing of Idwal ab Owain Gwynedd', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 6 (1983) 63–66
  • Bollard, J. K., 'The role of myth and tradition in The Four Branches of the Mabinogi', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 6 (1983) 67–86
  • Dumville, David, 'Ekiurid's Celtic lingua: an ethnological difficulty in Waltharius', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 6 (1983) 87–93

Volume 7

  • Meek, Donald E., 'Táin Bó Fraích, and other "Fráech" texts: a study in thematic relationships', Part 1', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 7 (1984) 1–37
  • Stephenson, David, 'The politics of Powys Wenwynwyn in the thirteenth century', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 7 (1984) 39–61
  • Cheney, C. R., 'Manx synodal statutes, A.D. 1230(?)–1351. Part I: Introduction to the Latin texts', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 7 (1984) 63–89
  • Jenkyns, Dafydd & Owen, Morfydd E., 'The Welsh marginalia in the Lichfield Gospels. Part II: The "surexit" memorandum', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 7 (1984) 91–120

Volume 8

  • Padel, O. J., 'Geoffrey of Monmouth and Cornwall', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 8 (1984) 1–28
  • Lambert, Pierre-Yves, '"Thirty" and "sixty" in Brittonic', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 8 (1984) 29–43
  • McCone, K. R., 'Notes on the text and authorship of the Early Irish bee-laws', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 8 (1984) 45–50
  • Cheney, C. R., 'Manx Synodal Statutes A.D. 1230(?)–1351. Part II: Translation of Latin Texts', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 8 (1984) 51–63
  • Meek, Donald E. 'Táin Bó Fraích and other "Fraéch" texts: a study in thematic relationships. Part II', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 8 (1984) 65–85
  • Harvey, Anthony, 'Aspects of lenition and spirantization', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 8 (1984) 87–100
  • Barrow, Julia S., 'Gerald of Wales's great-nephews', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 8 (1984) 101–06

Volume 9

  • Dark, Kenneth Rainsbury, 'The plan and interpretation of Tintagel', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 9 (1985) 1–17
  • Russell, Paul, 'Recent work on British Latin', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 9 (1985) 19–29
  • Wright, Neil, 'Did Gildas read Orosios?', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 9 (1985) 31–42
  • Okasha, Elisabeth, 'The Non-Ogam inscriptions of Pictland', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 9 (1985) 43–69
  • Johnston, David, 'Cywydd y Gal by Dafydd ap Gwilym', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 9 (1985) 71–89
  • Dumville, David N., 'Language, literature, and law in medieval Ireland: some questions of transmission', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 9 (1985) 91–98

Volume 10

  • Lapidge, Michael. 'A seventh-century Insular Latin debate poem on divorce', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 10 (1985) 1–23
  • Wood, Juliette, 'The calumniated wife, in medieval Welsh literature', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 10 (1985) 25–38
  • Dumville, David N., 'Late-seventh- or eighth-century evidence of the British transmission of Pelagius', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 10 (1985) 39–52
  • Russell, Paul, 'A footnote to spirantization', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 10 (1985) 53–56
  • Maund, K. L., 'Cynan ab Iago and the killing of Gruffudd ap Llywelyn', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 10 (1985) 57–65
  • Dumville, David N., 'On editing and translating medieval Irish chronicles: The Annals of Ulster', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 10 (1985) 67–86

Volume 11

  • O'Leary, Philip, 'A foreseeing driver of an old chariot: regal moderation in early Irish literature', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 11 (1986) 1–16
  • Smith, Julia M. H., 'The sack of Vannes by Pippin III', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 11 (1986) 17–27
  • Meek, Donald E., 'The banners of the fian in Gaelic ballad tradition', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 11 (1986) 29–69
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'The visionary Celt: the construction of an "ethnic preconception"', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 11 (1986) 71–96
  • Herbert, Máire, 'The Irish Sex aetates mundi: first editions', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 11 (1986) 97–112

Volume 12

  • McCone, Kim R., 'Werewolves, cyclopes díberga and fíanna: juvenile delinquency in early Ireland', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 12 (1986) 1–22
  • Dronke, Peter, '"Ad deum meum convertere volo" and early Irish evidence for lyrical dialogues', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 12 (1986) 23–32
  • Olson, B. Lynette & Padel, O. J., 'A tenth-century list of Cornish parochial saints', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 12 (1986) 33–71
  • Johnston, David, 'Iolo Goch and the English: Welsh poetry and politics in the fourteenth century', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 12 (1986) 73–98
  • Lambert, Pierre-Yves, 'The new dictionary of Old Breton', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 12 (1986) 99–113

Volume 13

  • Cowgill, Warren, 'The distribution of infixed and suffixed pronouns in Old Irish', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 13 (1987) 1–5
  • Haycock, Marged. '"Some talk of Alexander and some of Hercules": Three early medieval poems from the Book of Taliesin', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 13 (1987) 7–38
  • Gerriets, Marilyn, 'Kingship and exchange in pre-Viking Ireland', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 13 (1987) 39–72
  • Merdrignac, Bernard, 'Folklore and hagiography: a semiotic approach to the legend of the Immortals of Landevennec', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 13 (1987) 73–86
  • Breeze, Andrew, 'The dance of death', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 13 (1987) 87–96
  • Scowcroft, R. Mark, 'On liminality in the Fenian cycle', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 13 (1987) 97–100

Volume 14

  • Harvey, Anthony, 'Early literacy in Ireland: the evidence from ogam', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 14 (1987) 1–15
  • Koch, John T., 'A Welsh window on the Iron age: Manawydan, Mandubracios', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 14 (1987) 17–52
  • Brennan, Emma J., 'A cross-carved slab from Kildare cathedral', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 14 (1987) 53–60
  • Zimmer, Stefan, 'Three Welsh Etymologies: gellyg "pears" ebol "colt" buddelw "cowpost"', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 14 (1987) 61–67
  • Smyth, Marina, 'Isidore of Seville and early Irish cosmography', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 14 (1987) 69–102

Volume 15

  • Russell, Paul, 'The sounds of a silence: the growth of Cormac's Glossary', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 15 (1988) 1–30
  • Jenkins, Philip, 'Regions and cantrefs in early medieval Glumorgan', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 15 (1988) 31–50
  • Welsh, Andrew, 'The traditional narrative motifs of The Four Branches of the Mabinogi', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 15 (1988) 51–62
  • Herren, Michael W., 'The stress systems in Insulur Latin octosyllabic verse', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 15 (1988) 63–84
  • Kratz, Henry, 'Welsh gellyg, ebol, buddelw: a reply', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 15 (1988) 85–86
  • Hamp, Eric P., 'Welsh ebol', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 15 (1988) 87

Volume 16

  • Ó Concheanainn, Tomás, 'A Connacht medieval literary heritage: texts derived from Cín Drommo Snechtai through Leabhar na hUidhre', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 16 (1988) 1–40
  • Radner, Joan N., 'Interpreting irony in medieval Celtic narrative: the case of Culhwch ac Olwen', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 16 (1988) 41–59
  • Dronke, Peter, 'Towards the interpretation of the Leiden love-spell', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 16 (1988) 61–74
  • Carey, John, 'Fir Bolg: A native etymology revisited', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 16 (1988) 77–83
  • Breeze, Andrew, 'The shrine of St Brigit at Olite, Spain', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 16 (1988) 85–95

Volume 17

  • Ó Riain, Pádraig, 'Sanctity and politics in Connacht c. 1100: the case of St Fursa', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 17 (1989) 1–14
  • Welsh, Andrew, 'Traditonal tales and the harmonizing of story in "Pwyll Pendeuic Dyuet"', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 17 (1989) 15–41
  • Patterson, Nerys, 'Brehon law in late medieval Ireland "antiquarian and obsolete" or "traditional and functional"?', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 17 (1989) 43–63
  • Herren, Michael W., 'Editing the Hisperica Famina: a reply', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 17 (1989) 65–68
  • Henderson, Isabel, 'Françoise Henry and Helen Roe: fifty-five years' work on Irish art and archaeology', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 17 (1989) 69–74

Volume 18

  • Brett, Caroline, 'Breton Latin literature as evidence for literature in the vernacular, A.D. 800–1300', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 18 (1989) 1–25
  • Wright, Charles D., 'The Irish enumerative style in Old English homiletic literature, especially Vercelli Homily IX', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 18 (1989) 27–74
  • Herbert, Máire, 'Fled Dúin na nGéd: a reappraisal', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 18 (1989) 75–87
  • Slotkin, Edgar M., 'The fabula, story, and text of "Breuddwyd Rhonabwy"', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 18 (1989) 89–111
  • Hamp, Eric P., 'The Laud herbal glossary and English-Celtic contacts', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 18 (1989) 113–16

Volume 19

  • Carey, John, 'The two laws in Dubthach's judgment', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 19 (1990) 1–18
  • Backhaus, Norbert, 'The structure of the list of Remscéla Tána Bó Cualngni in the Book of Leinster', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 19 (1990) 19–26
  • Ford, Patrick K., 'The blind, the dumb, and the ugly: aspects of poets and their craft in Early Ireland and Wales', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 19 (1990) 27–40
  • Breeze, Andrew, 'The Blessed Virgin's joys and sorrows', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 19 (1990) 41–54
  • Jenkins, Dafydd, 'gwalch: Welsh', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 19 (1990) 55–67

Volume 20

  • John T. Koch, 'Brân, Brennos: an instance of Early Gallo-Brittonic history and mythology', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 20 (1990) 1–20
  • Pádraig Ó Riain, 'The Tallaght martyrologia, redated', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 20 (1990) 21–38
  • Stacey, Robin Chapman, 'Ties that bind: immunities in Irish and Welsh law', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 20 (1990) 39–60
  • West, Máire, 'Leabhar na hUidhre's position in the manuscript history of Togail Bruidne Da Derga and Orgain Brudne Uí Dergae', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 20 (1990) 61–98
  • Toorians, Lauran, 'Wizo Flandrensis and the Flemish settlement in Pembrokeshire', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 20 (1990) 99–118

Volume 21

  • Huws, Daniel, 'Llyff Gwyn Rhydderch', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 21 (1991) 1–37
  • O'Meadhra, Uaininn, 'A medieval Dubliner's talismanic portrait? An incised profile cut-out head from Christ Church Place, Dublin', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 21 (1991) 39–53
  • Duffy, Seán, 'The Bruce brothers and the Irish Sea world, 1306–29', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 21 (1991) 55–86
  • Fulton, Helen, 'Medieval Welsh poems to nuns', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 21 (1991) 87–112
  • Law, Vivien, 'Fragments from the lost portions of the Epitomae of Virgilius Maro Grammaticus', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 21 (1991) 113–25

Volume 22

  • Higham, Nicholas John, 'Gildas, Roman walls, and British dykes', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 22 (1991) 1–14
  • O'Leary, Philip, 'Jeers and judgments: laughter in early Irish literature', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 22 (1991) 15–29
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'The submission of Irish kings in fact and fiction: Henry II Bendigeidfran, and dating of The Four Branches of the Mabinogi', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 22 (1991) 31–61
  • Johnston, D. R., 'The erotic poetry of the Cyuyddwyr', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 22 (1991) 63–94
  • Hughes, A. J., 'The Old Cornish personal name Brenci and Middle Welsh Brengi/Bryngi', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 22 (1991) 95–99

Volume 23

  • Gruffydd, R. Geraint, 'Englynion y Cusan by Dafydd ap Guoilym', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 23 (1992) 1–6
  • Burdett-Jones, M. T., 'A fragment of text in Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 23 (1992) 7–8
  • Thornton, David Ewan, 'A neglected genealogy of Llywelyn ap Gruffudd', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 23 (1992) 9–23
  • Corthals, Johan, 'A reference to the listener to early Irish prose tales?', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 23 (1992) 25–27
  • Sims-Willlams, Patrick, 'The additional letters of the ogam alphabet', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 23 (1992) 29–75
  • Poppe, Erich, 'The early Modern Irish version of Beves of Hamtoun', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 23 (1992) 77–98
  • Black, Ronald, 'Studies in honour of James Carney (1914–89)', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 23 (1992) 99–107

Volume 24

  • Henderson, Isabel & Okasha, Elisabeth, 'The Early Christian inscribed and carved stones of Tullylease, Co. Cork', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 24 (1993) 1–36
  • O'Loughlin, Thomas, 'The exegetical purpose of Adomnán's De locis sanctis', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 24 (1993) 37–53
  • Howlett, David, 'Orationes Moucani: Early Cambro-Latin prayers', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 24 (1993) 55–74
  • Brown, Alan K., 'Old Irish astal, Old English *stel: the common etymology', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 24 (1993) 75–92

Volume 25

  • Orme, Nicholas, 'Education in the medieval Cornish play Beunans Meriasek', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 25 (1993) 1–13
  • Pryce, Huw, 'The church of Trefeglwys and the end of the "Celtic" charter tradition in twelfth-century Wales', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 25 (1993) 15–54
  • Mac Shamhráin, A. S., 'The Uí Muiredaig and the abbacy of Glendalough in the eleventh to thirteenth centuries', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 25 (1993) 55–75
  • Russell, Paul, 'Orthography as a key to codicology: innovation in the work of a thirteenth-century Welsh scribe', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 25 (1993) 77–85
  • Caball, Marc, 'The Gaelic mind and the collapse of the Gaelic world: an appraisal', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 25 (1993) 87–96

Volume 26

  • Breatnach, Pádraig A., 'Bernhard Bischoff (d. 1991), the Munich school of medieval Latin philology, and Irish medieval studies', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 26 (1993) 1–14
  • Clarkson, T. J., 'Richmond and Catraeth', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 26 (1993) 15–20
  • Rowland, Jenny, 'Old Welsh Franc: an Old English borrowing?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 26 (1993) 21–25
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'The provenance of the Llywarch Hen poems: a case for Llan-gors, Brycheiniog', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 26 (1993) 27–63
  • Charles-Edwards, T. M., 'The new edition of Adomnán's Life of Columba', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 26 (1993) 65–73

Volume 27

  • Padel, O. J., 'The nature of Arthur', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 27 (1994) 1–31
  • Bhreathnach, Edel, 'Killeshin: an Irish monastery surveyed', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 27 (1994) 33–47
  • O'Leary, Philip, 'Choice and consequence in Irish heroic literature', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 27 (1994) 49–59
  • James, Christine, 'Ban wedy i dynny: medieval Welsh law and early protestant propaganda', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 27 (1994) 61–86

Volume 28

  • Conran, Tony, 'The ballad and Taliesin', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 28 (1994) 1–24
  • McCarthy, Daniel, 'The origin of the Latercus paschal cycle of the Insular Celtic churches', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 28 (1994) 25–49
  • Olsen, Karin, 'The cuckold's revenge: reconstructing six Irish roscada in Táin Bó Cualnge', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 28 (1994) 51–69
  • Flanagan, Marie Therese, 'Historia Gruffud vab Kenan and the origins of Balrothery, Co. Dublin', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 28 (1994) 71–94

Volume 29

  • Knight, J. K., 'Penmachno revisited: the consular inscription and its context', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 29 (1995) 1–10
  • Hollo, Kaarina, 'Conchobar's scepter: the growth of a literary topos', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 29 (1995) 11–25
  • Darrell, A. D. M. & Davies, R. R., 'Land, lineange, and revolt in north-east Wales, 1943–1441: a case study', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 29 (1995) 27–51
  • Mac Cana, Proinsias, 'Notes on the English edition of "Culhwch and Olwen"', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 29 (1995) 53–57

Volume 30

  • Gardner, Rex, 'Gildas's New Testament models', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 30 (1995) 1–12
  • Rowland, Jenny, 'Warfare and horses in the Gododdin and the problem of Catraeth', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 30 (1995) 13–40
  • Carey, John, 'The rhetoric of Echtrae Chonlai', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 30 (1995) 41–65
  • Davies, Morgan T., '"Aed i'r coed i dorri cof": Dafydd ap Gwilym and the metaphorics of carpentry', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 30 (1995) 67–85
  • Constantine, Mary-Ann, 'Prophecy and pastiche in the Breton ballads: Groac'h Ahès and Gwnec'hlan', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 30 (1995) 87–121
  • Padel, O. J., 'Notes on the new edition of the Middle Cornish "Charter endorsement"', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 30 (1995) 123–27

Volume 31

  • Márkus, Gilbert, 'What were Patrick's alphabets?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 31 (1996) 1–15
  • Corthals, Johan, 'Early Irish retoirics, and their Late Antique background', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 31 (1996) 17–36
  • Thornton, David E., 'Locusts in Ireland? A problem in the Welsh and Frankish annals', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 31 (1996) 37–53
  • Jacobs, Nicolas, 'Adjectival collocations in the poetry of the early Cywyddwr: a preliminary survey', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 31 (1996) 55–70

Volume 32

  • Davies, Morgan Thomas, 'Protocols of reading in Early Irish literature: notes on some notes to "Orgain Denna Ríg" and "Amra Coluim Cille"', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 32 (1996) 1–23
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'The death of Urien', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 32 (1996) 25–56
  • Hemming, Jessica, 'Ami and Amile: a partial source for Pwyll?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 32 (1996) 57–93
  • Russell, Paul, 'Gwr gwynn y law: figures of speech in Gramadegau'r penceirddiaid and Latin grammarians', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 32 (1996) 95–104
  • Rittmueller, Jean, 'The new edition of Ailerán's Interpretatio mystica et moralis progenitorum Domini Iesu Christi',Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 32 (1996) 105–10
  • Breatnach, Pádraig A., 'The new edition of the hagiography of St Finbarr', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 32 (1996) 111–18

Volume 33

  • Parsons, David, 'British Caraticos, Old English Cerdic', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 33 (Summer 1997) 1–8
  • Henderson, Isabel & Okasha, Elisabeth, 'The Early Christian Inscribed and Carved Stones of Tullylease, Co. Cork: Addendum', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 33 (Summer 1997) 9–18
  • Haycock, Marged, 'Taliesin's Questions', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 33 (Summer 1997) 19–80
  • Bromwich, Rachel, 'Dafydd ap Gwilym: Influences and Analogies', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 33 (Summer 1997) 81–92

Volume 34

  • Meek, Donald E., '"Norsemen and Noble Stewards": The MacSween Poem in the Book of the Dean of Lismore', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 34 (Winter 1997) 1–50
  • Ireland, Colin, 'Penance and Prayer in Water: An Irish Practice in Northumbrian Hagiography', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 34 (Winter 1997) 51–66
  • Chadwin, Tom, 'The Remscéla Tána Bó Cualngi', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 34 (Winter 1997) 67–76
  • Winward, Fiona, 'Some Aspects of the Women of The Four Branches', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 34 (Winter 1997) 77–106

Volume 35

  • Davies, John Reuben, 'Liber Laudavensis: Its Date and the Identity of its Editor', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 35 (Summer 1998) 1–12
  • Young, Simon, 'Donatus, Bishop of Fiesole 829–76, and the Cult of St Brigit in Italy', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 35 (Summer 1998) 13–26
  • Howlett, David, 'Insular Acrostics, Celtic Latin Colophons', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 35 (Summer 1998) 27–44
  • Padel, O.J., 'A New Study of the Gododdin', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 35 (Summer 1998) 45–56
  • Carey, John, 'Sages, Saints, and Semiotics: Encountering Medieval Irish Literature', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 35 (Summer 1998) 57–72

Volume 36

  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'Celtomania and Celtoscepticism', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 36 (Winter 1998) 1–36
  • Ross, Alasdair, '"Harps of Their Owne Sorte"? A Reassessment of Pictish Chordophone Depictions', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 36 (Winter 1998) 37–60
  • Isaac, Graham R., 'Gweith Gwen Ystrat and the Northern Heroic Age of the Sixth Century', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 36 (Winter 1998) 61–70
  • Rodway, Simon, 'A Datable Development in Medieval Literary Welsh', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 36 (Winter 1998) 71–94

Volume 37

  • Jaski, Bart, 'Cú Chulainn, gormac and dalta of the Ulstermen', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 37 (Summer 1999) 1–32
  • Poppe, Erich, 'Reconstructing Medieval Irish Literary Theory: the Lesson of Airec Menman Uraird maic Coise', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 37 (Summer 1999) 33–54
  • Isaac, Graham R., 'Readings in the History and Transmission of the Gododdin', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 37 (Summer 1999) 55–78
  • Russell, Paul, 'What Did Medieval Welsh Scribes Do? The Scribe of the Dingestow Court Manuscript', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 37 (Summer 1999) 79–96

Volume 38

  • Ó Mainnín, Mícheál B., '"The Same in Origin and in Blood": Bardic Windows on the Relationship between Irish and Scottish Gaels, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies (Winter 1999) 1–52
  • O'Leary, Aideen, 'The Identities of the Poet(s) Mac Coisi: A Reinvestigation', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 38 (Winter 1999) 53–72
  • Jones, Nerys Ann, 'The Mynydd Carn "Prophecy": A Reassessment', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 38 (Winter 1999) 73–92

Volume 39

  • McKee, Helen, 'Scribes and Glosses from Dark Age Wales: The Cambridge Juvencus Manuscript', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 39 (Summer 2000) 1–22
  • O'Loughlin, Thomas, 'The Plan of New Jerusalem in the Book of Armagh', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 39 (Summer 2000) 23–38
  • Pryce, Huw, 'The Context and Purpose of the Earliest Welsh Lawbooks', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 39 (Summer 2000) 39–64
  • Uhlich, Jürgen, 'Kelten', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 39 (Summer 2000) 65–74

Volume 40

  • Toner, Gregory, 'The Ulster Cycle: historiography or fiction?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 40 (Winter 2000) 1–20
  • Howlett, David, 'A Brittonic curriculum: a British child's ABC 123', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 40 (Winter 2000) 21–26
  • Jacobs, Nicholas, 'Red, brown, and grey cuckoos: a problem in poetic ornithology', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 40 (Winter 2000) 27–34
  • Pearson, Matthew J., 'The creation and development of the St Asaph Cathedral Chapter', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 40 (Winter 2000) 35–56
  • McLeod, Wilson, 'The rhetorical geography of the late medieval Irish chronicles', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 40 (Winter 2000) 57–68

Volume 41

  • Plassmann, Alheydis, 'Gildas and the negative image of the Cymry', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 41 (Summer 2001) 1–16
  • Murray, Kevin, 'The finding of the Táin', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 41 (Summer 2001) 17–24
  • Matonis, A. T. E., A case study: historical and textual aspects of the Welsh bardic grammar', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 41 (Summer 2001) 25–36
  • Sturzer, Ned, How Middle-Welsh expresses the unexpected', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 41 (Summer 2001) 37–54
  • Hunter, Jerry, 'A new edition of the Poets of the Nobility', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 41 (Summer 2001) 55–64

Volume 42

  • Harper, Sally, 'So how many Irishmen went to Glyn Achlach?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 42 (Winter 2001) 1–26
  • Hall, Alaric, 'Gwyr y Gogledd? some Icelandic analogues to Branwen Ferch Lyr', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 42 (Winter 2001) 27–50
  • Breatnach, Pádraig A., 'The aesthetics of Irish bardic composition: an analysis of Fuaras iongnadh, a fhir chumainn by Fearghal Óg Mac an Bhaird', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 42 (Winter 2001) 51–72
  • Rusche, Philip G., 'The Laud herbal glossary and English-Celtic contacts: a reappraisal', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 42 (Winter 2001) 73–82
  • Carey, John, 'Recent work on Celtic Christianity', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 42 (Winter 2001) 83–88

Volume 43

  • Borsje, Jacqueline, 'The meaning of túathcháech in early Irish texts', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 43 (Summer 2002) 1–24
  • McLeod, Wilson, 'Rí Innsi Gall, Rí Fionnghall, Ceannas nan Gàidheal: sovereignty and rhetoric in the late medieval Hebrides', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 43 (Summer 2002) 25–48
  • Poppe, Erich, 'Beues of Hamtoun in Welsh bardic poetry', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 43 (Summer 2002) 49–58
  • Curley, Michael J., 'Five Lectiones for the feast of St Nonita: a text and its context', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 43 (Summer 2002) 59–76
  • Falileyev, Alexander, 'Ptolemy, Revisited, Again', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 43 (Summer 2002) 77–91

Volume 44

  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'The five languages of Wales in the pre-Norman inscriptions', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 44 (Winter 2002) 1–36
  • Carey, John, 'Werewolves in Ireland', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 44 (Winter 2002) 37–72
  • Isaac, Graham R., 'A 'lost' medieval Welsh classic?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 44 (Winter 2002) 73–96
  • Jacobs, Nicholas, 'Lledwag kronffair: what kind of fair and why so little frequented?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 44 (Winter 2002) 97–102
  • Lambert, Pierre-Yves, 'Two Middle-Welsh epithets for horses: trybelid and ffraeth (Breton fraez)', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 44 (Winter 2002) 103–107

Volume 45

  • Young, Simon, 'The Bishops of the Early Medieval Spanish Diocese of Britonia', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 45 (Summer 2003) 1–20
  • Bhreathnach, Edel, 'Tales of Connacht: Cath Airtig, Táin Bó Flidhais, Cath Leithreach Ruibhe, and Cath Cumair', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 45 (Summer 2003) 21–42
  • Smelik, Bernadette, 'The structure of the Irish Arthurian Romance Eachtra Mhacaoimh-an-Iolair', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 45 (Summer 2003) 43–58
  • Russell, Paul, 'Texts in Contexts: Recent work on the Medieval Welsh Prose Tales', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 45 (Summer 2003) 59–72

Volume 46

  • Jaski, Bart, 'We are of the Greeks in our Origin': New Perspectives on the Irish Origin Legend', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 46 (Winter 2003) 1–54
  • Broderick, George, 'Tynwald: a Manx cult-site and Institution of Pre-Scandinavian Origin?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 46 (Winter 2003) 55–94
  • McKenna, Catherine, 'Revising Math: Kingship in the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 46 (Winter 2003) 95–118
  • de Bernardo Stempel, Patrizia, 'Continental Celtic ollo: early Welsh (h)ol(l), Olwen and Culhwch', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 46 (Winter 2003) 119–129

Volume 47

  • Boll, Sheila, 'Seduction, vengeance and frustration in Fingal Rónáin: the role of Foster-Kin in structuring the narrative', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 47 (Summer 2004) 1-16
  • Jones, Nerys Ann, 'Marwysgafyn Veilyr Brydyt: Deathbed poem?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 47 (Summer 2004) 17-40
  • Lloyd-Morgan, Ceridwen, 'Medieval Welsh Tales or Romances? Problems of genre and terminology', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 47 (Summer 2004) 41-58
  • Sjöblom, Tom, 'Mind-stories: a cognitive approach to the role of narratives in early-Irish tradition', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 47 (Summer 2004) 59-72
  • Fomin, Maxim, 'On the notions of death, navigation and the otherworld', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 47 (Summer 2004) 73-80

Volume 48

  • Coe, Jon, 'Dating the boundary clauses in the Book of Llandaff', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 48 (Winter 2004) 1-43
  • Williams, Éimear, 'Aislinge Meic Con Glinne, apples and Byrhtferth's Enchridion', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 48 (Winter 2004) 45-73
  • Ryan, Salvador, 'A Slighted Source: Rehabilitating Irish Bardic Religious Poetry in historical discourse', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 48 (Winter 2004) 75-99
  • Jacobs, Nicholas, 'A Jacksonian emendation revisited: RBH 1030.21-22 bit granclef glew', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 48 (Winter 2004) 101-106

Volume 49

  • Eichhorn-Mulligan, Amy C., 'Togail Bruidne Da Derga and the politics of anatomy', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 49 (Summer 2005) 1-19
  • Rodway, Simon, 'The date and authorship of Culhwch ac Olwen: a reassessment', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 49 (Summer 2005) 21-44
  • Stephenson, David, 'The supremacy in (southern) Powys of Owain Fychan ap Madog: a reconsideration', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 49 (Summer 2005) 45-55
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'Welsh Iâl, Gaulish names in Ial- and -ialo-, and the God Ialonus', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 49 (Summer 2005) 57-72

Volume 50

  • Pollock, Melissa, 'Rebels of the West, 1209–1216', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 50 (Winter 2005) 1-30
  • Sievers, Alfred K., 'The bluest-greyest-greenest eye: Colours of martyrdom and colours of the winds as iconographic landscape', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 50 (Winter 2005) 31-66
  • Stephenson, David, 'Another (large) piece of the jigsaw: The Acts of Welsh rulers', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 50 (Winter 2005) 67-72
  • Zimmer, Stefan, 'Gerald of Wales's alleged Greek mis, tis again', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 50 (Winter 2005) 73-76
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'A new Brittonic Gloss on Boethius: ud rocashaas, ' Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 50 (Winter 2005) 77-86

Volume 51

  • McKee, Ian: 'Gildas: Lessons from History', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 51 (Summer 2006) 1-36
  • Padel, O. J., 'Geoffrey of Monmouth and the development of the Merlin Legend', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 51 (Summer 2006) 37-65
  • Arbuthnot, Sharon J., 'On the name Oscar and two little-known episodes involving the Fían', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 51 (Summer 2006) 67-81
  • McKee, Helen & McKee, James, 'Chance or design? David Howlett's Insular Inscriptions and the problem of coincidence', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 51 (Summer 2006) 83-101

Volume 52

  • Eska, Charlene M., 'Rewarding informers in Cáin Domnaig and the Laws of Wihtred', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 52 (Winter 2006) 1-11
  • Miles, Brent, 'Branwen: a reconsideration of the German and Norse Analogues', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 52 (Winter 2006) 13-48
  • Coates, Richard, 'A brittonic solution of the second element in the place-names Presteigne and Kinsham', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 52 (Winter 2006) 49-64
  • Andrews, Rhiain M. & Stephenson, David, Draig Argoed: Iorwerth Goch ap Maredudd c. 1110-71, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 52 (Winter 2006) 65-91

Volume 53/54: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Celtic Studies 24–30 August 2003, University of Wales, Aberystwyth

  • de Hoz, Javier, 'The Mediterranean Frontier of the Celts and Advent of Celtic Writing', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 53/54 (2007) 1-22
  • Redknap, Mark, 'Crossing Boundaries—stylistic Diversity and external Contacts in Early Medieval Wales and the March: reflections on Metalwork and Sculpture, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 53/54 (2007) 23-86
  • Herbert, Máire, 'Crossing Historical and Literary Boundaries: Irish Written Culture around the Year 1000', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 53/54 (2007) 87-101
  • Ní Dhonnchadha, Máirín, 'Seeing things: Revelation in Gaelic Literature', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 53/54 (2007) 103-112
  • Hunter, Jerry, 'Llywellyn's Breath, Arthur's Nightmare: The Medievalism within Welsh Modernism', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 53/54 (2007) 113-132
  • Black, Ronald, 'How Wrong Can We Be? Peering into the Future of Scottish Gaelic Literature', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 53/54 (2007) 133-146
  • The Congress Excursions, 159

Volume 55

  • Corthals, Johan, 'Why did Fergus rise from this grave?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 55 (Summer 2008) 1-9
  • Parsons, Geraldine, 'The Structure of Acallam na Senórach', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 55 (Summer 2008) 11-39
  • Rodway, Simon, ''Gaulish' megaliths in Ireland?' Gall in Sanas Cormaic, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 55 (Summer 2008) 41-50
  • Jacobs, Nicholas, 'Animadversions on bastardy in the Red Book of Hergest: Early Welsh Gnomic Poems IV.6', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 55 (Summer 2008) 51-59

Volume 56

  • Green, Thomas, 'The British Kingdom of Lindsey', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 56 (Winter 2008) 1-43
  • Stephenson, David, 'Welsh Chronicles' accounts of the mid-twelfth century', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 56 (Winter 2008) 45-57
  • Johnston, Dafydd, 'Semantic ambiguity in Dafydd ap Gwilym's 'Trafferth mewn Tafarn'', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 56 (Winter 2008) 59-74
  • Howlett, David, 'Insular inscriptions and the problem of coincidence: a reply', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 56 (Winter 2008) 75-96
  • McKee, Helen & McKee, James, 'The problem of coincidence: a brief final response', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 56 (Winter 2008) 97-100
  • Rodway, Simon, 'Four new Old Irish courses', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 56 (Winter 2008) 101-104

Volume 57

  • Toner, Gregory, ''Messe ocus Pangur Bán': Structure and Cosmology', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 57 (Summer 2009) 1-22
  • Blom, Alderik H., 'The Welsh Glosses in the Vocabularium Cornicum', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 57 (Summer 2009) 23-40
  • Stephenson, David, 'Mawl Hywel ap Goronwy: Dating and Context', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 57 (Summer 2009) 41-49
  • Murray, Kevin, 'Reviews, Reviewers, and Critical Texts', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 57 (Summer 2009) 51-70
  • Breatnach, Liam, 'Reviews, Reviewers, and Critical Texts: A Brief Final Response', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 57 (Summer 2009) 71-73
  • Uhlich, Jürgen, Reviews, Reviewers, and Critical Texts: A Brief Final Response', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 57 (Summer 2009) 75-79
  • Recent Books, 81-101

Volume 58

  • EDITORIAL, 'The European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 58 (Winter 2009) 1-8
  • Stancliffe, Clare, 'Creator and Creation: A Preliminary Investigaton of Early Irish Views and their Relationship to Biblical and Patristic Traditions', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 58 (Winter 2009) 9-27
  • Turner, Peter, 'Identity in Gildas's De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 58 (Winter 2009) 29-48
  • Smith, G. Rex, 'The Penmachno Letter Patent and the Welsh Uprising of 1294–95', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 58 (Winter 2009) 49-67
  • McKenna, Catherine, 'What Dreams May Come Must Give Us Pause': Breudwyt Ronabwy and the Red Book of Hergest, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 58 (Winter 2009) 69-99
  • Recent Books, 101-109

Volume 59

  • Rodway, Simon, 'Mermaids, Leprechauns, and Fomorians: A Middle Irish Account of the Descendants of Cain', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 59 (Summer 2010) 1-17
  • Arbuthnot, Sharon, 'Obscurities in Dúil Dromma Cetta: Insights into a Lost Exemplar and Form-Oriented Scribing', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 59 (Summer 2010) 19-37
  • Boyle, Elizabeth, 'Eschatological Justice in Scéla Laí Brátha' Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 59 (Summer 2010) 39-54
  • Bray, Dorothy Ann , 'Ireland's Other Apostle: Cogitosus' St Brigit', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 59 (Summer 2010) 55-70
  • Lewis, Barry J., 'Celtic Ecocriticism', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 59 (Summer 2010) 71-82

Volume 60

  • Moran, Pádraic, 'Hebrew in Early Irish Glossaries', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 60 (Winter 2010) 1-22
  • Stephenson, David, 'Gerald of Wales and Annales Cambriae', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 60 (Winter 2010) 23-38
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'Shrewsbury School MS 7 and the Breton Lays', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 60 (Winter 2010) 39-80
  • Smith, G. Rex, 'The Manor of Aberffraw, 1284–1339', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 60 (Winter 2010) 81-92
  • Recent Books, 93ff

Volume 61

  • Brett, Caroline, 'Soldiers, Saints, and States? The Breton Migrations Revisited', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 61 (Summer 2011) 1-56
  • Hutton, Ronald, 'Medieval Welsh Literature and Pre-Christian Deities', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 61 (Summer 2011) 57-86
  • Toorians, Lauran, 'Reclusive Blackbirds and a Scholarly 'White Fuller'. Two Notes on Irish 'Nature Poetry'', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 61 (Summer 2011) 87-90
  • Recent Books, 91ff

Volume 62

  • Williams, Mark, 'Lady Vengeance:' A Reading of Sín in Aided Muirchertaig meic Erca', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 62 (Winter 2011) 1-32
  • O'Sullivan, Sinéad, 'The Corpus Martianus Capella: Continental Gloss Traditions on De Nuptiis in Wales and Anglo-Saxon England', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 62 (Winter 2011) 33-56
  • Luft, Diana, 'The Meaning of mabinogi', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 62 (Winter 2011) 57-80
  • Jacobs, Nicholas, 'Geufel: An Unidentified Plant in the Red Book Gorwynion', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 62 (Winter 2011) 81-88
  • Recent Books, 89ff

Volume 63

  • Russell, Paul, 'The englyn to St Padam revisited', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 63 (Summer 2012) 1-14
  • Clarke, Michael, 'The Lore of the Monstruous Races in the Developing Text of the Irish Sex Aetates Mundi', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 63 (Summer 2012) 15-50
  • Rowland, Jenny, 'The Maiming of Horses in Branwen', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 63 (Summer 2012) 51-70
  • Ivanov, Sergey, 'On the Later Development of the Legend of Portents at Christ's Birth', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 63 (Summer 2012) 71-90
  • Smith, G. Rex, 'On the Extent of the Lordship of Chirk, 1332', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 63 (Summer 2012) 91-100
  • Recent Books, 101ff

Volume 64

  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'Celtic Civilization: Continuity or Coincidence?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 64 (Winter 2012) 1-45
  • Bisagni, Jacopo, ''Leprechaun': A New Etymology', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 64 (Winter 2012) 47-84
  • Falilleyev, Alexander, 'Why Jews? Why 'Caer Seon'? Towards Interpretations of 'Ymddiddan Taliesin ac Ugnach?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 64 (Winter 2012) 85-118
  • Recent Books, 119ff

Volume 65

  • O'Connor, Ralph, 'Compilation as Creative Artistry: A Reassessment of 'Narrative Inconsistency' in Togail Bruidne Da Derga', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 65 (Summer 2013) 1-48
  • Arbuthnot, Sharon J., 'Only Fools and Horses: dá n-ó bill and dá n-ó pill in Medieval Irish Texts', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 65 (Summer 2013) 49-56
  • Roberts, Richard Glyn, 'The Functions and Distribution of pei and bei in Early Middle Welsh', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 65 (Summer 2013) 57-90
  • Recent Books, 91ff

Volume 66

  • Evans, Nicholas, 'Circin and Mag Gerginn: Pictish Territories in Irish and Scottish Sources', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 66 (Winter 2013) 1-36
  • Follett, Westley, 'The Veneration of St Michael at Tallaght: The Evidence of 'Archangelum mirum magnum', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 66 (Winter 2013) 37-56
  • Stephenson, David, 'Crisis and Continuity in a Fourteenth-Century Welsh Lordship: The Struggle for Powys, 1312–32', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 66 (Winter 2013) 57-78
  • Carey, John, 'Druids and Buddhists in Ogygia', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 66 (Winter 2013) 79-85
  • Recent Books, 85ff

Volume 67

  • Miller, Jimmy P., 'The Feminization of the Early Irish Hero', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 67 (Summer 2014) 1-31
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'Powys and Early Welsh Poetry', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 67 (Summer 2014) 33-54
  • Matheson, Anna, 'Itinerant Drúith and the Mark of Cain in O'Davoren's Glossary', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 67 (Summer 2014) 55-71
  • O'Brien, Conor, 'Exegesis as Argument: The Use of Ephesians 2,14 in Cummian's De Controverisa Paschali', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 67 (Summer 2014) 73-81
  • Recent Books, 83ff

Volume 68

  • Breatnach, Liam, 'Forms of payment in the Early Irish Law Tracts', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 68 (Winter 2014) 1-20
  • O'Hogan, Cillian, 'Reading Lucan with Scholia in Medieval Ireland: In Cath Catharda and its Sources', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 68 (Winter 2014) 21-49
  • Hemming, Jessica, 'I Could Love a Man with Those Three Colours': Gazing and the Tricoloured Beloved', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 68 (Winter 2014) 51-67
  • Poppe, Erich, 'How to Achieve an Optimal Textual Fit in Middle Welsh Clauses', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 68 (Winter 2014) 69-100
  • Recent Books, 101ff

Volume 69/70 [= H. M. Chadwick and the Study of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic in Cambridge, ed. Michael Lapidge]

  • Lapidge, Michael, 'Introduction: The Study of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic in Cambridge, 1878–1999', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 69/70 (2014) 1–58
  • Lapidge, Michael, 'Hector Munro Chadwick', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 69/70 (2014) 58–82
  • Dance, Richard, 'H. M. Chadwick and Old English Philology', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 69/70 (2014) 83–97
  • Clunies Ross, Margaret, 'H. M. Chadwick and The Cult of Othin', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 69/70 (2014) 98–110
  • Keynes, Simon, 'H. M. Chadwick and Anglo-Saxon England', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 69/70 (2014) 111–41
  • Naismith, Rory, , 'H. M. Chadwick and the Anglo-Saxon Monetary System', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 69/70 (2014) 143–56
  • Padel, Oliver, 'Celtic, Pictish and Germanic Onomastics in the Work of H. M. Chadwick', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 69/70 (2014) 157–70
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'H. M. Chadwick and Early Wales', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 69/70 (2014) 171–82
  • Ní Mhaonaigh, Máire, 'The Growth of Literature: The Celtic Dimension', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 69/70 (2014) 183–97
  • Henderson, Isabel, 'Letters to a Pupil: Correspondence from Nora K. Chadwick to Isabel B. Henderson (née Murray), 1955–1967', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 69/70 (2014) 215–229
  • Appendices, 231–78

Volume 71

  • Pryce, Huw, 'Medieval Welsh History in the Victorian Age', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 71 (Summer 2016) 1–28
  • Peters, Cherie N., 'Translating Food Shortages in the Irish Chronicles, A.D. 500–1170', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 71 (Summer 2016) 29–58
  • Eska, Charlene M., 'On the Swearing of Oaths in Cemeteries', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 71 (Summer 2016) 51–67
  • Poppe, Erich, 'How to Achieve an Optimal Textual Fit in Middle Welsh Clauses', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 71 (Summer 2016) 59–70
  • Recent Books, 71ff

Volume 72

  • Wadden, Patrick, 'The Frankish Table of Nations in Insular Historiography', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 72 (Winter 2016) 1–31
  • De Bernardo Stempel, Patrizia, 'A Reassessment of Fingal Rónáin: Theatrical Plot and Classical Origins', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 72 (Winter 2016) 33–71
  • Stephenson, David, 'In Search of a Welsh Chronicler: The Annales Cambriae B-text for 1204–30', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 72 (Winter 2016) 73–85
  • Poppe, Erich, 'The Theme of Counsel in Ystoria Gereint uab Erbin, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 72 (Winter 2016) 87–96
  • Recent Books, 97ff

Volume 73

  • Lewis, Barry J., 'A Possible Provenance for the Old Cornish Vocabulary', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 73 (Summer 2017) 1–14
  • Carey, John, 'The Miracle of St Patrick's Cup', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 73 (Summer 2017) 15–20
  • Haycock, Marged & Patrick Sims-Williams, 'Welsh vch "fox?" in the Book of Taliesin', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 73 (Summer 2017) 21–30
  • Falileyev, Alexander, 'Welsh Equivalents to the Irish fían? Some Further Considerations on Juvenile Delinquency in Medieval Wales', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 73 (Summer 2017) 31–59
  • Recent Books, 61ff

Volume 74

  • Padel, O. J., 'Where Was Middle Cornish Spoken?', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 74 (Winter 2017) 1–31
  • Löffler, Marion, 'Famous First Words: "Never In My Life Will I Master Gaelic" — Kuno Meyer in his Diaries and Correspondence', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 74 (Winter 2017) 33–39
  • Coates, Richard, 'Welsh Lloegr "England"', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 74 (Winter 2017) 41–45
  • Rodway, Simon, 'Affectionate Cannibalism and the Blood Drinking Motif in Gaelic Literature', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 74 (Winter 2017) 47–65
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'The Kings of Morgannwg and Gwent in Asser's Life of King Alfred', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 74 (Winter 2017) 67–81
  • Egeler, Matthias, 'Recent Work on "Celtic Religion"', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 74 (Winter 2017) 83–91
  • Recent Books, 93ff

Volume 75

  • Guy, Ben, 'The Life of St Dyfrig and the Lost Charters of Moccas (Mochros), Herefordshire', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 75 (Summer 2018) 1–37
  • Stephenson, David, 'Events at Nefyn, c. 1200: The Plundering of King John's Irish Hounds and Hawks', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 75 (Summer 2018) 39–43
  • Plass, Stephanie, 'The Scholar and the Archbishop: New Evidence for Dating Gerald of Wales's Letter to Stephen Langton', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 75 (Summer 2018) 45–52
  • Uhlich, Jürgen, 'The Poems of Blathmac', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 75 (Summer 2018) 53–77
  • Recent Books, 79ff

Volume 76

  • Indices to CMCS, 1–75 (1981–2018), Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 76 (Winter 2018) 1–34
  • O'Loughlin, Thomas, 'Reading Muirchú's Life of St Patrick as a "Sacred Narration"', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 76 (Winter 2018) 35–51
  • Yeurc'h, Bertrand, 'Poher and Cornouaille in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 76 (Winter 2018) 53–87
  • Arbuthnot, Sharon J., 'On Some Irish Words for Birds and Insects: Revisiting the eDIL Entries on gaillén and certán', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 76 (Winter 2018) 89–101
  • Recent Books, 103ff

Volume 77: Sir John Rhys (1840–1915)

  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'Preface', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 77 (Summer 2019) 1–2
  • Rodway, Simon, 'New Light on Rhys's Lectures on Welsh Philology', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 77 (Summer 2019) 3–16
  • Russell, Paul, 'Networks of Letters: Correspondence between Rhys, Stokes, and Bradshaw', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 77 (Summer 2019) 17–31
  • Charles-Edwards, T. M., 'John Rhys and the Jesus Chair of Celtic at Oxford', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 77 (Summer 2019) 33–45
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick, 'John Rhys and the Insular Inscriptions', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 77 (Summer 2019) 47–64
  • Lewin, Christopher, 'John Rhys: A Pioneer in the Study of Manx', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 77 (Summer 2019) 65–95
  • Falileyev, Alexander, 'Professore Giovanni Rhys' and Some of his 'Gleanings in the Italian Field of Celtic Epigraphy', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 77 (Summer 2019) 97–110
  • Davies, Elgan Philip, 'The Sir John Rhys Bequest to Aberystwyth University', Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 77 (Summer 2019) 111–116

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